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Dark Souls III |OT+2| Why Can't We Poise the Game?


Took down the Abyss Watchers with a little help from a friendly cartoon character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLnhwVsYSH1o1jW-5r-UfCbFz4VcQalzj5&v=u_2WRpm_nbU

an add battle that isn't stacked against you from the start.

I'm not sure what the deal with them attacking each other was - are the red eyed Abyss Watchers blind and think that their friends are enemies? Every other red-eyed enemy hasn't behaved in the same way so far.

The Abyss Watchers didn't seem like they were guarding the Catacombs of Carthus, and the Old Wolf of Farron is outside the arena, so the idea of the Abyss Watchers being locked into an arena in Farron Keep to do battle for all eternity is kinda depressing really.

Cool boss fight though!
Thoughout the area is evidence of the Abyss. Playing DS1 would have helped you pick this up. This area likely used to be Oolacile. Perhaps there's an entrance to the Abyss near and we will meet it again in the DLC.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Go to the church near the tree boss arena and take the elevator down and you are on the right path.

Yeah I got there yesterday and that quick freezing bastard is whooping my ass.


Thoughout the area is evidence of the Abyss. Playing DS1 would have helped you pick this up. This area likely used to be Oolacile. Perhaps there's an entrance to the Abyss near and we will meet it again in the DLC.

Maybe, but I think we're just taking DS3's overall world building at face value, and yeah anything from DS1 is going to go over our heads.

The Abyss was the DLC for DS1 though, right? Hence Artorias of the Abyss?
The Abyss was the DLC for DS1 though, right? Hence Artorias of the Abyss?
Dark Souls 1 spoilers
outside of the DLC, you visit the abyss when fighting one of the bosses. Artorias' ring was required to walk the abyss.


Took down the Abyss Watchers with a little help from a friendly cartoon character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLnhwVsYSH1o1jW-5r-UfCbFz4VcQalzj5&v=u_2WRpm_nbU

an add battle that isn't stacked against you from the start.

I'm not sure what the deal with them attacking each other was - are the red eyed Abyss Watchers blind and think that their friends are enemies? Every other red-eyed enemy hasn't behaved in the same way so far.

The Abyss Watchers didn't seem like they were guarding the Catacombs of Carthus, and the Old Wolf of Farron is outside the arena, so the idea of the Abyss Watchers being locked into an arena in Farron Keep to do battle for all eternity is kinda depressing really.

Cool boss fight though!

My lore theroy is
that they were corrupted by Abyss, the thing they hate more than anything else.
As a result the keep killing one another, but since they are undead, they are just keep coming back to live.


Dark Souls 1 spoilers
outside of the DLC, you visit the abyss when fighting one of the bosses. Artorias' ring was required to walk the abyss.

Huh, sounds pretty cool. Makes me a little more annoyed that Dark Souls never came to PS4, but that's our fault for not playing it really.

My lore theroy is
that they were corrupted by Abyss, the thing they hate more than anything else.
As a result the keep killing one another, but since they are undead, they are just keep coming back to live.

They were
woken up by the bell tolling in the intro though right? Where it says the fire link was threatened? Seems like they kinda lost their way a bit.

So if the Undead Legion and the Watchdogs of Farron are opposing factions, and the Abyss Watchers are the members of the Undead Legion, why aren't they fighting the Watchdogs of Farron?
Huh, sounds pretty cool. Makes me a little more annoyed that Dark Souls never came to PS4, but that's our fault for not playing it really.

They were
woken up by the bell tolling in the intro though right? Where it says the fire link was threatened? Seems like they kinda lost their way a bit.

So if the Undead Legion and the Watchdogs of Farron are opposing factions, and the Abyss Watchers are the members of the Undead Legion, why aren't they fighting the Watchdogs of Farron?

They aren't opposing factions, the watchdogs are there to protect the rest place of the undead legion. The undead legion got their power from the blood of the wolf you can get the covenant, which already dried up and is related to Artorias from DS1. The watchdogs protect the forrest from intruders.


Dude, let me give a pro tip on soul farming. Go to Grand Archives and go up the elevator at the bonfire with your best item and soul stuff on. Proceed through the large doorway and turn left and go toward the 3 winged Knights on the rooftops. Thank me later when you're getting a 100k souls per run in 2 minutes.
Thanks again!

