Adjusted Onislayer timing on Onikiri and Ubadachi
Fixed a bug where Patches and Greirat would never return if sent to steal after defeating all bosses.
I really hope both it and the claws stay the same. They're not broken and most people just spam their weapon art.In a good way or in a bad way?
No, just that they'll come back from Irythill without needing a boss death to trigger it.Does this mean Greirat can return from Lothric Castle?
I really hope both it and the claws stay the same. They're not broken and most people just spam their weapon art.
Holy crap, are they actually fixing poise?
Also, what the FUCK at that list of fixes. Just how broken was the combat in this game?
In a good way or in a bad way?
Also, what the FUCK at that list of fixes. Just how broken was the combat in this game?
We don't know that. A few months ago From talked about overhauling the system and it seems from the patch note that it will be drastic.
Just so people know, the poise system is this and was always there. The adjusments are based on this system, I'd say it won't really change significantly the actual metagame.
And, yeah, the game has a lot of weapons so adjustments are usually large. Probably outside of the meta weapons is probably the most balanced DS game. DS2 had so many bs builds...
We don't know that. A few months ago From talked about overhauling the system and it seems from the patch note that it will be drastic.
The only thing you can do to hyper armor is just give it more or less frames. They could really just remove the poise stat in its current state and leave hyper armor.
I would guess that this update will make heavy armor viable in someone way.
The poise fix made me wonder...
Did they ever make the purple/orange dual swords not garbage?
Adjusted poise values across the board. Poise is now more effective for heavier weapons and armor.
Some weopon and armor spoil. I am very excited about this. The options, the possible ranks and hopefully they keep adding more arena. A souls game is actually getting a legit PvP mode.
Arena gameplay.
I really hope there are multiple arena options, including ones that are not just an arena but have some elevation to run around and obstacles for avoiding spells etc.
Some weopon and armor spoil. I am very excited about this. The options, the possible ranks and hopefully they keep adding more arena. A souls game is actually getting a legit PvP mode.
Arena gameplay.
I can already see mages in 3's being very useful casting from a distance while the melee focused builds take the front lines.
A faith healing build + sorcery build and a melee focused one, will be hard to beat, surely.
A faith healing build + sorcery build and a melee focused one, will be hard to beat, surely.
Is there any word on what the requirements are to access the ashes of ariandel content yet?
No, it would be great at a soul level higher than 120. Maybe 140 like the new player-created covenants. Casting at 120 is a disadvantage however. Everyone can dodge through all the spells now. At this point, you have to have a weapon backup to compete.Two casters would make the team very weak unless they're very experienced.
No, it would be great at a soul level higher than 120. Maybe 140 like the new player-created covenants. Casting at 120 is a disadvantage however. Everyone can dodge through all the spells now. At this point, you have to have a weapon backup to compete.
Question: I'm about to respec and am around level 140. I'm coming off of a STR/FTH build but I found out that I don't care for magic at all in DS III. It's just not the same as in previous game. Now, I just want to wreck shit and go melee 100%.
So.. do I go quality build or pure STR? What does this choice boil down to? I'm not looking to incorporate any spell in my build. Also, any fun weapons to recommend for a fully melee build? I've been messing around with the F/UGS and Astora greatsword and such, but the first is too slow and the latter feels like it's built for magic & melee builds.
Question: I'm about to respec and am around level 140. I'm coming off of a STR/FTH build but I found out that I don't care for magic at all in DS III. It's just not the same as in previous game. Now, I just want to wreck shit and go melee 100%.
So.. do I go quality build or pure STR? What does this choice boil down to? I'm not looking to incorporate any spell in my build. Also, any fun weapons to recommend for a fully melee build? I've been messing around with the F/UGS and Astora greatsword and such, but the first is too slow and the latter feels like it's built for magic & melee builds.
Go quality or bleed, at least that's what I think.
I love the Hollowslayer GS, but Carthus Curved sword is great, too. I'm on my PvE journey through the game and don't care for the PvP meta, thats why I have both atm, quality + bleed![]()
The choice boils down that the number of weapons you can use on a STR build is greatly reduced. Most weapons works better in a quality build and the number of weapons you can use is much higher, basically you have access to most of the arsenal in the game.
In terms of fun weapons, Yhorn's machete is fun, even with the limited moveset, but you need an offhand weapon or can be frustrating. Right now I'm having a lot of fun with a DEX build and a chaos blade too.
Gundyr's halberd is great to and works wonderfully on a STR build.
I don't care for PvP meta either.. really just a PvE guy and occasionally I'll PvP. Do you have examples of this build? I googled "quality bleed" and stumbled upon this: I've never actually considered Hollow, I'm coincidentally at 99 hollow at the moment because I messed around lol.
Thanks. Right now I'm running with a +5 Chaos Blade and 45 DEX.. It doesn't nearly do as much damage in NG++ as I expected. I just kind of feel like I'm doing something wrong or not enough, despite having lots of dex and an S scaling Dex weapon. That bleed stuff I mentioned earlier seems to offer a little bonus AR to my weapons, might look into that.
Thanks. Right now I'm running with a +5 Chaos Blade and 45 DEX.. It doesn't nearly do as much damage in NG++ as I expected. I just kind of feel like I'm doing something wrong or not enough, despite having lots of dex and an S scaling Dex weapon. That bleed stuff I mentioned earlier seems to offer a little bonus AR to my weapons, might look into that.
Finally figured out a fix for the stuttering so many of us had for what seems like forever!
Wasn't that fixed in one of the patches?
Alot of people have been having stuttering for quite a while just randomly, the saving/loading area stuttering was fixed though.