I don't know about IF or Zero since I have avoided them for now, but she kinda is a villain.
I would think kinda is understating it a tiny bit.
I don't know about IF or Zero since I have avoided them for now, but she kinda is a villain.
I don't know about IF or Zero since I have avoided them for now, but she kinda is a villain.
Yes, but not the "ultimate" villain
I'm not denying that she was a bad guy or whatever, but the game purposely makes her out to be the big bad, so when you find out that she was just another pawn in Junko's game, it's kind of... sad.
I took a screenshot on the way down the elevator each time. I enjoy the progression, it was kind of disappointing that there was no visual change in the last chapter though.
Man, the 8-bit music that plays at the start of every execution is really creepy to me. Heck, the execution music in general is super-creepy...
Just out of curiosity, what was everyone's favourite execution in the game?
The Versailles Witch Burning, AKA Celeste's. I though it would be played straight, and then Monokuma just. Ruined it utterly. It made me laugh, even though it killed my favorite character.Man, the 8-bit music that plays at the start of every execution is really creepy to me. Heck, the execution music in general is super-creepy...
Just out of curiosity, what was everyone's favourite execution in the game?
Man, the 8-bit music that plays at the start of every execution is really creepy to me. Heck, the execution music in general is super-creepy...
Just out of curiosity, what was everyone's favourite execution in the game?
Leon's without a doubt. Really sets up the tone well and is definitely brutal.
Non-mastermind Junko was one of my favorite characters, at least at the start, but she was just as responsible for the characters' predicament initially than Junko was. No pity!
Man, the 8-bit music that plays at the start of every execution is really creepy to me. Heck, the execution music in general is super-creepy...
Just out of curiosity, what was everyone's favourite execution in the game?
As far as brutal goes, Leon's is definitely #1, but Mondo's is much more horrifying when you think about it.
Yeah, even though it's slightly mitigated by the "Mondo Butter" gag at the end, when you stop and realize that Mondo basically got crushed into paste at the finale of his execution, it really hammers home how sadistic the whole thing was.
Yup, it was kinda disgusting. Leon was shocking but thinking of Mondo is just gross. Celeste got it good compared to them.
It's just disturbing that they were all friends and now they're killing each other.
So can we all agree that Monokuma is basically a really adorable version of The Joker?
Seriously, one of the best villains in a videogame ever.
Lord Of The Rings:
The original Resident Evil:
Sorry Scrafty, she's set the bar high:
Man, the 8-bit music that plays at the start of every execution is really creepy to me. Heck, the execution music in general is super-creepy...
Just out of curiosity, what was everyone's favourite execution in the game?
It's the only one that made me feel true despair. Watching that execution play out for the first time was excruciating. The music, the rhythmic pounding, the agonizing wait until death ... everything about that execution was just perfect. Seeing the calm and cool Kyoko freak the fuck out was one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever experienced in a video game. All the while having Monokuma juxtapose the whole thing with his hilarious after school lesson.
That's the worst part. Take any good group of friends, fiction and non-fiction, and this could easily happen to them if they we're put in these circumstances. Like imagine the P3/P4 crew or your real friends thrown intoIt's just disturbing that they were all friends and now they're killing each other.
Speaking of the 8-bit execution intro. I loved that Junko happily walked along instead of being dragged. She was also kinda cute right before she was crushed. So sad that she's so evil.
Yay! I can finally join this thread!
I managed to figure out some of the big reveals before they happened, so I'm kinda proud of myself for that.
But now I need more answers. Where do I go next besides waiting for the 2nd game?
I think this sums up my thoughts. I got the good ending first & actually was confused, thinking I got the bad ending. I was flat-out freaked out, seeing Makoto changing facial expressions. Even worse, they can't see it due to being backwards, only hearing as it gets louder & louder, unsure how close they are to their death, which just adds to the fear.It's the only one that made me feel true despair. Watching that execution play out for the first time was excruciating. The music, the rhythmic pounding, the agonizing wait until death ... everything about that execution was just perfect. Seeing the calm and cool Kyoko freak the fuck out was one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever experienced in a video game. All the while having Monokuma juxtapose the whole thing with his hilarious after school lesson.
This, too.the bone crunch at the end of kirigiri's is what seals it as the most impactful for me
It's interesting that, because of which side Monokuma walks from in that intro, he goes to meet Junko on his "despair" side and walks out with her on his "hope" side, which was the opposite for everyone else.
It's the only one that made me feel true despair. Watching that execution play out for the first time was excruciating. The music, the rhythmic pounding, the agonizing wait until death ... everything about that execution was just perfect. Seeing the calm and cool Kyoko freak the fuck out was one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever experienced in a video game. All the while having Monokuma juxtapose the whole thing with his hilarious after school lesson.
I have a soft spot for Kyoko's, because I derive a kind of perverse enjoyment from watching her composure and complexion gradually break down as her desk approaches its final destination. Not entirely sure why, since I liked her as a character.It's the only one that made me feel true despair. Watching that execution play out for the first time was excruciating. The music, the rhythmic pounding, the agonizing wait until death ... everything about that execution was just perfect. Seeing the calm and cool Kyoko freak the fuck out was one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever experienced in a video game. All the while having Monokuma juxtapose the whole thing with his hilarious after school lesson.
I would read a slice of life Danganronpa manga if Junko had a "DESPAIR" verbal tic.
Well,t he whole thing was she wanted a graceful death, and probably would have kept her composure as she was burned alive. Monokuma even took her death wish away from her with the fire truck thing.I have a soft spot for Kyoko's, because I derive a kind of perverse enjoyment from watching her composure and complexion gradually break down as her desk approaches its final destination. Not entirely sure why, since I liked her as a character.
Celeste's is probably the runner-up, largely by virtue of having Celeste in it, though I admit I was gutted when the fire truck dealt the finishing blow. Would've much rather seen her gradually being burnt alive, a twisted howl of agony on her face, her elegant facade melting away like her blackened, bubbling skin... she was my favourite character, what's wrong with me?
This is a stupid question but what does DanganRonpa mean?
So can we all agree that Monokuma is basically a really adorable version of The Joker?
Seriously, one of the best villains in a videogame ever.
"Bullet Rebuttal," I believe.
This is a stupid question but what does DanganRonpa mean?
This is a stupid question but what does DanganRonpa mean?
"Dangan" means bullet and "ronpa" is evidently a noun meaning "winning an argument." I believe most translate it as "bullet rebuttal"
*consults dictionary*
Shawshank is one of my favourite movies, so I'm kinda ashamed I missed the reference.
Ooh, what app is that?
I think the only thing I didn't like about Junko was the explanation as to why she was so vile. Never really a fan of "I was born evil so therefore I'm the most evilest" kind of villain.
I'm not sure how possible it is to keep your composure while on fire / being burned to death, but I suppose if anyone could do it Celeste could. I really should check out the manga if it adds to her execution as ScraftyDevil said.Well,t he whole thing was she wanted a graceful death, and probably would have kept her composure as she was burned alive. Monokuma even took her death wish away from her with the fire truck thing.