Is there a list of all the hot keys? Would like to switch between my units without having to click on them with the mouse.
It begs the question, of course, of whether or not a 5% health boost vs a 2% accuracy boost actually changes anything in the game though. I would hope that they would have tested all that and the minor bonuses even out, but there's no way to be sure.
Maybe I've become cynical of ranking systems, but it just feels like the bulletins are the carrots that they are trying to use to get people to stay on the treadmill. I think the last unlock is at 85, which is crazy.
Is there a list of all the hot keys? Would like to switch between my units without having to click on them with the mouse.
Is there a list of all the hot keys? Would like to switch between my units without having to click on them with the mouse.
Ok, I really miss the games browser. There's no way to a game besides automatch, is there? It especially sucks because there seems to be now way I can figure out to find recent players? At least allow me post game to click them in chat and invite them to my party.
Also, other really weird complaint: the click pointer is so bad (the little green arrows that appear). Not visually pleasing at all.
But man, that gameplay is there. Screw the lame ranking and strange UI choices...fix the framerate and I'll be sucked in like CoH1.
I also think that visually it actually is a good step up from the original.
Booted up the game.
Looked at my frame rate.
What a joke.
You probably shouldn't play multiplayer games then.
I actually think the winter element of the front was turned into gameplay mechanics in really interesting ways, blizzards can make for interesting tide shifts and holy shit, the thick of a storm actually feels like just that. If every map had winter elements, it might get old, but luckily that's not the case. Weird how what I thought would be the gimmick turned out great, but what I though sounded gamechanging - "truesight" - I haven't *really* noticed affecting my play.Go use a T-34 to ram a Tiger on a frozen river, then drop an AT barrage on the ice after the engineer blob arrives to repair it. "Sometimes a tank falls through the ice on a frozen river." Sometimes. Props to Relic for "gamifiying" the spirit that resorted to tactics such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_ramming#Soviet_Union
Overclocked i7-2600k and GTX 590; Quite a bit better than a 560. 320.49 drivers -- Frame rate is all over the place during gameplay, 30-60fps on not even maxed settings and as low as 20 in cutscenes. Average seems to be about 45, maybe closer to 50. Game stutters like crazy and the graphics are, to be quite honest, ugly overall. Some of the effects are very nice.Dont you have a 560? Cannot remember... if so.. do not expect the world obviously.
I actually think the winter element of the front was turned into gameplay mechanics in really interesting ways, blizzards can make for interesting tide shifts and holy shit, the thick of a storm actually feels like just that. If every map had winter elements, it might get old, but luckily that's not the case. Weird how what I thought would be the gimmick turned out great, but what I though sounded gamechanging - "truesight" - I haven't *really* noticed affecting my play.
By the way - I played you and your crew a number of times back in the GFW days. Let's just say I'm glad there are no tank flails in this game..
Overclocked i7-2600k and GTX 590; Quite a bit better than a 560. 320.49 drivers -- Frame rate is all over the place during gameplay, 30-60fps on not even maxed settings and as low as 20 in cutscenes. Average seems to be about 45, maybe closer to 50. Game stutters like crazy and the graphics are, to be quite honest, ugly overall. Some of the effects are very nice.
I'm not even going to bother continuing with the game until they fix it.
But some of the effects drop it down to 30, so it will be 45-50 for a while, then something will happen, like an explosion, and it drops to 30 and then back up to 50. It's extremely jarring and upsetting.I've never been as much into perf as I have been into gameplay. Shame to hear. So the thinking is that 50 FPS is unplayable? Great game if you can slum with the 50. : (
I agree that it doesn't make much of a difference, but I'd rather not have it there at all. In this type of game I don't get any enjoyment from free play time bonuses. My reward for playing is a deeper understanding of the mechanics. Even Call of Duty subverts its own unlock mechanic for competitive play.Of course it won't, engagements usually turns out a lot more lopsided to let a 2-5% bonus change the course of the battle. It's just a nice thing to have for some units you use a lot, have a lot of them to slightly boost their effectiveness.
Link to more info on this tournament?Looking forward to the tournament this weekendI want to see how top level 1 vs 1 starts to play out.
There are two types of key setups in options:
1.) Classic Hotkeys (when you set Classic Hotkeys to ON)
This assigns unique buttons to each ability and is at the whim of the devs but the attempt is to find a logical letter key for the ability (so Attack Move is "A" and Stop is "S").
2.) Grid Keys (when you set Classic Hotkeys to OFF)
Assigns abilities / build instructions in the lower right menu now adhere to a grid:
I think TGB are for unit upgrades.
If you have multiple units selected, you can cycle between those units by pressing Tab. This will subselect the first unit in your selection and subsequent Tab presses will move to the next unit and so on. Pressing Tab with the last unit of your selection subselected will reselect the entire squad so you can issue orders to everyone again.
