Hawkian said:If you stay very close to her and circle around, all but one of her attacks should miss you. When she lies down to do the shockwave, back up quick.
Vice said:I can't seem to beatI'm on my fifth try. Any tips, I can get her down to 1/4 health.Chaos Witch Quelaag
DangerousDave said:Go to bonfire, reverse hollow. Inmediatly you'll have a sign about being invaded by an NPC. Wait, and you'll be atacked by a NPC with butcher knife. Kill him, is quite easy.
Go to the boss and just before the fog there will be a summon sign. It's of the NPC. Summon and enter.
Let the NPC get all the aggro (he has tons of life, i took my time and in the end he still had like 80% of life) and you circle the boss and hit by the side, not the back. Be careful about the AOE attacks.
Ken said:Honestly, I think the phantom you can summon hurts more than helps. The way I beat Queelag is to watch her hand motions, and if she's turned to face the phantom I miss out on all her telegraphs. The phantom also likes to get stuck in the lava and staggers from the damage over time, making her trapped for a good few seconds.
To avoid her fire sword, I just run to one side of the spiders head and her attacks will miss.
She telegraphs her fire spit move (where it sprays fire in an arc in front of the spider) by placing one hand on the spider's head. Pretty much means it's safe to attack her from the sides.
She telegraphs her AoE fire explosion by placing both hands on the spider's head. At that point you should have enough time to run away.
I think the spider telegraphs the jumping attack by crouching for a second or two which is a good time to run.
Graffgor said:Hey gents, what's a solid upgrade to the drake sword? Getting a little tired of it.
Also (part directly after Queelag spoilers):I accidentally killed the vendor and Queelag's sister without knowing what they were... Did I completely screw myself out of anything super important?
Also where do you go after Blighttown? To the gate that opened up?
DangerousDave said:If you are very fast, maybe (or without autofocus). But I had a lot of trouble to avoid the sword, and for me it was more a resistance battle, because i had to block too much fire-based attacks. Also, I used (wrongly) the focus, so sometimes some AoE got me by surprise and i needed to block instead of run.
Graffgor said:God damn it... I am a Pyro as it turns out.
DangerousDave said:Go to bonfire, reverse hollow. Inmediatly you'll have a sign about being invaded by an NPC. Wait, and you'll be atacked by a NPC with butcher knife. Kill him, is quite easy.
Go to the boss and just before the fog there will be a summon sign. It's of the NPC. Summon and enter.
Let the NPC get all the aggro (he has tons of life, i took my time and in the end he still had like 80% of life) and you circle the boss and hit by the side, not the back. Be careful about the AOE attacks.
Ken said:Aside from her AoE, which fire attacks are you blocking? The only time I get hit by fire is when fighting her too close to fire already on the ground and the spider pushes me in.
Giard said:Is there any reason to stay in the Forest Hunters if you received the Ring of Fog? I want theDark Wood Grain Ring that the ninja drops...but i like the Cat Covenant Ring for PvP.
Thanks.Ken said:Aside from getting access to merchant Shiva and Forest PvP, I don't think there are any other benefits to staying in the covenant. Oh, I also guess you don't get invaded by other Forest Hunters while in the forest.
Ken said:The only really good spell you'll miss out isThe other spells are kind of bleh.the Chaos Great Fireball. It's a Great Fireball that leaves behind lava on the ground to deal extra damage. It also scales with humanity.
Oh, the vendor can upgrade your gloves to 15 (but not ascend) but if you have Laurentius still alive it doesn't matter.
pmj said:I just finished Blighttown and it seems like the difficulty has ramped up considerably.
In Sen's Fortress, the lizard guards take 11 hits by my drake sword to go down, and that's the best weapon I have by a good margin.
Is it supposed to be a lot more challenging, or does my drake sword not cut it anymore? I could grind 10k souls and upgrade it, but from what I can tell the upgraded stats (200 to 220) wouldn't make a huge difference.
Well, darn it. I had heard that lightning spears were awesome so I spent a lot on upgrading a winged spear to +7, hoping to make it lightning at some point. Oh well.DangerousDave said:In Sen's fortress you'll find a lighting spear that do much more damange than drake sword (the stats seems lower, but is lighting damage, so you'll make much more damage to almost any creature). It's not worthy to upgrade now Drake Sword because it don't scale, so you won't use it anymore.