Looking at a crazy (for NG) million souls. Used the rapport spell to cheese them though lol.


Made a new character and stopped leveling around level 35. PVP is fun again, it's not just people in teams of 4 with seeds popped waiting to gank me.


Made a new character and stopped leveling around level 35. PVP is fun again, it's not just people in teams of 4 with seeds popped waiting to gank me.

Since I discovered this on my 3rd character, I never leveled up more than lv32 again or weapon +6.
I almost wish the next game won't have multiplayer period so that I stop torturing myself with this junk TBH. I want to play a game without worrying about leveling up and stuff again.
After pointiff is a very good area to invade at high level, basically both autosummon zones are. Yeah you get less invasions, but worth it.

Low level invasions are to boring to me, I'd rather ocasionally own people with a well placed Onislayer and other fun weapons than use forever and ever raw astora straight sword.

Btw been using O&U since before the buff to Onislayer and, damn, it kick ass. Good because Onislayer sucked balls.

I'm LTTP but Twitch streamer The_Happy_Hob achieved a world first no-hit run, where he beat the game and all optional bosses without taking a single hit. Two other people have achieved a no-hit run, but neither of them also defeated all the bosses in the same run like this guy did.

Crazy impressive... I can't go like 5 mins without taking damage lol.

That strat to avoid magic missils at the start of the second phase of brothers. Totally crazy. Lol

Watched just 2 las bosses, but impressive, highly impressive.


Pretty much cheesed the last 2 bosses. Went bow and arrow on the nameless king and summoned Yuria on the cinder dude. I just grew too impatient since I was that close to the end of the game >.>


Firelink Shrine's positively bustling now that we've killed the Abyss Watchers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLnhwVsYSH1o1jW-5r-UfCbFz4VcQalzj5&v=TYNVFTPZXM4

Looks like
Sirris is our friend now! Defeating the Abyss Watchers must be the main trigger for events such as Sirris helping you ('I've heard a great deal about you') and for Eygon to appear in the shrine. Greirat returned from his scavenging too, and I think the weapons he got were the Zweihander and Pontiff Curved Sword? That's what looked new to me anyway.

Also had to run around looking for Cornyx (losing track of all the NPCs to be honest), but I don't know how we missed the guy at the throne who gives you 5 Cracked Red Eye Orbs, I swear he wasn't there before - we'll probably figure what to do with him later.

Finally - I guess I should have been expecting a trap in Carthus, but I wasn't quite expecting that!


just some speculation:

do you think in the DLC we will start from zero or be able to bring our character over?

also do you think your end will be kept in mind?

Cat Party

just some speculation:

do you think in the DLC we will start from zero or be able to bring our character over?

also do you think your end will be kept in mind?
I assume you'll be able to bring your character and it won't matter whether you've finished the game or what ending you chose.
Well boys, after beating the final boss in NG++ last night, I think I've finally hit my stopping point. I'll probably hop in sporadically for some PvP or jolly cooperation, since I do like to help others with tough bosses like NK and SoC. But other than that, I've completed every achievement, I've reached rank 2 on every covenant, and I've beaten every boss solo. I know every zone by heart now; nothing left to explore. All that's left for me to do is create a fresh character so I can start from scratch when the DLC comes out. I'm thinking of making a Skyrim-based character that looks like a Nord.
Well boys, after beating the final boss in NG++ last night, I think I've finally hit my stopping point. I'll probably hop in sporadically for some PvP or jolly cooperation, since I do like to help others with tough bosses like NK and SoC. But other than that, I've completed every achievement, I've reached rank 2 on every covenant, and I've beaten every boss solo. I know every zone by heart now; nothing left to explore. All that's left for me to do is create a fresh character so I can start from scratch when the DLC comes out. I'm thinking of making a Skyrim-based character that looks like a Nord.

I feel like I reached my ending point too, after I was PvPing yesterday and kinda realized that after 300+ hours It wasn't that fun anymore. Got my 100% achivements on PC, created several different builds on both PS4 and PC and finished the game several times already.

Maybe I'll keep having some matches here and there, but is time to focus on other games, that said I can't wait until the DLC.

Specially after listening to this:



Any tips for SL1 Champion Gundyr? (Other than git gud at parrying)

Got him down to a third of his health once. I'm having a hell of a hard time with him, but want to keep trying.

The rewards of gaining access to the priestess ring and prisoners chain seem to good to pass up!


