Found Leonhard skulking around in Rosaria's Bedchamber:
I don't think we've evermet Yellowfinger? He sounds like an important part of Rosaria's covenant, and being referenced directly in Leonhard's dialogue makes me think we should have seen him by now.
It's different when item descriptions talk about people like the princess of Oolacile or the Archdeacon McDonnell because they're most likely dead or unable to be interacted with in anyway, or they're being vague to the point that they could be referring to several different people.
I made it to Farron's Keep and it's basically another Blight Town/5-2 Demon's Souls level, eh? Really unfun. Should I follow the path past the Crystal Sage? I killed some skeletons in the area behind her but eventually died as I didn't find their summoner.
She invades as a red phantom in Road of Sacrifices and Farron Keep. Killing her for the crown is always one of my early game goals.
When did ENB start streaming on twitch? I thought he mainly did YouTube lets plays.
What? I'll try that tonight
Did you farm the silver Knights on the stairs?
Have you played any Dark Souls games or do you ignore messages?
You missed a fair few things then related to the messages.Platinumed DeS, DaS1, DaS2, DaS3. 100% offline - ethernet cable janked out. Never read one player message.
When did ENB start streaming on twitch? I thought he mainly did YouTube lets plays.
It was nice to hear him again! Especially when he's not bitching about DS3.Today is his first day.
It was nice to hear him again! Especially when he's not bitching about DS3.
DS2?!Impossible. ENB is ALWAYS bitching about DS3. I don't think I've even seen a game this hated by a fanbase.
Impossible. ENB is ALWAYS bitching about DS3. I don't think I've even seen a game this hated by a fanbase. RE6 and FFXIII are better off than it!
Impossible. ENB is ALWAYS bitching about DS3. I don't think I've even seen a game this hated by a fanbase. RE6 and FFXIII are better off than it!
Everyones going through Dark Souls 3 while I'm stuck on Ornstein and Smough in DS1. I've got Dark Souls 3 waiting in the backlog though as soon as I finish DS1.
In time I will join you all in the sun.
Those steps also remind me of the ones on these guys in demon ruins:I've been puzzling out a theory concerning Yellowfinger Heysel & the fungal stalks on.Oceiros
They also resemble Cordyceps, a fungal parasite, so linking the Xanthous King with the Parasitic Wall Hugger still makes sense.
It's not air tight, but its fun to puzzle out.
Impossible. ENB is ALWAYS bitching about DS3. I don't think I've even seen a game this hated by a fanbase. RE6 and FFXIII are better off than it!
Impossible. ENB is ALWAYS bitching about DS3. I don't think I've even seen a game this hated by a fanbase. RE6 and FFXIII are better off than it!
went through irithyll dungeon. i hate that place. those people with the branding thing who rapidly take away your health in particular. i've got most of the items but i'm not going back there. got to the profaned capital.
in terms of performance, on PC, has anyone had the game completely freeze in this area? i was getting a little bit of stuttering in boreal valley but this is crazy. not sure if it's the game or my PC.
anyway i was trying to fine siegward but no idea how to get to him. can hardly make sense of some of the maps.
NOOOOO, don't leavedown in the prison!Karla
Siegward:head down the ladder inside the building where the profaned capital bonfire is. This eventually takes you to a toxic swamp with those freaky long hair bugs. There's a ladder that takes you up the building there. After you fight the sorcerer on the roof, you can jump over the stairs to a hole in the wall that will take you to Siegward. (This isn't the hole that takes you down where the hand monster was).
He didn't have fun with it. Couldn't finish a second playthrough.What? He didn't like it?
He didn't have fun with it. Couldn't finish a second playthrough.
He didn't have fun with it. Couldn't finish a second playthrough.
He was burned out... from his last podcast on the subject it seemed he liked Dark Souls 3 a lot, just not as much. I only watched his first playthrough and I thought he clearly enjoyed it.
In his stream yesterday, he said he didn't have fun. He said some more, but I wasn't paying that much attention...I was getting rekt in Nioh.Oh man. I only watched his first playthrough and he seemed to enjoy it.
Aldrich Faithful are a pvp covenant. Nothing more. If you were online through that area, you would have been invaded by more than one person.Explore the back area after Pontiff Sulyvahn's bonfire:
Elizabeth, Oolacile. Also a fungi/mushroom link there. And they connected the Xanthous scholars to Oolacile in DS3.It might be possible that the certain kinds of fungi are a source of sorcery in the setting, like how in BloodborneMaster Willem has fungi-esque growths from his back due to his expansion of arcane knowledge
kill ornstein first. i found the smough was easier to deal with in the second stage than ornstein. of course if you want ornsteins armor you'll need to kill smough first. use the pillars to your advantage for when you need to recover/buff. good luck![]()
Platinumed DeS, DaS1, DaS2, DaS3. 100% offline - ethernet cable janked out. Never read one player message.
Aldrich Faithful are a pvp covenant. Nothing more. If you were online through that area, you would have been invaded by more than one person.
There are several things that you're probably not going to figure out without messages. Here is some help with the giant: stop upgrading the storm greatsword, that's not needed. You were correct in needing the sword. Perhaps you should play around with its moveset.
Vaati's new vidya had a few things that I never knew. Neat
Pray. You can't invade to get the items, you have to be summoned. And that's very rare, at least for me.
You could try to farm the silver Knights. Some post up someone had great success doing so yesterday I think.
Can someone answer a question for me? I'm trying to earn the dark moon covenant proof of a concord kept so I have the sign active. I'm invading at the back of anor londo using the cracked red eye orb, but end up against usually a host and two others and get destroyed. How do I either join the host or become the host? I put down a white soapstone mark at the place where all the fight clubs take place, but nothing happened. Not getting any invaders either. I finished new game +, just mopping up items etc atm. I'm around level 150 give or take.
Best option to get the covenant items?