Morrigan Stark
Arrogant Smirk
There's still time to try the demo! It's ending tonight though I'm pretty sure (might already be over if you're in Europe).No problem, you gave me more reason to be hype for Nioh.
There's still time to try the demo! It's ending tonight though I'm pretty sure (might already be over if you're in Europe).No problem, you gave me more reason to be hype for Nioh.
At the close of the Age of Fire, as the world ends and all lands converge upon themselves, a lone adventurer descends into the madness of the earth and uncovers the secrets of the past.
The Ringed City is said to be at Worlds End, as far as one can go
The Ringed City, Dark Souls 3s second and final DLC, will be released on March 28th, 2017!
Explore a brand new convoluted region, inhabited by new enemies, mysteries and characters. Fight your fight through The Ringed City with new armor, weapons and magic!
And of course, watch the trailer here:
Encounters like this are why I absolutely love the community and multiplayer in these games.
He applauded me, and then threw himself off a ledge...
oh my god this is amazing
Hey guys, soon time to start this up again.
Anyone got ridiculous OP PvE/PvP builds for me? I know the game's been patched plenty of times since I played it last time.
Hey guys, soon time to start this up again.
Anyone got ridiculous OP PvE/PvP builds for me? I know the game's been patched plenty of times since I played it last time.
Hey guys, soon time to start this up again.
Anyone got ridiculous OP PvE/PvP builds for me? I know the game's been patched plenty of times since I played it last time.
I took the dlc 2h axe (earth seeker I think) to +5 and into ng+. I'm 40 STR 55 faith and I love this weapon. Its art is my favorite much fun and quite powerful.
Feeling a bit underwhelmed by sunlight spear. +10 talisman, sun ring, 60 faith with priestess ring and it hits for about 600 and about 1000 point blank. And it takes tons of Mana.
Also do you have Morne Ring and Ring of the Sun's First Born? Both together should add quite some dmg, otherwise I think 1k dmg is still pretty fucking nice.
Yeah, Hollowslayer is great. Probably still my most used boss soul weapon imo.Hollowslayer is absolutely amazing. But as someone else mentioned earlier, upgrade materials are rare in the beginning.
I played NG+ with it and it was a blast.
Right now playing a mage. Spook+Invisible Body (don't know what it's called in english) + backstabbing and/or Storyteller's Staff's weapon art is like something unlocked via cheat engine.
In the beginning it can be pretty rough though.
Holy shit after 80 hours I finally discovered Nameless King.
What an amazing design.
You managed to not have any of this stuff spoiled up to now and found it on your own? That's almost an alien idea to me at this point, because even if you stay away from the internet, the game's own messaging system ruins everything.
I can't decide if the true experience is offline mode or online mode. I like connected worlds and the potential for invasion, and while I like the idea of messages generally, I find people are so thorough now that every single secret in the game is marked by a pile of glowing things. What's the point of even having secrets if unmissable glowing signs point to each one?
I guess I just talked myself into believing the messaging system has run its course and needs to go in future games.
INT? I thought the Hollowslayer was a str/dex sword.
Ah okay, thought I was missing something.I'm dumb, I meant DEX of course :/
I was chilling, playing along in NG+ with my level 105 cleric and I finalllly got invaded.
I was excited to see how fast my shit killed him and then noticed his HP seems to be incredibly low. Looks like about 700.
How would someone that low level invade me? I'm level 105 with +10 bardiche, +10 talisman, +10 heavy crossbow, and +10 liewen shield
Where do you go for pvp at 110?
I've been wearing the darkmoon covenant 100% of the time since starting NG+, and I'm up to catacombs and still haven't gotten summoned and I've only been invaded once.
Undead matches at firelink don't seem to ever find anyone
Where do you go for pvp at 110?
I've been wearing the darkmoon covenant 100% of the time since starting NG+, and I'm up to catacombs and still haven't been summoned and I've only been invaded once.
Undead matches at firelink don't seem to ever find anyone
The only thing I find annoying is that as a mad phantom invader, the white phantoms, and blue phantoms don't count. When you invade it will tell you, to kill one or two phantoms or the host. I once killed four phantoms, just to get killed by the host.
Where do you go for pvp at 110?
I've been wearing the darkmoon covenant 100% of the time since starting NG+, and I'm up to catacombs and still haven't been summoned and I've only been invaded once.
Undead matches at firelink don't seem to ever find anyone
And I recommend you to use canvas talisman, over the one you have.![]()
Oh. At lower levels talisman had more spellbuff.
Looks like Saint's Talisman has possibly more spellbuff than either at 59 faith. What about that one?
The difference is the poise from Unfaltering Prayer. Saint's Talisman has the higher spellbuff, but the lower poise, I think even a straight sword can interrupt the casting. Canvas has the best ratio between poise and spellbuff.
Sunlight Talisman has the best poise, if you are interested on that, but the damage is not that great.
I'm SL100 with all bosses/optional bosses done.
Still running Raw Astora Sword+10 but I feel it's too weak, any recommendations on what to replace it with?
Don't know if it's a good weapon for NG+
So canvas has more poise than regular? I can't say I've been frequently knocked out of casting with regular, but, then I haven't really done much hectic multi person pvp as must be going on in the undead matches.
What do other high level faith casters usually end up with in attunement? I frequently find myself wishing I had more mana.
This is where I'm at at 113. Note that I'm wearing both the priestess and knight rings to get +5 str and +5 faith.
I had sort of figured on dropping one more point into faith then putting the rest in vigor up to 120 and not leveling further.
I'm in some super dark area that looksright now. Feels weird, and reminds me of theexactly like the tutorial areain Bloodborne.abandoned hunter's workshop
I don't get what's different about the pvp in this game, but I seem to be able to at least put up a fight against invaders in DS3, when I always got one or twoshotted instantly in other Souls games. Maybe more people are invading, which reduces the chances of me running into some guy with some perfect broken ass PvP build.
I'd say it is as about as well balanced as post FTH nerf DS2 they're all a mess really.Because while DS3 being unbalanced as fuck, is less unbalanced than the past 2 games.
As you can re spec into better use of your stats dropping STR for ATT would be a good idea then you can also invest in VIG until 120 if you'd like. Unless you're play a hybrid build of STR/FTH.This is where I'm at at 113. Note that I'm wearing both the priestess and knight rings to get +5 str and +5 faith.
I had sort of figured on dropping one more point into faith then putting the rest in vigor up to 120 and not leveling further.
Is ok I guess? with magic buff it can still kick some ass. But without your stats is hard to make a recomendation.
You can't go wrong with a Carthus Curved Sword, but that is a quality weapon, for example.
Yes, I have no idea what I am doing rofl