valentine71 said:Graphics are much better than the multiplayer demo and also it runs fine. So don't hesitate to buy this on PS3 because of the shitty MP demo. Game is fine.
So far i really like the gameplay, it gives you options. Stealth, direct assault, flanking,etc.; it feels deep. And after tons of CoD clones, this game really made me feel good.
Not to single you out, but this is indicative of this thread as far as the PS3 version goes. It's like a fucking yo-yo! I'll be so glad when this roller coaster ride is over. It's like that Gameradar preview, they go on and on how the game looks fantastic on all platforms. How the framerate holds up great. Yet they're basing their preview on the 360 build.valentine71 said:Interiors are really bad sometimes. I mean when i started playing, i liked the visuals of open spaces but as i play more and more i notice bugs and bad textures. In one of the later levels in the game something happens (no spoiler!frame rate gets really fucked up. Also there are some small but noticable bugs in the game. Worst thing is enemies die into strange positions (into the walls, ridicilious body positions, etc.). And it happens a lot.
I can't wait till the comparison vids come from DF and the rest (too bad they can't get one up over the weekend). Thanks for your impressions though, man. Looks like the PS3 version's not in the clear yet...