Sir Garbageman
Darklord said:If I use the fire keeper soul(says boosts power of estus flasks) is that permanent?
Darklord said:If I use the fire keeper soul(says boosts power of estus flasks) is that permanent?
SUBZERO-08 said:So I finally made my way to the bonfire in Darkroot Garden. And I have no idea where to go from here. There are two paths, oneand anotherwith a bunch of giants who seem too strong for meWhich is the generally recommended way?with either an ice breathing dragon or a pretty strong knight along a downwards path.
duckroll said:Not at all. Fire Orb and Great Fireball are not really that useful imo. They're useful you want to do more damage in a single blow and don't mind the lower number of charges, but as a serious pyromancer, your bread and butter should be either normal Fireballs or Combustion/Great Combustion. If you join the Chaos Servant covenant you get the Great Chaos Fireball too, which is the strongest Pyromancy in the game.
Darklord said:If I use the fire keeper soul(says boosts power of estus flasks) is that permanent?
weekend_warrior said:You want to give it to one of the NPCs that will boost your estus flasks, don't use it yourself.
Darklord said:.....too late.
That's the weirdest sequence of areas that I've seen. Why were you down in the Catacombs if you hadn't beaten Sen's yet? Go do that now, you're missing a huge turning point in the game, and I don't even think you can finish New Londo without going through Sen's first.Tonza said:Which should I go for next, New Londo ruins or Sen's Fortress? Im now SL 56 and just beat Sif and the catacombs boss. (though not the titanite demon)
SUBZERO-08 said:So I finally made my way to the bonfire in Darkroot Garden. And I have no idea where to go from here. There are two paths, oneand anotherwith a bunch of giants who seem too strong for meWhich is the generally recommended way?down the Darkroot Basin with either an ice breathing dragon or a pretty strong knight along a downwards path.
TheFightingFish said:So for folks that are going for more DEX based builds, what weapon type do you find works best?
I'm still early in the game (just getting tonow) and for the most part I'd been using a Scimitar. But just recently I started using the Winged Spear and it felt like the game was way easier with that. Before I had to do all sorts of rolling and dodging in and out to get my hits in, while with the spear I can just chill back and poke when needed. Are polearms just better or do they have some hidden drawbacks that I'm just not seeing yet?Gargoyles
Darklord said:.....too late.
sixghost said:That's the weirdest sequence of areas that I've seen. Why were you down in the Catacombs if you hadn't beaten Sen's yet? Go do that now, you're missing a huge turning point in the game, and I don't even think you can finish New Londo without going through Sen's first.
Because you can play the game in any order you want really up until certain points and that's how it should be, if everyone played the game by this supposed correct order then no one would even know about thesixghost said:That's the weirdest sequence of areas that I've seen. Why were you down in the Catacombs if you hadn't beaten Sen's yet? Go do that now, you're missing a huge turning point in the game, and I don't even think you can finish New Londo without going through Sen's first.
Fixes ring of fog? fuck yes!Wallachia said:
Unlimited uses of magic and items
WEGGLES said:Wait? What?
OHHHHHHHHHHHduckroll said:There's a toggle/switch exploit that allows people to basically use an item unlimited times automatically to get 999999999999 souls, or throw firebombs/daggers continuously at an amazing speed, or to use spells on equipment which shouldn't be possible, etc. They're fixing that.
I thought they were ADDING unlimited magic. I was thinking "son of a bitch, I just bought a second 'copy' of a spell I use a lot"
Ah good stuff.duckroll said:I posted some details about the patch in the main thread:
duckroll said:I posted some details about the patch in the main thread:
SUMMON FAILED SUMMON FAILED SUMMON FAILEDWallachia said:Thanks. I just hope.. TUNING OF MATCHMAKING CONDITIONS.. means it will work better on NAT Type 3(
(I feel so bad for the people I've tried to summon who likely load into my game then it fails and have to load out :'( I don't feel bad for invaders that have that happen to them, though)
Wallachia said:Thanks. I just hope.. TUNING OF MATCHMAKING CONDITIONS.. means it will work better on NAT Type 3(
scosher said:I'm actually hoping it's more about expanding the range of level types you can party/invade, as it was in Demon's Souls.
