The potential for despair would probably get her pretty excited too. Stuff like that means the fall is only farther. For lack of a better example... Think Taka.I meant actual touchy feelings relationships. Not the weird ones we have here.
I mean, the closest ones we actually get are Sakura x Aoi and Ishimaru x Mondo and those aren't really normal anyway.
I took my Alpaca Kirigiri to an anime convention last weekend. Got some fun DR shots.[IMG]
Check it out the [URL=""]album[/URL] if you're interested. :)[/QUOTE]
That's super-cool. I'm going as Mondo to Anime North in May, so hopefully I can get some good DR pictures too!
Speaking of Mondo...
I don't understand why Taka's upset. He's dressed as the best character in the series!
That's cool. And it gives me an excuse to post this: took my Alpaca Kirigiri to an anime convention last weekend. Got some fun DR shots.
Check it out the album if you're interested.![]()
The potential for despair would probably get her pretty excited too. Stuff like that means the fall is only farther. For lack of a better example... Think Taka.
That's super-cool. I'm going as Mondo to Anime North in May, so hopefully I can get some good DR pictures too!
Speaking of Mondo...
I don't understand why Taka's upset. He's dressed as the best character in the series!
Damn straight. Probably.So is she always turn on by despair then?
Even having watched some of the anime first I can't look at this and not hear the abridged series' voices.
Sometimes I wonder if the story would've turned out any differently had any of the other characters been the mastermind. I doubt things would change much, since True!Junko's defining characteristics aren't very unique nor are they dependent on her status or occupation.
This preamble has basically just been an excuse to post this picture, by the way:
I don't understand it at all, but the ending bit is cute.
Taka and Sakura were pretty great. Their cards made me appreciate them a lot more.
And yeah jintor, Yasuhiro is such an asshole. I was confused for the entire game why he was even there. And then when I finally found out if was worse than I could have imagined.
Mastermind|Ishimaru is very much a fandom thing and I just love fandom for it.
It's also a very sexy thing.
Leon comes off as guy that thinks with his dick in his free time events, but he still comes off as a pretty cool guy I'd hang out with. Byakuya and Hiro are assholes though, I agree.Mondo's Free Time activities are what made me like him so much in the first place. The game proper gives him next-to-no development until after he's already admitted to his crime, and looking back, I can kind of understand why people might not like him prior to his death. The way the manga handled his and Taka's relationship (he basically imparts a of the information revealed about him in his Free Time events to Taka and even admits that he looks up to people like Taka) also really endeared him to me.
It's pretty obvious that some characters were never really meant to be developed beyond who they are in the main story, though. Leon is still a dimbus after his Report Card is complete, and Byakuya and Hiro don't exactly pour their hearts out either. I guess I can't really complain since all of my favourites got pretty meaty FTEs :3
i thought the funniest thing about school mode and free time was that it completely didn't do a fucking thing to redeem yasuhiro
dude's still a fuckin' asshole
Taka and Sakura were pretty great. Their cards made me appreciate them a lot more.
And yeah jintor, Yasuhiro is such an asshole. I was confused for the entire game why he was even there. And then when I finally found out if was worse than I could have imagined.
Mastermind|Ishimaru is very much a fandom thing and I just love fandom for it.
It's also a very sexy thing.
Oh hey, that sorta reminds me of this other image:
Mastermind|Ishimaru is very much a fandom thing and I just love fandom for it.
It's also a very sexy thing.
The free time events + Trigger Happy Hearts made me like Leon, Aoi and Mukuro more. I kind of wrote them off as non-entities up until I got to those, considering the former gets almost no development and the latter two approach satellite character territory in the main story.
I am strangely compelled to obey his commands.
Seriously though, I love that MasterMondo art. I'd use it if my avatar if
A) My current avatar weren't so perfect (thanks again, dakku!); and
B) I knew people wouldn't throw a fit about being apparently spoiled.
Cool, now we need some mastermind Yasuhiro art. His makes the most sense to me.
Oh hey, that sorta reminds me of this other image:
I know how much you love this pairing.Wanted to use it to wish you a happy birthday in x months time, but I failed my willpower roll.
I'm such a dimbus. I just now realized that the deep-voiced chanting heard during the execution scenes is the exact same as in Monokuma's theme, except in a different tempo and slightly more ominous key.
The musicality and continuity of this game's OST is incredible.
anyway, you should give vanquish's ost a listen. takeda did that one too
Well I -WAS- gonna come in here and post some questions, but seeing as how I narrowly avoided a spoiler from a loading image, I'm just gonna back out. Someone PM me with a response, if you could.
I thought you guys would like this too
I'm such a dimbus. I just now realized that the deep-voiced chanting heard during the execution scenes is the exact same as in Monokuma's theme, except in a different tempo and slightly more ominous key.
The musicality and continuity of this game's OST is incredible.
Is the Makoto to the left supposed to be the pose like in my avatar? I don't see it, though its the only one I can think of it being. If it is supposed to be, then it really doesn't capture the despair of the portrait.
it might be more like this:
or just a generic "uh-oh" pose
I'm basing it on his arm position. You can't see it in my avatar, but that is the same arm position as the pose I have my avatar with.
I finally got around to finishing the final chapter of this earlier today. Yes, the conclusion of the whole thing does get a little overwrought, and a few contrivances start to become glaring, but I felt as though it had earnt it by that point.
I guess all the merchandise I see in Akihabara will finally makes sense in context. Despair is me.
No best character figure, no sale.
I know, Hina (or Mukuro) need more luv.
I'm honestly am surprised that Chihiro got some attention in that set, cause usually it's Makoto, Kirigiri, Junko and someone lame like Togami or Toko.
This thread is more active than the other one, so I hope it's ok to ask here.
Finished the game, trying to clean up trophies.
Why are a handful of my gallery entries still marked as ????.
I know one of the movies requires the button pressing item from the monokuma machine, which I have. But I'm missing an event image and two movies as ????.
Any ideas?
Did you have A Man's Fantasy (gift key item from monokuma machine) at the point when Makoto was urged to take a peak at the girls?