So I finally finished the game tonight. Total play time was 9 hours 9 minutes.
I must say, my impressions are quite mixed. Played the game on PC, with an i7 and 5870 on Hardcore settings. I was able to get 60 fps most of the time, with the framerate rarely dipping to low 40s.
+ Really well optimized, I'm impressed how well the game ran, certainly not the system killer like it's predecessor.
+ Incredible lighting system, some of the best special effects, smoke, explosions I've ever seen. Night time scenes + their lighting engine = Goddamn!
+ Fantastic set pieces.
+ Overall level design was excellent, with many different ways to tackle a situation.
+ Great selection of weapons available, and with ammunition supplies nearby most of the time, it allows for lots of experimentation.
+ Good variety of enemies, though I would have liked for them to introduce
earlier in the game rather then only in that last chapter.
+ Alien designs were very cool, coupled with their animation, they made for some pretty badass looking enemies.
- Texture work seems like it's been lifted from the console version or something. Really quite poor at times when up close. Granted they did need to create a larger variety of textures for this game compared to Crysis 1 or Warhead.
- Vaseline filter seriously needs to go, I only figured out how to suppress it with the cfg file about 2/3rds through the campaign.
- DOF is quite excessive, and while it gives the game a pretty cool cinematic feel, it blurs out too much. Sometimes I'll want to admire the new york city skyline, but can't really because most of it is blurred out.
- Respawning enemies were probably my biggest gripe with this game. The fact that in quite a few cases they kept spawning right behind me! You need to hide the spawn points better Crytek.
- AI routines for the most part suck. Maybe it was the difficulty I chose (I picked normal). I saw too many enemies as well as comrades get stuck in certain spots on the map.
- While the stealth option was pretty cool, the cloak ability coupled with the dumb AI made it way too easy to exploit. It really felt like cheating.
- The story was decent, not the best, and the pacing was somewhat odd at times. I felt that the story needed a main villain with a climatic end boss battle - maybe I'm just old school

- the COD style 'briefings' didn't help tie the chapters together very well. And the few prerendered cutscenes were simply awful blocky low bitrate mess.
Maybe I'm nitpicking too much, but this was probably one of those occasions where I set my expectations abit high due to the hype. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience, I got to see what I hope will be the norm for next gen console graphics and I had some pretty amazing intensive firefights along the way. Its not quite GOTY worthy imo due to a couple issues I had, but its certainly a game I'm glad I played, and would highly recommend to others.