Should be in the OP and bolded. I also used it and, of course, eventually managed to die and lose my Humanity points. Gah.weekend_warrior said:You want to give it to one of the NPCs that will boost your estus flasks, don't use it yourself.
test_account said:Any tips on how to beat theboss? I'm using a Pyromancer and i got soul arrows. It works ok with one of them, but as soon as the 2nd comes, i dont have a chance. It sucks that you stop and stand still when using magic. That is one things that keeps getting me killed there.Bell Gargoyle
Also, how does coop work in this game? I placed my white soap stone down and waited, but nothing happened.
test_account said:Any tips on how to beat theboss? I'm using a Pyromancer and i got soul arrows. It works ok with one of them, but as soon as the 2nd comes, i dont have a chance. It sucks that you stop and stand still when using magic. That is one things that keeps getting me killed there.Bell Gargoyle
Also, how does coop work in this game? I placed my white soap stone down and waited, but nothing happened.
g35twinturbo said:thats the thing, MP is kinda busted, someone has to summon you.
g35twinturbo said:thats the thing, MP is kinda busted, someone has to summon you.
Ah ok, i see. So i have to put down my soap stone and then wait until someone sees it and clicks on it? I guess that can take a while if waiting for a random person.Wallachia said:Summoning.. So you need to be HUMAN to see summon signs from others, then you can have them come in your world and help. When YOU leave a Summon sign, that is for YOU to go help others, if they choose to bring you in.
I have the axe that the Pyromancer starts with, but it isnt really that powerful. I guess that it does like 20 damage with light attack (a Soul Arrow in comparison does like 60 damage), so the bosses would require a lot of hits to use that weapon. I try to keep distance, but either the boss jumps on me, or when the 2nd boss appear, it seems impossible to keep distance. The flame/fire attack from the 2nd boss also keeps killing me then.Wallachia said:If you have a melee weapon and get some Gold Pine Resin (Lightning) that helps alot. Or keep your distance and use ranged weaponry. Also, you could keep killing monsters in the area and level up more, to have more strength, endurance and defense.
Are you on PS3?
Yeah, i've leveled up maybe 6-7 times. I've focused most on Attunement to begin with, so i now got 3 magic slots instead of 1. I have also upgraded the Intelligence a few times, boosting the damage of the magic attacks. I've been concidering grinding a lot, but it takes so long time. I probably use like 20 minutes just to gather 1000 souls, which i think makes it really boring to grind :\Wallachia said:Have you been 'Leveling Up' at bonfires?
So yeah, the 00 and 01.. that shows how much HUMANITY you. You USE Humantity, then go to a fire and select REVERSE HOLLOWING.. then you will be HUMAN and should be able to summon. Try that by the boss door. Let me know if it works.
Im on PS3 but my network isnt working too good (NAT Type 3) So I dont see alot of summons, and I CANT be summoned to help others..
Wallachia said:That's not the busted part.. its just that the rules aren't that clear..
gate777 said:Recommendations as to where to head next after Undead Parish. I cleared the Boss pretty easily.
I played that exact class, and yeah get ready for some tough boss fights throughout the game. I got through most of the boss fights with lots of dodging and using my pyro spells.Incendiary said:A little help. I'm a lvl 30 Thief/Pyromancer, just got to the Blighttown boss and I got my ass handed to me. I have to say my class works wonders for everything except bosses. I got from the first Blighttown bonfire to the second without dying once, but the boss just owns me. I even used one of my Gold Pine Resins to help but yeesh. Any tips?
For reference, the only boss I've beaten, besides the ones that I had to beat to get to Blighttown anyway, is. Should I go back up through the water wheel area and do something else before trying to take her on? Or do I just have a tough battle ahead of me because of my class choices.Moonlight Butterfly
I haven't beaten the Capra demon yet. How hard is that enemy under the stairs after the blacksmith? I think I'll try him next and then head on down to the depths after I farm some souls.Wallachia said:Go to the blacksmith, go explore Darkroot Garden for fun and souls. Did you beat the Capra Demon yet, in the lower parts of the Undead Burg?
What is your soul level? If you want we can doubleteam the bitch. Im SL 18 PS3 waiting in front of his room hoping someone will drop a sign.gate777 said:I haven't beaten the Capra demon yet. How hard is that enemy under the stairs after the blacksmith? I think I'll try him next and then head on down to the depths after I farm some souls.
gate777 said:I haven't beaten the Capra demon yet. How hard is that enemy under the stairs after the blacksmith? I think I'll try him next and then head on down to the depths after I farm some souls.
lol, I'm PS3 as well but SL 26, probably too high.24FrameDaVinci said:What is your soul level? If you want we can doubleteam the bitch. Im SL 18 PS3 waiting in front of his room hoping someone will drop a sign.