perfect free
So, what's everyone's favorite track in this game? I can't stop listening to Her Reputation Precedes Her.
It's either that or A World Where Magic Never Was for me.
So, what's everyone's favorite track in this game? I can't stop listening to Her Reputation Precedes Her.
Was it definitely reaching Chapter 4 then?
No. I'm still in Chapter 3. The encounter starts spawning once you get the key to open the Dungeon in Chapter 3.
It's either that or A World Where Magic Never Was for me.
So, what's everyone's favorite track in this game? I can't stop listening to Her Reputation Precedes Her.
The criticisms of TOs crafting don't wash. It just isn't one of those automatic crafting systems that you find yourself overflowing with mats for. These +1/+2/etc gear are POWERFUL, so it's reined in for balance.
The criticisms of TOs crafting don't wash. It just isn't one of those automatic crafting systems that you find yourself overflowing with mats for. These +1/+2/etc gear are POWERFUL, so it's reined in for balance.
The criticisms of TOs crafting don't wash. It just isn't one of those automatic crafting systems that you find yourself overflowing with mats for. These +1/+2/etc gear are POWERFUL, so it's reined in for balance.
NG+ really doesn't feel like an afterthought and that's just from playing a few rooms of the first chapter. Lots of new loot, harder encounters, haven't been able to bag every item available from an encounter. Feels reallly good. Also I just realized the game is WYSIWYG and that's always cool.
NG+ isn't an afterthought because it's basically a Master Quest. I think Matsuno tends to give thought to replayability for his games. In Vagrant Story you also unlock new areas in NG+, but they're more of an extra challenge and not related to the story. In Tactics Ogre PSP, there is tons of post-game content, which you don't need to start a "new game" to see. They are a mix of pure challenge and also extra story event stuff. Crimson Shroud is just continuing this tradition, where for a small mini-campaign, he uses the same base assets to make the game worth playing twice to get the true ending.
How Many Times blew my mind the first time I heard it. I stopped fighting for 10 minutes or so to listen to the music.
The actual gear you end up with is powerful, yes, but the process of crafting even the base materials needed to make the weapons is tedious and boring. There is no "balance" by annoying the player. Good design would have been to make the materials themselves scarce and hard to obtain, so what you can make with them is limited and you have to choose carefully. What is not that great design is when the process of crafting is just annoying. Having to pick the same menu selections over and over just to repeatedly make materials which are then required to make an item isn't "balance", it's bad UI design.
It's incredibly slow with awful menus and is designed in a way that encourages incessant save/reloading. The items are useful, but that doesn't excuse how poor the TO's crafting system is.
Save scumming always exists in single-player games unless there's an autosave function along with crafting.
Speaking of failing at crafting, I think this would be a good time to bring the discussion on topic again on this note. In the original retail Guild01 version of Crimson Shroud, apparently the crafting was MUCH more "challenging". Any crafting attempt would result in a dice roll, and if you failed the roll the Azorth is wasted on the attempt. It seems the dice rolls got harder and harder with each increment of +[x] equipment.
Does anyone think this was a good idea? Should it have to kept that way in the eShop version? Is the current version of crafting too easy? Personally I think it would be interesting to have a dice element, but at the same time, getting equipment materials to craft is already enough of a hassle in the game as it is, I'm not sure if there's a need to further punish players.
Speaking of failing at crafting, I think this would be a good time to bring the discussion on topic again on this note. In the original retail Guild01 version of Crimson Shroud, apparently the crafting was MUCH more "challenging". Any crafting attempt would result in a dice roll, and if you failed the roll the Azorth is wasted on the attempt. It seems the dice rolls got harder and harder with each increment of +[x] equipment.
Does anyone think this was a good idea? Should it have to kept that way in the eShop version? Is the current version of crafting too easy? Personally I think it would be interesting to have a dice element, but at the same time, getting equipment materials to craft is already enough of a hassle in the game as it is, I'm not sure if there's a need to further punish players.
