Mike said:Speaking of, I'm turning 25 this Saturday. It's really weirding me out, in that "What the hell am I doing with my life?" way. Anyone else going through this?
I took this out of Matlock's birthday thread cause we don't need to derail that one.
Well, this is normal. Now, granted, much of my advice comes from my deity, Adam Carolla, and my own personal experiences, but yes, everyone goes thourgh that question several hundred times in their life. Bless you if you feel that you've figured out your life, as you know it, and have preprogrammed your life's goals. I know I did, at 17. I was going to graduate college, be a radio DJ, spin night clubs, and make a boatload of money. Never mind taxes...
Here's the awful truth: men, you won't likely be a blip on anyone's radar at ages 21-28. In your early 20s, you'll be busy finding some sort of identity and question your choice in your career. If you're like me and you feel you know what your career is, you're busy trying to get established. This is the time where you pay your dues, find out what love is, get to sexxin', ruin your liver, and pine over some stupid girl, while dating another one to feed your ego.
So my advice? Just get your shit together, look out for #1 and your family if you care about them, and roll with punches. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about things, go out and experiment, travel, date tons of women, and walk with a swagger (but not with a chip on your shoulder) cause you'll be hell of a lot better to hang with than moping around feeling sorry for yourself.