Zeth said:
Anybody have Quelag's Furysword? Already dumped 35 pts in dex (should I stop?). Or would +15 Laito be better in the long run? I like the idea of having a unique weapon.
Friend has it, and he says it's retardedly awesome, in both looks and power. Comparing it to other dex weapons stat-wise, it may also come out as the best there is. Scales at B rank with dex, and at +5, has 270 base fire damage and 90 base physical. And to put it even further ahead of the pack, it also scales with your humanity.
elty said:
Quick questions:
1) Is there anything equivalent to crystal lizard in Demon's Souls?
2) Is there anything equivalent to the insanity talisman in Demon's Souls, or anything that let you cast miracle and spell?
3) Is there any harm to betray your covenant if you don't plan to rejoin them?
1) Yes, but they respawn now if you fail to kill them. Once you do kill them, they won't spawn at that spot until NG+.
2) I think you mean Talisman of Beasts, and afaik, no.

3) Other than having to pay up the ass in souls to switch covenants, not really.
PistolPete said:
I accidently struck the female undead merchant. Is there anyway to reset this or do I really have to pay 48000 souls?? I'm level 24 knight and am just starting the depths and have nothing but the Drake sword...everything gives me trouble and would take literally days to grind that many souls.
After you beat boss in Undead Parish
and ring the bell, a new NPC shows up at the base of the belltower who can absolve your sins. He can't resurrect dead NPC's though, only make them not hostile.
xir said:
i undersatand the crafting differences between flame and chaos split and magic and enchanted but what are the actual? is +5 chaos/enchanted better than their +10 counterparts?
Not sure about Chaos as I haven't crafted one, but as the purpose of it is to scale with humanity, I assume that with 0 humanity, a Fire +10 weapon would be superior. But at a certain humanity level, Chaos will overtake it. As for Magic vs. Enchanted, it's basically Moon vs. Crescent from Demon's Souls. Moon/Magic has better base damage. Crescent/Enchanted has slightly lower base damage but better Int scaling. I believe if you have at least 40+ (maybe 50) in Int, Enchanted +5 is the way to go.