i learned it doesn't matter. I put in 88 coins once and had 0.0% repeat meter and STILL got repeats. It's all luck.How are you guys getting all the gifts? Do you think it is better to load the machine up with money and try to guarantee a new item, or do you brute force the machine one token at a time?
Toko transforms into a photograph
Top 3 waifus:
- Aoi
- Chihiro
- Celeste
Not even sure what's my orientation anymore.
How are you guys getting all the gifts? Do you think it is better to load the machine up with money and try to guarantee a new item, or do you brute force the machine one token at a time?
Yeah that was it. Got them switched. Really suffers from Main Character syndrome.
On the plus side, Hiro's prediction rate goes up.
Damn you for making me laugh out loud at that
How are you guys getting all the gifts? Do you think it is better to load the machine up with money and try to guarantee a new item, or do you brute force the machine one token at a time?
Abso-fucking-lutely. Seeing a hole punched into Byakuya's aura of know-it-allness was satisfying as all hell, and Kyoko rubbing it in was all the better.Seeing him get trounced in a battle of wits against Kyoko was so damn satisfying
Seeing him get trounced in a battle of wits against Kyoko was so damn satisfying
Smug Kyoko is best Kyoko. I may need to change my avatar.
Abso-fucking-lutely. Seeing a hole punched into Byakuya's aura of know-it-allness was satisfying as all hell, and Kyoko rubbing it in was all the better.
Makoto is average and still danced over your ass. You're lucky your dumb ass fucking with the crime scene in Chapter 2 didn't get everybody killed!
That's, like, the only time he didn't have the situation under control and it's because he underestimated the value that dumb emotions can have for others. He had everything under control in chapter 2, as well.
If he had chosen to become a blackened, he'd probably have been the most difficult to catch.
If he had chosen to become a blackened, he'd probably have been the most difficult to catch.
Did he have any other evidence besides his account of seeing Mondo leave the room after Chihiro was killed? Because if not, I'm not trusting his word, especially since he had just admitted to rigging the scene to point towards Jill because he was bored.
Mind you, Mondo would've admitted it, but still. No bueno. That's flimsy!
Maybe i'll replay the ZE series and lament the fact that the third will never be made.
We shall see what Capcpom has to say to that.^ damn, Ace Attorney gonna blow you away. Awesome series.
Him as a blackened would've been hell, though. Oh man.
We shall see what Capcpom has to say to that.
No, don't waste your time waiting for that. It's actually a port of the exceedingly poor IOS version. Buy the first 4 and Investigations on the DS where they belong.Or Ace Attourney? This is one I'd like to try out but I'm waiting on info if the 3DS port of the original 3 games are localized.
I recommend the DS or Wiiware versions. They have the original superior sprites. The 3DS one is using the iOS port sprites from what I've seen.
I think the hardest part would be to get him to admit it. His tsuntsun levels will be off the chart.
DS games are hard to come by and man setting my Wii up on my PC monitor would be a hurdle (don't have a TV). I'd rather play em on a portable anyway.
That doesn't matter. He still had it under control because he knew who had committed the crime and he sure as hell wasn't going to let himself get killed if they messed up the trial, so he would have constructed Makoto's arguments for him or any other method to convict Mondo.
From Byakuya's strategy, Mondo would have been chosen with or without anyone's aid. I like characters that know what they're doing.
I think the hardest part would be to get him to admit it. His tsuntsun levels will be off the chart.
Also, I need the still of Kyoko whispering into Makoto's ear for meme abuse reasons.
- Kyoko explains to Byakuya that he's wrong about how people think and challenges him to really prove Makoto did it, and explain how he's the only one who could do it.
- Byakuya gets really frustrated and goes into a shit ton of detail
- Kyoko/Makoto notice a loose string in his argument to yank.
Hahaha"The mod called Bish"
"Watch out for him."
YepHere's how I'd do it: everyone dies, Byakuya lives.
But this part:
Sounds like how I'd envision them handling his takedown. The "loose string" could be information that he's not supposed to know (that no one knew before he mentioned it) and that he didn't think of avoiding while he was indulging in the genius of his own plan.
I could see something like:
Makoto: (Kyoko said to look for something in his testimony that was never brought up before in this case)
*Nonstop Debate Resets
Sounds like how I'd envision them handling his takedown. The "loose string" could be information that he's not supposed to know (that no one knew before he mentioned it) and that he didn't think of avoiding while he was indulging in the genius of his own plan.
Did you mean to make that pun?
I still need to get my hands on this figure. I already have the keychain version but one is never enough.
Whose e-Handbook did Mondo use in case 2 to access the girls locker room?
Whose e-Handbook did Mondo use in case 2 to access the girls locker room?
Mukuro or Sayaka. Not too many to pick from.
Is that from the anime? My interest just increased substantially.
This is the issue and it's why I'm asking. If it was Junko aka "Mukuro", Mondo would have freaked out.
I wonder if Not|Junko's handbook would have shown Mukuro though. Maybe it was already switched cause that's pretty easy to discover accidentally.
So is there a reason why Mukuro even disguised herself? Why did the others even need to think that Junko was a thing/be kept in dark about Mukuro. I'm sure it's explained in chapter 5/6 but it's been a while since I played those.