Well boys, after beating the final boss in NG++ last night, I think I've finally hit my stopping point. I'll probably hop in sporadically for some PvP or jolly cooperation, since I do like to help others with tough bosses like NK and SoC. But other than that, I've completed every achievement, I've reached rank 2 on every covenant, and I've beaten every boss solo. I know every zone by heart now; nothing left to explore. All that's left for me to do is create a fresh character so I can start from scratch when the DLC comes out. I'm thinking of making a Skyrim-based character that looks like a Nord.

I feel like I reached my ending point too, after I was PvPing yesterday and kinda realized that after 300+ hours It wasn't that fun anymore. Got my 100% achivements on PC, created several different builds on both PS4 and PC and finished the game several times already.

Maybe I'll keep having some matches here and there, but is time to focus on other games, that said I can't wait until the DLC.

Specially after listening to this:

This is me as well. I've been trying to spread my wealth around to as many people who will take it before I hang it up. I'll be back at DLC time or when anyone wants to have a PvP get together. I've actually fallen head over heals in love with Bloodborne again :p

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I would probably still be down for invading all the time, but lately I've started Trails in the Sky SC and it's been monopolizing my time haha.

Well, I'll definitely return in full force when the DLC hits. Any news on a release date yet?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
This is me as well. I've been trying to spread my wealth around to as many people who will take it before I hang it up. I'll be back at DLC time or when anyone wants to have a PvP get together. I've actually fallen head over heals in love with Bloodborne again :p

I've benefitted enormously from that (thanks!).

Yeah, I've only jumped back into DS3 after a huge BB spat. These and MGSV take up all my time.

Caja 117

So, I got some questions:

A) should I be expending levels on Vitality? Im doing a Pyro with high Dex (Im at 30 Dex right now, while INT is 19)

B) so whats the deal with Poise in this game as of today? has it been fixed, the same about Sorceries, are they under powered? (all this is for PVE)

I reach a point where there is Giant blocking my way, is sort of to the path of the profane capital I believe, my question is, how do you pass this, Do I have to kill him?
D) is there any way were I can farm embers? I only have 3 left and the merchant is out of stock.

Thank you


Any tips for SL1 Champion Gundyr? (Other than git gud at parrying)

Got him down to a third of his health once. I'm having a hell of a hard time with him, but want to keep trying.

The rewards of gaining access to the priestess ring and prisoners chain seem to good to pass up!

Keep your distance to bait him into attacks you can more easily punish. Learn his combos (especially for when he does the shoulder charge) and only attack when you are absolutely sure you have the time. Sounds vague, but I think that's pretty much what I did.


Any tips for SL1 Champion Gundyr? (Other than git gud at parrying)

Got him down to a third of his health once. I'm having a hell of a hard time with him, but want to keep trying.

The rewards of gaining access to the priestess ring and prisoners chain seem to good to pass up!

Parry all the way. Never did a SL1 run and I'm quite the DS noob, but once I got the parry timing.

I parried that one attack where he jumps towards you (don't know how to describe it any better) and immediately tried to get away after the critical. He only does that attack at a certain distance. Took a while but in the end I parried him to death even without taking any major damage I think.
I would probably still be down for invading all the time, but lately I've started Trails in the Sky SC and it's been monopolizing my time haha.

Well, I'll definitely return in full force when the DLC hits. Any news on a release date yet?

Hopefully we get news on gamescom, otherwise we will have to wait until TGS.

So, I got some questions:

A) should I be expending levels on Vitality? Im doing a Pyro with high Dex (Im at 30 Dex right now, while INT is 19)

B) so whats the deal with Poise in this game as of today? has it been fixed, the same about Sorceries, are they under powered? (all this is for PVE)

I reach a point where there is Giant blocking my way, is sort of to the path of the profane capital I believe, my question is, how do you pass this, Do I have to kill him?
D) is there any way were I can farm embers? I only have 3 left and the merchant is out of stock.

Thank you

A) Yes, VIT is key for every class and build.

B) Working as intended, real function of poise is not fully clear but is related to hyperarmor that replaces it's original function.

C) You really don't have to kill it, u can just ran past it.

D) Invade or co—op bosses, some enemies drops embers but not up at that point I think.


