I'm fluent in Chinese, here's the translation.
These "megaton photos" are from an American videogame forums (
www.forums.gaming-age.com), showing off the enviroment of an American player's room. Let's see how what kind of enviroment do an average American players play in.........
他说<Metroid Prime>不在,借给他兄弟了"
Player BuddyChrist83:
He says <Metroid Prime> is not here as his brother borrowed it.
Player Bebpo:
It's missing my GBA games because it was put inside the drawers.
Player robertsan21:
This PSone is his very own self-coloured PSone. There is only one of this in the world ! Most of his games are at his home in Switzerland, so only a few of his games are shown in these photos.
Player iapetus:
He uses projected overhead to play his games.
"玩家The Take Out Bandit:"
Player "The Take Out Bandit":
Player atomsk:
Player johnjohnson
Player Shompola:
"玩家bobbyconover :"
Player bobbyconover:
I also noticed there's a little comment section at the bottom of this page, so I also translated all the comments.
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 zp770326 回复于 2004-06-23 13:00:18
两台PS2有什么用??? "
What's the use of two PS2 ???
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 oltra 回复于 2004-06-23 13:21:02
Now I will need a NGC, an S-Component, and a Pikmin 1 and it will add up to be $1340
*I'm not exactly sure what this comment is about @_@
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 魔鬼筋肉人 回复于 2004-06-23 15:24:54
I don't suppose there are lots of Americans who have such advance gaming equipments, right ? So many specialty equipments for certain games. And is that red thing with three legs a VirtualBoy ? Wow, so advance...
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 将有蛀齿 回复于 2004-06-23 16:21:02
I don't know, shit man, they must be all some sort of videogame shop owner. I'm still here playing ancient 8-bits tank games.
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 玉树临风正版 回复于 2004-06-23 17:07:09
The only thing that impressed me is their abilities to keep their rooms clean. Man, if I have so many junks/items in my place, it'd be nastier than a pig's hole.
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 E部落编外搞笑员 回复于 2004-06-24 17:46:56
楼上的,我猜他一定是知道这些照片要发表出来,所以才把巨乱的屋子整理这么干净。 玩游戏都知道,一旦玩起来哪有时间,哪有心思收拾?"
To the person above me, I bet all these gamers knew their photos would be published to the public, that's why they cleaned their messy rooms before taking those photos. We all know, as gamers, that once we start playing games, we definitely don't have any motivation to clean anything up.
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 天翔无忌 回复于 2004-06-24 17:58:55
不知道何年何月才能混出头`~~ "
So rich...
Holy shit, selling the items from any of these photos would be able to save me from my current financial crisis !!!
No idea when I'll finally be able to have a life~~
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 小姐免惊 回复于 2004-06-26 06:47:53
Obviously for a real gamer, they will have several copies of the same thing.
But, it's not like they own all these consoles (PS2. XBox), they're most likely taken there by their friends when they play together.
"回复:国外玩家的游戏环境 惨吗是呀 回复于 2004-06-30 16:14:09
Yes, they probably borrowed their friends' consoles and put them together and take a photo of it to show how rich they are. Either way, any normal white people like to go out and do outdoor activities instead of this.
"复:国外玩家的游戏环境 拉拉拉 回复于 2004-07-05 01:15:06
I am not impressed.
I am an expert player in FC.
I have joined FC, anybody interested in playing ?