Is there some kind of tool/way to 'teleport' between bonfires?
Switters said:If you've just rung the second bell and haven't been through the catacombs I would recommend grabbing the divine ember from the moth boss and farming green shards from the slimes in the sewers, then upgrading a weapon down the divine path. It permakills the skellys and makes that section of the game much more bearable.
Americanmushroom said:Is there some kind of tool/way to 'teleport' between bonfires?
i nerini del buio said:So, I just killed Havel (btw good lord is that ring useful) and opened the door to darkroot. I'm a SL20 thief, is darkroot doable or should I go somewhere else before?
bigjimmystyle said:Is there a trick to summoning other players outside a boss door, or is it just wait and hope? I'm wasting humanity trying to find someone to help me with the Capra Demon![]()
bigjimmystyle said:Is there a trick to summoning other players outside a boss door, or is it just wait and hope? I'm wasting humanity trying to find someone to help me with the Capra Demon![]()
Americanmushroom said:Is there some kind of tool/way to 'teleport' between bonfires?
abstract alien said:Im assuming all this shit I'm carrying is worthless since I can't sell it. Any other need for me to carry loads of stuff, or should I be dropping it?
bigjimmystyle said:Thanks for the help guys. I almost beat him first go without even knowing wtf was going on, and then he's beaten the shit out of me about 20 times after. I'm only level 17 though and I'm still using the Drakesword.
Cool thanks! One final question. What should I be upgrading as a Pyro? I see intel won't help me much...Speevy said:If you know you can pick it up easily from any number of baddies, drop it.
abstract alien said:Im assuming all this shit I'm carrying is worthless since I can't sell it. Any other need for me to carry loads of stuff, or should I be dropping it?
Risk Breaker said:Fuck fuck fuck, I got cursed. What do, GAF?
I'm in the middle ofAre the purging stones sold by thethe Depths, on the bonfire.Is it faster to go to New Londo? I have 0 souls btwmerchant/cleric dude on the top of the church?They cursed me while
insta-kills you, right?in Human form and I guess that
Americanmushroom said:WTF GAPING DEMON... WTF; it's mostly one hit kills. I thought: ok i'm not gonna get eaten again: and now he just walk over me and instant death. My lifebar was full.. WTF!
hmmm... i can't seem to do him much damage (drake sword) even when he's 'down' and i try to hit his face. It's like only half a centimeter(lifebar) per hit. lol i guess it's normal but it's definitely harder then the gargoyles i think. Thanks for the adviceSeptimius said:He is a mean, big thing. But he's easy to deal with. When he throws his face to the ground, run up and whack him on the nose, once. When you're close to him and in front of him when he's down like that, he will start crawling forward. And that move does A LOT of damage, so stay away from anything that moves on him (legs, tail). But once he's done he has this incredibly long vulnerable moment. Hit him. Otherwise, stay away from his shenanigans and take of his tail. Also, stay away from the side that can pick you up.
Grisby said:Should I buy the poison ring before going into Blighttown? Is it super useful? I have about 15,000 souls and am wondering if I should level or buy the ring.
odin toelust said:just grab the, minor spoilers,Spider Shield. Its in the depths, drop down the butchers hole and grab it before dropping down to the rats area, if you don't have it already.
Verano said:fought and killed the gaping dragon. much easier to kill than capra demon even though my attacks were superficial. Now onto Blighttown or do I go to defeat the butterfly boss? GAF help.
Grisby said:Wait. I thought I got every item in that area. There is a corpse over on the far upper side but I don't know how to get to it.
odin toelust said:Pretty sure you just have to walk to it. no trick. Drop down and walk around the outside edge, to the right iirc
Sir Garbageman said:Is there anything to do in Quelaag's Domain besides the obvious?
cpp_is_king said:Assuming you found the, then that's it.invisible wall
Grisby said:Wait. I thought I got every item in that area. There is a corpse over on the far upper side but I don't know how to get to it.
Sir Garbageman said:Nope, is it in the central chamber?
cpp_is_king said:No, after you, goring the bell.down the stairs
BTW,don't kill the egg hatching thing that's there. talk to it and say yes
I just ran around his back. He head buts the ground, I run around him, he shuffles a bit I hit his tail area, he raises his head, I back off, rinse and repeat.Americanmushroom said:hmmm... i can't seem to do him much damage (drake sword) even when he's 'down' and i try to hit his face. It's like only half a centimeter(lifebar) per hit. lol i guess it's normal but it's definitely harder then the gargoyles i think. Thanks for the advice![]()
The vendor in Sen's Fortress sells Large Titanite Shards for 4000 souls a pop.Castor Krieg said:Where can I find Large Titanite Shard?
Ah thank you...I've been having the damndest time against the Capra Demon. I'll try this outNIN90 said:What helped me tremendously against tough enemies and bosses was getting a decent shield. Just get yourself a Hollow Soldier Shield and upgrade it to +5. It's not much of an investment and I been using that exact same shield up until now (end of Blighttown, SL 38). It's just way easier to block attacks from Black Knights or the Capra Demon than having to constantly dodge because your shield is too weak.
Deadstar said:So I just killed theand now I went to the top of the tower to find amoth bossstone blacksmith. How do I wake him from his slumber? Also, who can create divine weapons? I have the divine ember now and I am playing a faith build. Also, where can I get more faith spells? I've had the same three for the last 20 hours.