ARK just broke the sell wall
I'm excited about ARK. It was one of the first alt coins I bought and It didn't budge for the longest time despite its promising tech. I have a nice bag of them so if this takes off I'll be very lucky.
I'm excited about ARK. It was one of the first alt coins I bought and It didn't budge for the longest time despite its promising tech. I have a nice bag of them so if this takes off I'll be very lucky.
Do we know why ARK is on the rise?
Feel like a fucking ass for selling ARK at 2700 when i thought it was on a downtrend again.
Contemplating buying back in but that seems really risky.
Contemplating buying back in but that seems really risky.
My best guess is manipulation. There has been no hype or news that im aware of.
Seems to be getting dumped right now.
Edit: nvm there it does again but anyways it's too damn risky to get back in right now so i'll just have to accept that i'm an ass.
We've had three or four sell backs, but that's normal with such a large growth, people cashing out to get their money
ARK! So happy! Keep this going!!!
Such an undervalued coin!
You think still undervalued at its current price?
I picked up ARK a few days ago at this threads recommendation, its already doubled in value. Wishing I had bought more now. Cryptocurrency is quite a roller coaster.
So I've always been a Coinbase guy.
Just opened a bittrex account and moved $100 of BTC over.
What should I buy? Sia? GAS? OMG?
New to the alt coins.
Proud owner of 12486 Siacoin.
First time dabbling in alt coins. Just going to forget about this now.
Just my luck that CVC can't seem to get past $0.70
Proud owner of 12486 Siacoin.
First time dabbling in alt coins. Just going to forget about this now.
Any particular reason for the Siacoin investment? Im getting into coins today too, just trying to see where everyones head is at.
Today, some dudes started to spread fake news about the devs having bailed with the profits and linking to non-existing signatum official twitter and website (bear in mind these were fake). People start to panic the fuck out, the coin drops from 1600 sats to 600 in mere minutes, everyone running for the hills.
Well, ARK was a fun ride. Just cashed out, officially doubled my investment the last two weeks. Been reading about people shilling for coins, apparently ARK has been one of them the last couple of days. I think the coin is good, gonna wait for everything to settle down like NEO before I dive back in.
I feel stupid
Way too late to try and dive back in now, that's how you get burnt, if only I just waited five minutes![]()
EDIT: And that's why you don't chase the pump!
If only we had waited like 5 more minutes before selling before, though...
You would have been riding the high and most likely wouldn't have cashed out before the dump.
This is all market manipulation now, I wouldn't touch this for the rest of the night tbh
Darn CVC getting dumped. I might buy back into DGB if it dips below $0.010
I got out of CVC, took my $9 loss like a boss and ran. LOL! I've made enough bank off of NEO that these losses I've had here and there are peanuts.
NEO is taking a beating now, down to $43. Good on the folks who sold at around $50.
Damn, ARK will haunt me for a while.