Base Buildings
You the F1-F5 keys select your buildings in tier order. Main base is F1 and tier 4 building is F5.
If I find a reference sheet, I'll let you know. Hope this helps a bit?
You can cycle through them with tab key as shrapnelmagnet posted or use the top right corner icon shortcuts. Double click on those and you'll have that unit centered on the game screen.
very helpful, thanks!
Is there a manual or anything? And yeah, if you find a reference sheet, please let me know. I rarely play RTS so every little bit helps.
Explain yourself, or was this a baseless attempt at antagonising?
You seem so sure that the ranking doesn't mean anything, yet you're totally ignoring the fact that the rank in CoH2 is based on how often you've played. So regardless of 'ability boosts', it still pairs new people to the game against veterans and there is no way to choose who you play against accept for private games.
So unless you're happy to play against friends all the time, there's no way to ensure you get something even similar to a 'fair' match up. How is this not an issue for those that want it?
I agree that it doesn't make much of a difference, but I'd rather not have it there at all. In this type of game I don't get any enjoyment from free play time bonuses. My reward for playing is a deeper understanding of the mechanics. Even Call of Duty subverts its own unlock mechanic for competitive play.
Link to more info on this tournament?
Don't agree with your condescending summary at all.
Additionally, getting owned is never a bad thing because you can go back and watch replays and learn a thing or two.
Ok so nothing changed since the first beta then.I'm sorry, but a 2v2 with 3 rank 40's and 1 rank 5 is not going to be a fun game. Nor is a game with 2 rank 40's against 2 rank 5-10's.
There's plenty of players in the pool. The game is just doing a shit job of picking fair teams.
Sounds like they need to hide the ranks and make it a personal thing if people freak out like that.
Relative newcomer to the series but why the hell can't I zoom out more to see all my units?
Unit tracking is woefully obtuse in this.
Cool top 10 in 2v2 AT. What was your user name and who was your team mate in CoH1?
Sounds like they need to hide the ranks and make it a personal thing if people freak out like that.
Ah, thank you.If you want a better situational view, press Numpad 0 - That gives you a fullscreen map.
( There might be another hotkey in the WSAD range but since I use my keyboard to map scroll and WSAD doesn't do that, I usually have my hand on the arrow buttons )
I am not saying that rank should be what is used to balance multiplayer but it's an easy way to describe what I saw ( in the beta ( no single player ) at least ). Playing with a friend ( both of us rank 2-3 if my memory is right ) against rank 15-20 while at that point we never won a single game outside easy bot; and get oblitarated by them, and that at least 2 of 3 times in a raw can't mean there is a good hidden mmr behind it ( while I do see big battle rank disparity in dota 2 yet definitly see it try to make balanced games ).Indeed. I can't believe we go through this rank farce in every single game ever. Especially in FPS games people moan about it all the time.
At rank 8 I beat a level 38 - Oh no, magic.
At rank 12 I got my ass handed to me by a level 2, which was a guy who played the Alpha a metric ton - Oh no, magic.
It's a game where you can get fucking XP from single-player and AI skirmish matches, fuck sake! Rank IS meaningless. People just see that number and suddenly they go into overdrive. Get rid of that number, make people stop just play against their opponent with their defeatist "Oh he's higher rank than me" attitude and we might get a better community.
Yeah, let's obfuscate the problem instead of fixing it.
That'll make everything better!
elyetis said:I am not saying that rank should be what is used to balance multiplayer but it's an easy way to describe what I saw ( in the beta ( no single player ) at least ). Playing with a friend ( both of us rank 2-3 if my memory is right ) against rank 15-20 while at that point we never won a single game outside easy bot; and get oblitarated by them, and that at least 2 of 3 times in a raw can't mean there is a good hidden mmr behind it ( while I do see big battle rank disparity in dota 2 yet definitly see it try to make balanced games ).
In dota someone with 3 loss 0 win usually doesn't end up playing against players whith 30 wins-30 loose. It's because few games are not enough for the mmr to really work, that you should almost exclusivly play against players with also very few games at the begining, even more so when you keep loosing.No matter how good or bad the mmr is, 2-3 games is not enough for any system to do it's job.
I mean in Dota 2 I have winning streaks of 10 games and sometimes I get straight up stomped 5 times in the row. It happens.
In dota someone with 3 loss 0 win usually doesn't end up playing against players whith 30 wins-30 loose. It's because few games are not enough for the mmr to really work, that you should almost exclusivly play against players with also very few games at the begining, even more so when you keep loosing.
Then I would like to be able to choose if I prefere a fast mm or a balanced one, I prefere waiting 15 min for a match to have an interesting match than 3-5 min to get raped. If well made it would even allow me to play in single player while it look for opponents.There might not be enough people queuing that have only played a few games. Unless we have access to the system it's very hard to judge it.
Are there any shoutcasts on YouTube at this point? I need something to get me excited for this game.