I totally dig her lineup bro.
Where did you find those DR sprites, btw?
I asked my friend who doesn't play the series to go on the wiki for me ;P
I really like your picks! The only one I can't see her having is Ditto. If you want to keep up with the purple theme, Crobat or Butterfree.
I eagerly await your Junko and Taka picks.
Ditto makes so much sense to me though. Not as the being able to fill any role aspect but as the enigma aspect. Though Kyoko's "secret" was probably the most obvious thing in gaming ever.
Edit: Oh and one of Taka's pokemon better reference his masterful FORGET FORGET FORGET BEAM.
I understand it's like her, I just can't see her actually having a ditto.
I'm trying to think of good options for Taka. Raichu? I don't know D:
On today's edition of Pokéronpa, we tackle the second-best male character: Kiyotaka Ishimaru!
The reasonings aren't quite as spoiler-y this time, but I'll tag them anyways for those who want to know as little about his as possible:
Beheeyem: Beheeyem has the power to erase memories. Plus its name sounds like "beam." So basically, this guy's only here to rep the FORGET FORGET FORGET BEEEEEEEEEAM
Hawlucha: Taka means "hawk" in Japanese, so I wanted to find a hawk Pokémon to represent that. There are surprisingly few however, so I ended up going with the only one which I deemed to be as manly and awesome as Taka is.
Hoothoot: The cute little guy has Taka's eyes and eyebrows, plus he continues the bird motif started by Hawlucha. Also, it's said in its PokéDex entries that Hoothoot was used in prior eras to tell time, which also kinda fits with Taka's compulsion to maintain order and normality.
Cubone: It's revealed during Taka's Free Time Events that he'd never had a true friend before Mondo, and that he's an incredibly lonely person in general. Cubone represents this well, with the added bonus of Cubone wearing its mother's skull as a memento symbolizing Taka carrying on Mondo's legacy after the latter's demise.
Cacturne: During the early Generation IV metagame, Cacturne was deemed as one of the most powerful Pokémon on the block, so long as its user was good at playing mindgames and generally thinking ahead. This ideal of "victory through effort" fits really well with Taka, especially when you consider the revelations made during his Free Time events. Having a Dark-type could also be a symbol of how much his buddy Mondo has rubbed off on him.
Typhlosion: HOT-BLOODED SPIRIT! That aside though, it's said that Typhlosion can survive temperatures of more than 1000 degrees, meaning it would be a fitting pet for someone with Taka's level of heat endurance (as proven by the Sauna Battle).
You planning to do Mukuro Scrafty?
Yeah, I'm going to do her for sure, but I'm debating whether I should do her as Junkuro or The Ultimate Soldier. The problem with the latter is that by excluding Junko from the main thread, it'll tip people off as to her role in the story, while the problem with the former is that I really want to do Mastermind!Junko as well :B
I have a similar issue with Toko/Genocide Jack. Should I make them one entry, or two?
I actually haven't read IF yet, so I just have to go off of the hints of her personality given in School Mode. I think I might just double up on Mukuro and Junko in here, while only posting Mukuro in the OT.
So just a question, was there ever a guide for School Mode?
http://www.playstationtrophies.org/...trigger-happy-havoc-trophy-guide-roadmap.htmlIn terms of how to play the mechanics or what the right things to say to people were?
First one has just been word of mouth I've seen, second one someone did post in here at some point from that playstation trophies forum, I could peruse the thread and try to find it if you'd like.
Just accept in your mind that IF is the true canon and it will make you feel at ease.I'm excited to read IF with DR2 but at the same time, It's just going to make me like Mukuro more and make me upset she didn't survive. Judging by the summary I read, I think they should have kept her alive.
Just accept in your mind that IF is the true canon and it will make you feel at ease.
SDR2 is the true alternate reality.
But I hear SDR2 has more DESPAIR.
No doubt School Mode gets hella boring even before you finish the Report Cards. But the endings are worth seeing imo. The playthroughs also go waaaaaaay faster after everyone is leveled up.I really need to beat school mode. I got kind of bored at it's reptitiveness but at the same time I want to finish everyones report cards.
Once I finish X/X-2 I'll go back and complete it.
I'm excited to read IF with DR2 but at the same time, It's just going to make me like Mukuro more and make me upset she didn't survive. Judging by the summary I read, I think they should have kept her alive.
No doubt School Mode gets hella boring even before you finish the Report Cards. But the endings are worth seeing imo. The playthroughs also go waaaaaaay faster after everyone is leveled up.
Hm? Only DR1 character I see isSo that cover confirmsKinda wish I didn't see it D:the DR1 characters are in?
Oh I thought that might beHm? Only DR1 character I see isByakuya, who is the only DR1 character to return... as far as I know anywaysfat![]()
Unless you go on total media blackout, that fact is unavoidable. It's not meant to be a secret. (Unless you haven't played DR1 yet.)So that cover confirmsKinda wish I didn't see it D:the DR1 characters are in?
It's not.Oh I thought that might beMakoto on the bottom.
Oh I thought that might be Makoto on the bottom.
Was checking some upcoming Vita games on Gamefly and I noticed that they had the boxart and rating for DR2, I don't know if we saw it yet anywhere so excuse me if I'm LTTP. Not that exciting and it's a pretty low res image but hey. It excites me.
RE: The US Versionlike with the cover for the first game, dr2's box is lifted from the japanese psp game
RE: The US Version
The should of made the logo a bit smaller, or the background picture a bit larger. One the character's faces is completely blocked, and another almost completely.
