Compulsion Games Community Manager Katie Robinson recently claimed, “I hate gamers.” , "White Male Gamers Were A Mistake"

Mark Kern. His game dev career flatlined, but he's found significant success online by whipping the outraged online mob into railing about 'woke' games. A grifter, through and through.

So you'll be boycotting Insomniac, too? Grummz has called out their Senior community manager over similar tweets.
He sounds like a man of character.


Gold Member



I gotta say, I am getting really fucking tired of being vilified by these assholes. Again, a lot of us grew up in a time where our hobby was seen as "for losers" and made fun of cuz we weren't into other things that were more we got people like this telling me I don't belong in the hobby that was targeted to me for decades. Fuck off already.
And video games friendship were all lies, games taught me that life isn't just about money, and if you base your friendship on status, money, class, business, you lose it's real purpose.
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Mark Kern. His game dev career flatlined, but he's found significant success online by whipping the outraged online mob into railing about 'woke' games. A grifter, through and through.

So you'll be boycotting Insomniac, too? Grummz has called out their Senior community manager over similar tweets.
Yes fuck them


About Insomniac--I was playing through Spiderman 2 yesterday and came across the bridge scene where the black deaf girl talks about how her style juxtaposes "black history and black futurism." It was sub-titled, so you had to read what she was saying. It seemed obviously planted and out of place, like someone went far out of their way to bury that commentary into the game to satisfy some kind of quota. Barf, puke, gag. It HAS TO STOP. Why can we just not have the story for the story's sake? Why do the DEI assholes have to insert their garbage where it does not belong? What is next? Is Mario going to encounter a trans princess peach? Is princess Zelda going to come out as lesbian? Enough is enough.
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As she represents Compulsion Games. Is she representing the companies feelings. You can't just come out with stuff like that. You are the company, brand and ambassador when messaging. Either way she has to be kicked out. Or they may as well be called Racist Games.


Don't give two shits about what the community manager said about anyone or anything. All I care about is the game which looks freaking great and if it plays as good as how it looks, even better. Can't freaking wait!!! Hyped!!!
I do, and will not buy any other game from them, even if she is only their community manager she is still the person representing them to the public. They choose her, and I choose not to give them my money.


Don't give two shits about what the community manager said about anyone or anything. All I care about is the game which looks freaking great and if it plays as good as how it looks, even better. Can't freaking wait!!! Hyped!!!
you dont care about her but you do know that a part of the money that you spend on the game goes in her pocket right ? its like giving money to your bully ( assuming you are a white male)


Don't give two shits about what the community manager said about anyone or anything. All I care about is the game which looks freaking great and if it plays as good as how it looks, even better. Can't freaking wait!!! Hyped!!!
If it plays as good as it looks?

I read they focused on graphics and music over gameplay, so I might wait and see on this one tbh.

Want a link, it's in the other thread I think?
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Gold Member
If anyone is looking for a job, just apply to game companies.

Looks like they’ll hire any retard, and give them a decent salary, desk, PC and you can basically say anything on social media and no bosses care.

Even if you badmouth gamers, bosses or just be political, it seems you get a lot of latitude to do what you want.


If anyone is looking for a job, just apply to game companies.

Looks like they’ll hire any retard, and give them a decent salary, desk, PC and you can basically say anything on social media and no bosses care.

Even if you badmouth gamers, bosses or just be political, it seems you get a lot of latitude to do what you want.
Yeah but people here are probably male and most likely white. No wag HR hires you.

Didn’t thru happen with Bud Light? Yet keeps happening to gamers and they do nothing.


Another septum ring and child's wall drawings tattooed on her arms and legs with an opinion on one race and one gender combination for some fucking reason.
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