Played the demo at work. The game is really highly polished from first impressions. I've been looking forward to it since it was announced at E3.
Seems really silly that the Xbox One isn't getting the game given there's a 360 version. Oh well, ended up pre-ordering the PC version on sale a while back and I'm now also getting the PS4 version through plus it seems. Looking forward to it!
Played an hour and a bit, really liking the jazz noir atmosphere. The story seems to be going into a much darker place than I expected. Most of all, I like how open the city is where I can hunt for collectibles that are not just there but show memories or notes that give background to the proceedings and characters.
You can go into the shadows in most places, and it feels more dynamic than other shadow puzzle games.
My one complaint is the very UE 3 browns that reminded me of the London sections in Alice Madness Returns. Thankfully, there's enough colour and neon in the architecture to offset it.
It's nice to hear Adam Jensen do a less gruff voice to show off his range. Or at least I'm pretty darn sure that's him.
Dawn is a cutie.
And I'm a sucker for dashing in games.
Played a few minutes of the Steam version. The little girl slid across the ground in a broken animation really early on.
Anyone else have that problem?
Wait just to clarify. I got my ps4 today. If I sign up for ps+, i can download contrast for free?
I'm curious if the French voice acting is good. I didn't even really think about that as an option when I started the game. The English acting was surprisingly decent, I thought. Child voice acting is probably especially annoying in movies/TV/videogames, but Didi was actually kinda heartbreaking when she saidand ran off.they're going to hurt mommyI guess
they didn't actually hurt her, and just had a threatening game of canasta though, fortunately!
Spoiler solution for that Act III puzzle:Really loving this game. I'm at the end of it now (I think). I need some help with something. Going to spoiler tag it just in case (it's in Act III):
Act III the part at the lighthouse...I have no idea how to carry the box across the turning wall. I can't figure out how to get the light turned on to do it. I have the box right where it needs to be but I don't know how to turn on the spotlight to carry it across. Does anyone know? Thanks.
Aside from being currently stuck, I really love this game. The art style is great, love the characters and the music. It's a bit glitchy at times (I had to redo a whole section three times because of a glitch that kept happening). I do love it though. The puzzles are really clever. Even when it's just dropping boxes onto a switch, they add that unique element of shadow play into it. Really awesome.
Spoiler solution for that Act III puzzle:
If I recall correctly you can aim the lower spotlight at the wall to light it up, and then you can use the upper spotlight with the focus button held down to make it tiny. That will let you carry the box across the turning wall as well, as you rotate the spotlight.
That whole level confused me with its puzzles for a while because I totally didn't realize I couldYES. THANK YOU. Could've sworn I tried this yesterday--must've not had it focused or something. Thanks a lot, man!
I'm very glad this was free. Too many glitches. Needed another month or so of testing/revisions.