So any recommendations for a 2H weapon, quality build?
I've noticed that it's often best to take it slow, even though rushing them can seem like the best approach. Their first poke with the iron is the only real threat and it can only hit you if you are trying to spam them down quickly. This is mostly for groups, a single jailor can always be sprint attacked and stunlocked to death.So I died 4 times now in Irithyll Dungeon, fuck those jailers!
Never had any problems with them in the past, but that halberd is too slow and I'm dying to them because they always hit me first and that basically is a one shot kill.
Time to upgrade my Broadsword, I think.
I hate everything about the dungeon, the worst level in the game for me.
No special item on those enemies, just a jumpscare of sorts.So yea, went around corner expecting mobs. Saw two and slashed away. Didn't really expect a third to crawl out of the well, one did and it fell back down. It glows even after logging out and back in.
Did I miss an item?
So any recommendations for a 2H weapon, quality build?
So any recommendations for a 2H weapon, quality build?
Hollowslayer is an amazing weapon and considered to be the best greatsword in the game by many I think. Don't know if quality is the best way to use it but I loved my playthrough with it.
I just picked this game up for 20 dollars and have never played any of these games. Do you have any advice for a beginner? (Besides git gud)
Thank you.
The problem with doing a playthough with this weapon is there's such a shortage of scales through the mid game -- you'll be stuck at +1 and +2 for a longass time.
Black Knight Greatsword (obtained in Smoldering Lake) is my favorite. Never tried anything heavier like the Fume sword on my quality build, though.
What do y'all recommend I level Vitality to? I'm playing as a Knight/Pyro, currently level 51. I'm at cathedral deep/Faron keep.
Level 51
Vigor 26
End 21
Vitality 15
Strength 25
Dex 18
Int 9
Faith 9
Luck 7
Everything except vigor, end, strength, and dex is at what I started with.
Vitality seems so tedious to level, very small changes in my weight load. I'd like to be able to use heavier weapons and armor later on. Is it worth leveling at this point tho? Or should I focus on leveling something else? Each level is costing about 15,000+ souls at this point.
Edit: Also, can you join more convanents? The one that allows me to respec 5 times is appealing, but I don't want to make a bad decision. Can I join another but still repec at Rosaria?
Leveling a sorc, Should I dump points into typ VIG/END or do INT?
I'm trying an SL1 run. I've never tried something like this before. It actually hasn't been that bad. A few enemies are particularly tough (Cathedral Knights with shields are basically minibosses), but I'm making good progress.
But I just got to the Abyss Watchers. No idea how I'm going to beat them. I've tried a few times and I couldn't even get to the second stage. Really noticing the lack of stamina in this fight.
I don't know how I feel about the rapier on my sorc run.
Can't use anything I am picking up though as I been dumping souls into intelligence and upgrading my staff.
Any early weapon I can use? Recommendations?
Raw Astora Straight Sword (you need 12 faith but it's worth it). Apply magic/great magic weapon to it and you'll be in business.
Yes, infuse with the Raw gem. You get one off a crystal lizard in the High Wall.When you say raw, you mean infuse it with a raw gem right?
When do you get magic weapon?
Hey guys what level do you need to be to have a lot of coop in the DLC? Right now I'm at 20 and getting some bits for the boss. But I want to try her out at a higher level.
People in the DLC are around the sweet meta spot of 120.
Though I think you could just use a friend & password, add me on steam.
Thanks, that will take a bit to reach that. Also, sorry I'm not on steam.
lol, next time someone posts those same old DS2 grab animation gifs I want to see this one in balance!
For not knowing what I want, pyromancer do you want even 40/40 in intelligence and faith?
Well at least this grab actually connects properly. The animation is just all kinds of, next time someone posts those same old DS2 grab animation gifs I want to see this one in balance!
What about Sorc?
Source:'re invading LittleBigPlanet with the #DarkSouls3 costume pack. Spread the Darkness to all the little sackboys and sackgirls today:
so after playing bloodborne(awsome game) i find much harder dark soul 3 almost broke my controler yesterday because of farron keep
What? No, I think the fuckingTo be fair, Farron Keep is by far the most annoying area in the game.
Farron Keep is just boring to me, it feels like a slog every time. Do people invade much in Farron Keep? I can't imagine it's much fun for either party.