I just killed Yhor
m the giant
. How the fuck were we supposed to know that to kill him you need to pick up a s
pecial sword from the boss room
? If it wasn't because of internet this is almost impossible to know.
I just killed Yhor
m the giant
. How the fuck were we supposed to know that to kill him you need to pick up a s
pecial sword from the boss room
? If it wasn't because of internet this is almost impossible to know.
The item is in the boss room - it's meant to peak your interest so you pick it up. You take one swing at him and see there must be some gimmick or weakpoint since he takes crappy damage from a regular weapon.

Demon's Souls players would realise since it's a throwback to the Storm King boss. Other than that.... welcome to Souls! :)
I just killed Yhor
m the giant
. How the fuck were we supposed to know that to kill him you need to pick up a s
pecial sword from the boss room
? If it wasn't because of internet this is almost impossible to know.

Lol, that's like the least vague thing in this game. There's even a message on the ground of the boss room telling you about it. Good luck against Ancient Wyvern! :p
Reminder: Massive PVP Tournament Tomorrow at 12PM EST - Predictions open for fun

DamnNoHtml said:
Prediction form: http://challonge.com/tournaments/2718914/predictions/new

People that correctly guess the exact winner's bracket will get a special shout-out on the official upload of the tournament.

Hey guys, quick reminder that tomorrow at 12PM EST or 16:00 GMT the Tryhard Meta Invitational is taking place. Featuring some of the best players / content creators from all platforms and places of the world, and (hopefully) a non-trainwreck of high production value. I really hope to set this thing apart from the rest. I hope you guys come hang out and enjoy.

Main stream: http://www.twitch.tv/ScottJund

Secondary stream / co-commentator: http://www.twitch.tv/BarneezyJones

Loser's Bracket: http://www.twitch.tv/xs_havok

My favorite part is the special rule:

Bonus $100 if the Champion wins without using: Carthus Curved Sword, Estoc, Washing Pole, Garygoyle Flame Spear, Gotthard's Twin Swords, Dark Sword

Should be pretty fun to watch. I enjoyed Havok's tournament, even though it was a big meta-fest.


Getting a heavy Bloodborne Chalice Dungeon vibe from the Catacombs of Carthus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLnhwVsYSH1o1jW-5r-UfCbFz4VcQalzj5&v=lbLQdUr6H44

an illusory wall that wasn't a lie!

Carthus Milkring seems fun, I can't imagine that the invisibility comes in that handy though. At least it boosts Dexterity, which is perfect for us.

Reminder: Massive PVP Tournament Tomorrow at 12PM EST - Predictions open for fun

My favorite part is the special rule:

Should be pretty fun to watch. I enjoyed Havok's tournament, even though it was a big meta-fest.

This sounds fun, looking forward to picking up the Carthus Curved Sword if people complain about it in PvP!


Keep your distance to bait him into attacks you can more easily punish. Learn his combos (especially for when he does the shoulder charge) and only attack when you are absolutely sure you have the time. Sounds vague, but I think that's pretty much what I did.
Parry all the way. Never did a SL1 run and I'm quite the DS noob, but once I got the parry timing.

I parried that one attack where he jumps towards you (don't know how to describe it any better) and immediately tried to get away after the critical. He only does that attack at a certain distance. Took a while but in the end I parried him to death even without taking any major damage I think.
Update; I finally beat him!
Parrying was absolutely the way to go.

Failed to beat him 40+ times fighting normally.

I switched to the small leather shield and focused on parrying. Got him on the fifth attempt!


Gold Member
i'm in the undead settlement. i've unlocked the sewers short cut so i can use the bonfire beside the bridge and go through to the opposite area. those giant things with the pots/saws are doing my head in.
Baobao looks really good today. I'm really liking some of the strange off-hand weapons too.

He's the best player in the tournament IMO. Too bad he's super immature and decided to forfeit the tourney because he was salty about his friend losing. Lmao that was ridiculous.


He's the best player in the tournament IMO. Too bad he's super immature and decided to forfeit the tourney because he was salty about his friend losing. Lmao that was ridiculous.
I'm still not clear about what happened. Did Skor disconnect on purpose? The chat is so confusing.
I'm still not clear about what happened. Did Skor disconnect on purpose? The chat is so confusing.

No, Skor's game crashed mid-fight. Bao thought that should have disqualified him. Scott decided to reset the fight. Even though Gade won that fight anyway, Bao was still weirdly butthurt about it and ended up leaving the tourney.
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