Can someone tell me where the hell didin the Catacombs?Anri run off to
I found(and killed) Horace, but now I can't find her. She said she'd drop some prism stones but the only one I saw was when I went back to her original location..
What I'm wondering is, even if I haven't been to that bonfire yet and spoken with him, will he save Gif I send him?reirat
Because when you invade you actually have a chance. You can use the large size to wait for help or use the enemies to your advantage. Using these tools to beat a three-man squad is so fun. If you want quick one on ones, you can join a fight club.
I do agree that many of the areas in DS3 are too large for invading, but the covenant levels are an open space. It's easy to find someone unless they are actively hiding.
Can I have it if it's still available?
So I have access to both CDathedral of theand FeepAny recommendations on which I should explore/finish first? The second one looks annoying as fuck. I really wish From would get away fromarron Keep.They seriously aren't fun. Most of my time is spent waiting for the bar to go away. Any gear recommendations for that area? (poison swamps.)like to make the poison bar go up slower or whatever
Otogi was great and I would love another but it should remain it's own thing IMO. Does Microsoft own the IP?
I'm ready for Sci Fi souls.
Welp, I died after ptower. Now, he's notatches locked me in the firelinkIs he gone for good?at the door.
Remember the gutter that led you to meet the amazing chest again? Go back there and instead of going into the tower keep going straight.
So I have access to both CDathedral of theand FeepAny recommendations on which I should explore/finish first? The second one looks annoying as fuck. I really wish From would get away fromarron Keep.They seriously aren't fun. Most of my time is spent waiting for the bar to go away. Any gear recommendations for that area? (poison swamps.)like to make the poison bar go up slower or whatever
they got rid of powerstance?
that was one of the best things about dks2
Yep. Thanks!He should be at the topmost right part of the firelink shrine.
Same level/side as the Giant Tree location at the end of that corridor.
So I have access to both CDathedral of theand FeepAny recommendations on which I should explore/finish first? The second one looks annoying as fuck. I really wish From would get away fromarron Keep.They seriously aren't fun. Most of my time is spent waiting for the bar to go away. Any gear recommendations for that area? (poison swamps.)like to make the poison bar go up slower or whatever
Do cathedral first. Doing it the other way around is just a waste of time.
Poison is almost inconsequential in this game.
Have a dagger equipped in your second right hand weapon slot and use its weapon art. The weapon art for daggers is a really fast dodge that keeps its normal speed regardless of terrain, so it works wonders in the swamp. You'll be speeding around picking up everything relevant and be out of there in 10 minutes max.
I thought the Catacombs were bad, but this next area is the FUCKING WORST. Today I've learned I don't actually like cramped, claustrophobic spaces. If this place is mandatory, I feel like quitting on the game. I don't like this shit at all.
And what's the deal with the Catacombs boss?First two times I fought him, no adds. Now, he spawns all sorts of skeletons! This is too fucking much.
Anyway, the area beneathI really wish these game had some narrative, like a SMIDGE at least. I have no idea where I am, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I have no idea why I'm doing it.Smouldering Lakes is garbage. Where the fuck am I even.
Go to the area where you cross a bridge and a bunch of skeletons come after to you. It's right before the boss of that area. Don't kill the boss yet or cross the bridge. There's a path to the right of the bridge (before you cross it). Anri is hanging out there.
Look for a path near the long bridge that you can collapse. It should be to the right.
Ah okay, will do!
Take off your armor?Why cant I use the dragon stones??
It's not mandatory.
I love it when people invade my game and all I have to do is alt+f4 to get rid of them. Thank you From Software for this glorious ability, to play the game the way I want to. Invaders are annoying.
Jesus Christ,. And I apparently screwed up on thecuring hollowing costs nearly 100K souls. "Oh, it's just cosmetic no harm in it." Why do I listen to you, GAF. Why.Anri questline by telling her where I found Horace
I'm getting the bad ending now, aren't I? Not spending 100K. Doubt I could even accumulate that.
I'm in Iand I've followed Srithyll of the Boreal Valley's questline perfectly up to this point, although I haven't seen him in the area yet. Do I have to find him before I can send Geigwardto pillage or will Sreiratsave him automatically?eigward
How exactly do invaders work? This is my first Dark souls sorry.Got invaded for the first time and got the shit trolled out of me. Came back to my game and invader was in front of me making dumb gestures and waiting for me.
I freak out and we start and then a Blue Sentinel bros comes to help me out. Well that went to shit because the invaded bodied the shit out of him and worked with the monsters in the area I was in to kill me all well.
I'm so mad right now.
End result:
The amount of mimics in this game is fucking NUTS.
More deaths to those guys then any boss.