That is a sexy cube. But there can only be one GOAT:
And I have everything in that picture, hehehe.
Haven't played Melee in several months, but I wanna try and pick it up again since I was doing pretty well before Sm4sh dropped. Doc is dead to me now though, so I wonder who to play? Maybe Pikachu or Sheik...
Pikachu doesn't get enough love I think. But his learning curve seems really steep.Haven't played Melee in several months, but I wanna try and pick it up again since I was doing pretty well before Sm4sh dropped. Doc is dead to me now though, so I wonder who to play? Maybe Pikachu or Sheik...
Far from the easiest character to learn and use well, but![]()
I've also heard Fox is kinda good, but I dunno.
Pikachu doesn't get enough love I think. But his learning curve seems really steep.
Awesome to hear that we're back. ^.^
Not just back, already confirmed for Sunday.
What games are on Sunday again? my stream died around that point
I beleive Mr. Wizard said marvel would be on saturday.Marvel, Melee, SFV, Xrd, and MKX in some order.
Ya it was awesome to see so much melee love in that thread.Melee in that fucking stadium is going to be so sweet. I NEED TO BE IN VEGAS THAT WEEKEND.
Also, this thread is one of the main reasons why Melee is still so exciting after all these years. No other game like it, certainly not any other fighting games. Allows personal expression like no other game.
I finally got around to testing the HDMI adapter I got for Christmas. It's the Sewell one.
If you have a display worth using it with, it makes for a nice alternative to a CRT. Felt great with my VH326H. Don't expect my TV to be up to snuff, Nintendont felt slightly off with it so I'm sure this adapter will too. Unless Nintendont has some innate latency I don't know about.
I wonder how long until Gamecube gets this treatment:
Assuming it's perfect and lag free, someone out there is missing out on a potential goldmine with the Smash community.
Got ranked 8th in my universities smash club and was so close to taking out number 6 in a ranking match. I gotta lab my samus more!
Anyone know when non-stream vods for genesis 3 will be out?
Not toooo long, if the GC community thread is anything to go by. Folks talking about it getting a digital port -> HDMI converter so it wouldn't even require modding. Obvious downside is that it requires a DOL-001 Cube.
HDMI Wii mod would also be good, if only because damn near every Wii would work rather than only half-ish. Wiis without GC support are a small minority.
just saw that. pretty cool.
but yeah, HDMI Wii mod probably makes waaaaaaay more sense just considering how huge the install base is, PLUS with how easy it is to mod you can basically play every console ever on a HDTV.
also melee hd confirmed for nx
There hasn't been like a unified movement in the Melee community get an HD version right? Now might be the time, we've never had better visibility and Nintendo seems to be interested in porting Smash to NX...
Of course with that rumor of Namco Bandai developing the port it doesn't seem too likely they will touch Melee.
just saw that. pretty cool.
but yeah, HDMI Wii mod probably makes waaaaaaay more sense just considering how huge the install base is, PLUS with how easy it is to mod you can basically play every console ever on a HDTV.
also melee hd confirmed for nx
I wouldn't even want to see a Melee HD port unless the community was involved one way or the other. Even if it's just the guys at Twitch, Prog, etc. Without community input I think they would screw it up more likely than not, and that would potentially fracture the community. Not to mention refusing the new version would make the community look bad.
Easy. You put in the option to choose old balance or new balance.
I've thought a lot about this. I should get around to writing it all down some time.
I've said the same thing before. I don't trust them to come up with that idea themselves though, and I especially don't trust them to feel it's a good idea. This is the company that loves simple everything, and a "complicated" option like selecting which balance you want to use doesn't fit their MO.
Not that I'm saying Nintendo would add such an option in a hypothetical Melee HD, but Smash is not exactly a series that keeps things "simple" feature-wise.
I wouldn't even want to see a Melee HD port unless the community was involved one way or the other. Even if it's just the guys at Twitch, Prog, etc. Without community input I think they would screw it up more likely than not, and that would potentially fracture the community. Not to mention refusing the new version would make the community look bad.
What would they even do to screw it up? I don't think they'd deliberately mess with the mechanics of the game, or at least not to the point where the community would dislike the game. If they make Melee HD it's because they know the competitive community wants it. If they're not aware of this and the basic idea of why people like Melee as a competitive game then they're not making Melee HD because it wouldn't really make much sense otherwise, given that most non-competitive people see Smash as an iterative series that just gets better with each release. It would make more sense for them to put effort into remastering the Mario Galaxy games or the Metroid Prime games or something.
Keep in mind, I don't think that the higher-ups at Nintendo (not NoA, Nintendo itself) care about the competitive community a whole lot. Which is why I think it's more likely that we don't get Melee HD. I'm just saying that if we do, I highly doubt they'd screw it up. The only thing I can think of is if they add characters and the majority of the community doesn't like said new characters.
I expect they would try to "modernize" it. Rebalance it, make the game visually smoother by changing things with visual quirks like dash dancing, "leveling the playing field" by removing l canceling and wavedashing (which would be possible by maxing traction during an air dodge).
Or put another way, I irrationally expect Nintendo to do anything I don't want them to do because they keep fucking up franchises I like.
I guess I kept thinking about the differences from NTSC -> PAL which I don't think are significant enough or change the metagame to the point that the community wouldn't embrace over the advantage of convince (as well as having a version that's unified across all regions). But a full on HD remaster might likely have changes more significant than that.
I expect they would try to "modernize" it. Rebalance it, make the game visually smoother by changing things with visual quirks like dash dancing, "leveling the playing field" by removing l canceling and wavedashing (which would be possible by maxing traction during an air dodge).
Or put another way, I irrationally expect Nintendo to do anything I don't want them to do because they keep fucking up franchises I like.
I expect they would try to "modernize" it. Rebalance it, make the game visually smoother by changing things with visual quirks like dash dancing, "leveling the playing field" by removing l canceling and wavedashing (which would be possible by maxing traction during an air dodge).
Or put another way, I irrationally expect Nintendo to do anything I don't want them to do because they keep fucking up franchises I like.
Melee is played on CRTS because the input delay is superior to modern displays, right? Is that purely because of CRTs, or is it because that's how the game was designed?
I ask because of the possibility of melee HD. Would CRTS still be preferred even if the remake were designed for newer monitors?
Melee is played on CRTS because the input delay is superior to modern displays, right? Is that purely because of CRTs, or is it because that's how the game was designed?
I ask because of the possibility of melee HD. Would CRTS still be preferred even if the remake were designed for newer monitors?
JC: What do you think about Mew2Kings Peach? Do you like it when he switches to Peach?
MB: I both like it and dont like it. I like it because his Peach honestly sucks. He also plays the matchup like Peach loses. He camps the whole time, he doesnt engage, and waits for you to make mistakes, and then capitalizes on her punish game on the Ice Climbers.
I like it because his Peach honestly sucks.