Uh huh, sure. UGS make the game ez mode.
Fuck my bad, forgot how every strength weapon was the UGS, i'm such a dope
Uh huh, sure. UGS make the game ez mode.
Fuck my bad, forgot how every strength weapon was the UGS, i'm such a dope
How long till unlock, it better not really be a whole day 1hr from now.
How long till unlock, it better not really be a whole day 1hr from now.
It's disappointing that Strength builds are almost always ridiculously imbalanced. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything different this time around.
unless you mean str is underpowered, i dont get what you mean? Greatswords pretty much suck for PVE, game is too fast for them to be viable
Steam release time
It really wished it unlocked before a weekend rather than at the very beginning of the week.
Why though... I can't take this. It should be in 55 mins.
I have no idea. I don't even know what weapons to expect!Aren't katanas the best PvP weapons by a large margin this time around then?
Are you talking about DS3 or Souls I'm general because I have always used Greatswords. You have to adjust your playstyle and know timings, but they work well.
Less than 24h. I'm feeling it.
Uh huh, sure. UGS make the game ez mode.
Not all UGS are STR based.
Str builds
Worse that dex builds in pve he says
I'm finally finishing the Bloodborne DLC right before DS3.
Fuck the giant shark guys so hard. Christ.
Slap a heavy gem on them and you're gold.
Sooo....are str builds good or bad? Yall are confusing af lol
Any word on the G twinswords for PVP usage? I might want to use these instead of katanas.
Don't listen to anyone who says Str builds are badSooo....are str builds good or bad? Yall are confusing af lol
Sooo....are str builds good or bad? Yall are confusing af lol
Can someone explain how does the coop works (and add it to the OP FAQ)?
So far we have seen the series evolve like this:
- Completely random and level tied like DeS /DS
- Tied to soul memory or something like that (DSII)
- Can setup passwords and levels are adjusted automatically (Bloodborne).
Thanks in advance.
Not that it makes all that much of a difference, but is Deprived the best starting class as far as total points? (I don't recall it starting at lvl 1 in previous games)
By that token.....UGS are the OP, not STR?
Slapping a gem on a weapon dosn't make the stat OP, means the weapon is OP?
(not that UGS are OP, only one was and is nerfed)
If you have a very specific build in mind, possibly? Otherwise, I think it's probably wiser to pick a class that has high points in whatever you're going to be investing in (warrior for STR builds etc etc)
For the vast majority of builds, points in Faith, Int, and Luck are wasted, and those in Focus are of extremely limited use.
Yeah, UGSs are slow and have a huge stamina cost. I for one prefer smaller and faster weapons. You lose out on single-hit damage a bit but going from swinging your sword 3 times and swinging it like 10 times before running out of stamina is a huge difference.
Lucky me, my PS4 broke down just in time for DS3. It's in the mail on the way to Sony now but it will probably be another week or two before I get it back. My Windows machine is actually a late 2013 iMac running bootcamp, 3.5GHz core i7 with a GTX 780M and 24 gigs of memory. Trying to decide if it would be worth it to play on the mac or just wait.
I like the DS games but I'm not a fanatic about it, so if the PS4 version is going to be a better situation than bootcamp I guess I'll wait. Anyone have any idea?