Q8D3vil said:
i didn't get the same feeling when i throw objects or enemies.
i just tried crysis 1 and the physics feeling was way better.
Yes, there are some adjustments to some entities. But the point is both games are managed by equally capable physics engine. A barrel in Crysis 1 behaves exactly like a barrel in Cry 2 at least to the naked eye. Same buoyancy, friction factors, mass, etc.
If you get access to SandBox 3 you´ll have fun piling those barrels the same way

But too bad it isn´t, because by know we could be playing Cry 2 on PC with same physics settings of Cry 1.
They toned down throwing enemies efectiveness easier to do in Crysis 1, also disabled AI triping with each other, this one for good because AI would look even more stupid than already is. Other thing i miss from Cry 1 is how vehicles went flying after an explosion.
MickeyKnox said:
On the physics tip, all you motherfuckers need to understand that it's the SAME engine.
I´ll drink to that. Can´t really understand how easily this fact escapes people reasoning.
As a matter of fact IIRC, they expanded the physics part of the engine with some shortcut tools. Think theres a video were Crytek shows some basic fluid dynamics like liquid over liquid propagation.
Edit:This reminds me. Dissapointed with almost 0 uses of soft materials. When Alcatraz reaches Hardgreave place it feels so sterile, to put it in someway. The place is full of rigid curtains it takes me out of the experience
Nekrono said:
They probably are the same physics, I assume CryEngine3 supports them but if so why Crytek didn't showcase them in their game like they did in Crysis? That's what makes me sad and is quite disappointing. But i'm sure when the editor comes out someone will start posting crazy stuff like the first game.
Oh and Crysis does have 'uber physics' it's just a fact, for a lot of people it's the game with the best physics out there, it's certainly not the first one to come out showcasing them, but it's definitely the one that took it to a whole new level.
I wished the same could be said about Crysis 2 but they didn't even bothered much to put 'complex' physics in the game, it's pretty basic, but oh well.
Answering in bold order:
Why they took the game design decision to turn off some entities? Only Crytek knows that exactly. Hadn´t they locked the game like it is now and with the editor launched we could be playing with an exact replica of the phsycal properties of Crysis 1 with no problems.
Yep, Crysis games features uber physics. But take in to account the most impressive things came from modders using the sandbox editor, specially impressive stuff in the particle department.
Last bold. Gameplay wise the physics gap isn´t that important. You still can pile stuff to reach places or knock enemies down with objects to name some popular use of phycis in the other Cry games.