I’ve had this thread bookmarked waiting for when I finished Danganronpa. Last night I finished it, and while I liked it and think it’s a good game, Virtue’s Last Reward does literally everything better apart from it have slightly weaker presentation.
Of course, 999 is better than both games and is a sacred holy cow that’ll probably never be touched by another visual novel ever again. Ok now that that’s out of the way, back to Danganronpa VS Virtue’s Last Reward. Even though Virtue’s Last Reward was made after Danganronpa, now that I’ve finished both games it just makes me appreciate Virtue’s Last Reward even more. The Zero Escape games might have ruined other visual novels for me by setting the bar so high. In Danganronpa I was over thinking everything thanks to the Zero Escape games, and by the end I was just like “Huh? That’s it?” So many theories were running through my head – I actually thought Alter Ego was somehow simulating the whole game/environment like how he did when Mondo appeared on the laptop. In the end I was waiting for a big complex bomb to drop to cleverly tie everything together, but that never happened. The ending was not bad, and not amazing. It was just....an ending.
The biggest wow moments came from most of the trials with the ‘bigger plot’ being less interesting. The whole body swap in chapter 5 and 6 was probably the biggest surprise for me, and one I really liked, but I thought the surprises were gonna keep on coming at the end, but they never did. Throughout the whole game I thought that everyone who had died hadn’t really died. I was expecting some kind of alternate time-line or something to happen since I thought it was weird how all the bodies would just completely disappear and how the game even told me at a certain point ‘it was like she was never even hear’. When I found out they were all permanently dead I was kinda shocked! O_O
Junko being the mastermind kind of came out of nowhere, and the whole amnesia thing was such a cop-out, and her motivation? She was just some random psycho who loved despair and hated hope? Err, ok? I did however love how she made them kill each other with them not even knowing they were all friends and that the outside world they so desperately wanted to escape to was completely destroyed anyway and they were safer in the school and didn’t even need to kill each other in the first place. That’s just deliciously evil! But in the end the plot turned out to be very surprisingly basic compared to what I was thinking. I guess Kyoko’s dad ran away because he just wanted to be a headmaster and not a detective? How did the characters lose their memories? How was it only certain memories? Why did Mukuro disobey Monokuma? What was with Makoto’s fever? How was Monokuma made? Why did Monokuma break towards the end in the gym?
Story wise Virtue’s Last Reward wins hands down. Danganronpa seemed like Virtue’s Last Reward but without the cleverness or scope. It felt like it was aimed at teens while Virtue’s Last Reward was more adult/mature with more sophistication and better writing. While Virtue’s Last Reward is by no means perfect when it comes to pacing due to all the branching paths, Danganronpa was a single path and still I thought it had even worse pacing. The middle part of the game just dragged on. The whole Alter Ego part was not interesting at all. And the fact that the game just kept on dragging it out telling us that some information was going to soon come out of Alter Ego numerous times tested my patience. And when we finally did get some information from him it wasn’t interesting. The headmaster might have set this all up? He might still be in the school? That’s what I waited so long to hear? Meh.
The overall plot, plot-twists, atmosphere, music, voice acting, writing and characters are better in Virtue’s Last Reward. I found Danganronpa to have pretty weak atmosphere with little to no tension – I don’t quite know how to say it – but it just felt too tame, too care free and at times borderline silly considering the main premises of the plot. Virtue’s Last Reward destroys Danganronpa in this category. Character wise I thought the cast of Danganronpa was somewhat solid, but damn were they not only stupid for the most part, but they were pretty much one dimensional, un-interesting and bland as bread. I swear the only reason Makoto was the main character was for him to constantly just say “Huh?” “What do you mean?” “I don’t understand?” so the other characters could explain things to me that was already obvious. It happened far too much and just came across as lazy writing. I just didn’t care what happened to most of them. The characters in Virtue’s Last Reward had better dialogue, felt a lot more believable and were nowhere near as plain and one dimensional as the cast from Danganronpa.
It might sound like I hated Danganronpa - but I didn’t. Just compared to the brilliance of the Zero Escape games it falls short. I enjoyed Danganronpa and will be picking up the sequel day one. 999 >>>>> Virtue’s Last Reward >> Danganronpa.
5. Remind me, why was Junko’s face covered in all the class photos?
1. What was with Makotos fever.....was it a red herring? 2. How exactly did the cast lose their memories, and how only certain memories? 3. How was Monokuma even made? 4. What was with him breaking down in the gym and what was with the weird text he spouted out towards the end of the game in the dining hall? 5. Remind me, why was Junkos face covered in all the class photos? 6. What was with the murder scene in the classroom and the destruction on the second floor of the dorms? 7. Why did Mukuro disobey Monokuma resulting in her death? 8. Junkos motivation did she just love despair and hate hope, is that it? 9. Why did the game show green text at certain points? 10. Why did the game show the first scene of Makoto entering the school again towards the end of the game?
Ok, questions time! Please don't spoil or even hint at spoiling anything for me regarding the sequel. Got it? Ok good, lets get started!
1. What was with Makotos fever.....was it a red herring? 2. How exactly did the cast lose their memories, and how only certain memories? 3. How was Monokuma even made? 4. What was with him breaking down in the gym and what was with the weird text he spouted out towards the end of the game in the dining hall? 5. Remind me, why was Junkos face covered in all the class photos? 6. What was with the murder scene in the classroom and the destruction on the second floor of the dorms? 7. Why did Mukuro disobey Monokuma resulting in her death? 8. Junkos motivation did she just love despair and hate hope, is that it? 9. Why did the game show green text at certain points? 10. Why did the game show the first scene of Makoto entering the school again towards the end of the game?