Speaking of failing at crafting, I think this would be a good time to bring the discussion on topic again on this note. In the original retail Guild01 version of Crimson Shroud, apparently the crafting was MUCH more "challenging". Any crafting attempt would result in a dice roll, and if you failed the roll the Azorth is wasted on the attempt. It seems the dice rolls got harder and harder with each increment of +[x] equipment.
Does anyone think this was a good idea? Should it have to kept that way in the eShop version? Is the current version of crafting too easy? Personally I think it would be interesting to have a dice element, but at the same time, getting equipment materials to craft is already enough of a hassle in the game as it is, I'm not sure if there's a need to further punish players.
Speaking of failing at crafting, I think this would be a good time to bring the discussion on topic again on this note. In the original retail Guild01 version of Crimson Shroud, apparently the crafting was MUCH more "challenging". Any crafting attempt would result in a dice roll, and if you failed the roll the Azorth is wasted on the attempt. It seems the dice rolls got harder and harder with each increment of +[x] equipment.
Does anyone think this was a good idea? Should it have to kept that way in the eShop version? Is the current version of crafting too easy? Personally I think it would be interesting to have a dice element, but at the same time, getting equipment materials to craft is already enough of a hassle in the game as it is, I'm not sure if there's a need to further punish players.
I might regret saying this but does the game get a little more challenging later on?...I only fought up to the Minotaur though so I am still very early but I thought he would be my first test to see if I understood everything right,but he was easy....still not sure on the roll dice thing...can I get a success with a 4 let's say and that would still be better then a fail at 25?...what determines a successful or failed roll...? just pure randomness?
Anyone give me a hand? Where is this key I need for a gate in ch2?
Ugh. Was looking forward to plowing through this on my 10 days off work at my parents, but I forgot my headphones at home.
Reveal is for suckers, use that half turn to do something that's worth the MPs![]()
Also from the ennemy icons you see in the equipment stats I'm guessing there's going to be andown the line in NG+.angel-type ennemy
I used to think that too, but it actually does have its uses in a right situations. If you don't have anything better to use on that half-turn, for example if your attack if going to do like 5 damage anyway because you're waiting for the next guy to debuff, throwing on a Reveal can help make decisions based on the enemy's HP and MP. It helps to anticipate when it can use a stronger attack, and it can also help make a judgement call on whether to finish the enemy off or to be more defensive if the enemy isn't close to death yet.
You're right but I always end up having something else to do that feels more useful than reveal and getting rid of an ennemy always feels worth of blowing some hit points on an ennemy anyway.I used to think that too, but it actually does have its uses in a right situations. If you don't have anything better to use on that half-turn, for example if your attack if going to do like 5 damage anyway because you're waiting for the next guy to debuff, throwing on a Reveal can help make decisions based on the enemy's HP and MP. It helps to anticipate when it can use a stronger attack, and it can also help make a judgement call on whether to finish the enemy off or to be more defensive if the enemy isn't close to death yet.
Yup different icons, you can see it in the stats when equipping stuff. Last one before the wind symbols it'sAre you sure that's not an elemental icon instead?
No idea, but seems the Japanese version was already translated into English. Not sure if it's the same script.Oh my, not far at ll yet, but the thing I noticed straight away (other than that beautiful OST) was that the writing's proper good. Like, put this in an actual book good.
What god worked on the translation?
Oh my, not far at ll yet, but the thing I noticed straight away (other than that beautiful OST) was that the writing's proper good. Like, put this in an actual book good.
What god worked on the translation?
No idea, but seems the Japanese version was already translated into English. Not sure if it's the same script.
Which spells are skeletons weak against?
Hopefully we get another game outta this dream team soon. What was the last one, Tactics Ogre?
I think we can more or less be certain that unless something goes wrong, Alexander O Smith will always try to make himself available to work on a Matsuno game. So whatever game Matsuno works on next, there's a good chance he'll be involved too.