Keep upgrading the winged spear and make it lightning whenever you can. It will beat out the normal lightning spear. So you haven't wasted any souls upgrading useless stuff in that regardpmj said:Well, darn it. I had heard that lightning spears were awesome so I spent a lot on upgrading a winged spear to +7, hoping to make it lightning at some point. Oh well.
I'll level up some too. Apparently level 37 isn't as overleveled as I thought at this point in the game.
V-Gief said:Keep upgrading the winged spear and make it lightning whenever you can. It will beat out the normal lightning spear. So you haven't wasted any souls upgrading useless stuff in that regard![]()
V-Gief said:Keep upgrading the winged spear and make it lightning whenever you can. It will beat out the normal lightning spear. So you haven't wasted any souls upgrading useless stuff in that regard![]()
Giard said:Can someone tell me where I should go now?
I just got the Lordvessel, and beat Pinwheel in the Catacombs. I could go to the Tomb of Giants from here but I can't see shit. Maybe Demon Ruins?
Orcastar said:You can proceed to Tomb of Giants or go for Demon Ruins, New Londo (take the elevator down from Firelink) or to Duke's Archives (through Anor Londo). Doesn't really matter which order you tackle them in; you'll have to all of them anyway.
If you have at least 14 intelligence, you can go to Darkroot Basin where you killed the hydra boss. Hug the left wall and make your way to the back of the lake where you should find a golem. Kill it to meet an NPC that will sell you a light spell, which will make traversing Tomb of Giants much easier.
Get close to the hydra but not close enough that you fall into the hole that surrounds him. He'll start attacking you by lunging with his heads. Block and attack the heads and repeat until dead.Giard said:I haven't killedthe Hydra yet though.I tried getting close to it once and I fell in the lake. Must it be a ranged battle?
Thanks for the hints. I'll try out Demon Ruins first.
Thanks.Ken said:Get close to the hydra but not close enough that you fall into the hole that surrounds him. He'll start attacking you by lunging with his heads. Block and attack the heads and repeat until dead.
Graffgor said:Thank you for the replies my good man.
I suppose I'll just keep going and remedy that mistake in new game+.
NEO0MJ said:I need help. I've been cursed and I can't find the healer. Where is he in new londo?
Note: I have yet to ring the second bell.
walbertsmith said:Either the merchant in the bell tower right after the gargoyles or the undead female merchant behind the bars in the shortcut from the alley with the thieves to Firelink Shrine. (The female merchant is 3k souls, the bell tower guy is 6k souls).
No clue, likely die off or merge. They are practically the same thread at this point._dementia said:What's going to happen to this thread on Friday?
walbertsmith said:Either the merchant in the bell tower right after the gargoyles or the undead female merchant behind the bars in the shortcut from the alley with the thieves to Firelink Shrine. (The female merchant is 3k souls, the bell tower guy is 6k souls).
Risk Breaker said:I may be wrong though![]()
Risk Breaker said:Actually, I think it's the other way around, 3k in the belltower and 6k in the female merchant. She is closer to firelink after all, so it's only natural that hers are more expensive.
I may be wrong though![]()
Divine Washing Pole + 5 is weaker than Divine Halberd + 5.Roklie said:I have a Divine Halberd +5 and I was thinking about using the Washing Pole, but that would mean putting souls up 20 in strength, I have 16 now. If I make it divine how powerful will it be compared to my divine halberd?
Just let him kill her. It's not so bad and it doesn't take too long to get her back.schennmu said:Has probably been asked a thousand times, but should I kill Lautrec now or not?.
Interfectum said:Dark Souls is a glimpse at a gaming future we never got. Somewhere along the lines gaming got dumbed down beyond all recognition to the point where DS is seen as some sort of niche, impossible gaming experience. Pretty sad.
Misterinenja said:Just let him kill her. It's not so bad and it doesn't take too long to get her back.
How do you get her back?Misterinenja said:It's not so bad and it doesn't take too long to get her back.
_dementia said:How do you get her back?