FYI, here's a helpful chart of resolutions and aspect ratios I found. I was trying to figure out which resolution(s) to bump down to to maintain a ratio similar to my monitor's native resolution (1680x1050):
4:3 Standard Displays
This table shows the resolution code, screen width, screen height (both in pixels), aspect ratio and explanation of the code abbreviation for common standard industry sizes with the more box like 4:3 aspect ratio.
Code Width Height Ratio Description
QVGA 320 240 4:3 Quarter Video Graphics Array
HVGA 640 240 8:3 Half Video Graphics Array
VGA 640 480 4:3 Video Graphics Array
SVGA 800 600 4:3 Super Video Graphics Array
XGA 1024 768 4:3 Extended Graphics Array
XGA+ 1152 768 3:2 Extended Graphics Array plus
1152 864 4:3
SXGA 1280 1024 4:3 Super Extended Graphics Array
SXGA+ 1400 1050 4:3 Super Extended Graphics Array plus
UXGA 1600 1200 4:3 Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QXGA 2048 1536 4:3 Quad Extended Graphics Array
The smaller QVGA and HVGA screen resolutions are mainly used in mobile devices as Pocket PCs or the Psion handheld.
16:9 and 16:10 Wide-screen Displays
The following table shows the resolution code, screen width, screen height (both in pixels), aspect ratio and explanation of the code abbreviation for common wide screen sizes with a 16:10 or 16:9 aspect ratio.
Code Width Height Ratio Description
WXGA 1280 768 5:3 Wide Extended Graphics Array
1280 800 16:10
1366 768 ~16:9
WXGA+ 1280 854 ~3:2 Wide Extended Graphics Array plus
1440 900 16:10
1440 960 3:2
WSXGA 1600 900 16:9 Wide Super Extended Graphics Array
1600 1024 16:10
WSXGA+ 1680 1050 16:10 Wide Super Extended Graphics Array plus
WUXGA 1920 1200 16:10 Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
WQXGA 2560 1600 16:10 Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array
WQUXGA 3840 2400 16:10 Wide Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
So for now, I think I'll try running the game at 1280x800 on Very High and leave it at that until the next mega-card comes out.