It's probably something on your end otherwise it would be reported everywhere. Try the general connect fixes, like connecting directly to your modem.Seriously IS THERE NO FUCKING FIX FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO ONLINE AT ALL!?
It's probably something on your end otherwise it would be reported everywhere. Try the general connect fixes, like connecting directly to your modem.Seriously IS THERE NO FUCKING FIX FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO ONLINE AT ALL!?
Seriously >.>
Champions cov was such a simple and elegant feature that I can't believe it didn't make it back.
Like, why take something out like that? Similar to power stance im left clueless as to why they would make such a weird move considering the glass cannon nature of a lot of the bosses anyways.
Don't be a victim to fanservice, don't encourage FROM
(I still think it's over the top in ds3)
My new approach with invaders that I can't be arsed with (ie most of em), is to just go into a gesture like collapse, and give them a chance to kill me easily and move on. If they prove to be honourable and not take the cheap kill. I'll reward them by giving them a fight. Also like the idea I read somewhere in the thread of chugging all estus at the start until the empty animation. Of course I'm not sure I can rely on the other player to do that, but watevs, I think ima try it next time and hope they follow suit
Had to save this clip of the hardest boss in the game...
Had to save this clip of the hardest boss in the game...
Had to save this clip of the hardest boss in the game...
Nah it's cool. Considering it's set in the same world, I think it works fine. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Starting to realize more and more what a worthless stat Vitality is in this game. My vitality is currently 37, I'm wearing TWO burden reducing rings. I can wear pretty heavy armor, carry a Greatsword and not get a fat roll (I'm at %69).
But what does this all boil down to? Since poise is no longer a valid stat, it boils down to taking about %7-%10 less damage than someone who is wearing a mix of light/medium armor.
But look at what I sacrificed -- two ring slots, putting 22 extra points in Vitality from when I started. All for around %10 damage reduction if I'm lucky.
Armor is uncategorically broken.
You can tell some of the Dark Souls 2 team worked on this game, because there are a few areas where they give out bonfires like candy. Some of them are even a room or two away with no real reason for existing (, for example).Demon Ruins
You can tell some of the Dark Souls 2 team worked on this game, because there are a few areas where they give out bonfires like candy. Some of them are even a room or two away with no real reason for existing (, for example).Demon Ruins
I've had people slide to backstab me after being stunned and doing instant transmissions all over th place but those are only every few matches. Although sometimes you'll hear a hit but no one takes damage, and that's more often.
They should have put more of the DS2 team then, because it's missing many of the great things from DS2, sadly enough.
Did you manage to get it?
There is no need for what you are trying in the gif, look around.
I died there too by the way.
I have done fucking everything. EVERYTHING. It was working GREAT on day one, and then halfway through that day I got kicked off and haven't been able to get back on since. It's infuriating.It's probably something on your end otherwise it would be reported everywhere. Try the general connect fixes, like connecting directly to your modem.
They should have put more of the DS2 team then, because it's missing many of the great things from DS2, sadly enough.
Also how do I get up here and through that door.
Late game spoiler:
Go around the other side lol. I spent waaaay too much time trying to get the item that way, felt so dumb when I found the actual way to it...How DO you get that?
Damn, the two wolf-beasts at the bottom of the ladder is giving me flashbacks to the giant sharks in the well in Bloodborne.
Final boss
Phase two is one hitting me with his combo and I can't find a way to dodge it
this whole "guess the timing" is really dragging down the experience man
Last Boss spoilers
Not really a fan, I may be tired but his constatnt change of move sets is impossible to track and get the timing down, everything has half second delays or is half second faster than what you think is going to happen. Twins was a good boss because things were clearly telegraphed and you had a good chance if you made the right moves.
Here I have to stay on his ass and dodge hoping he doesn't decide to drop a third swing in.
Final boss
Phase two is one hitting me with his combo and I can't find a way to dodge it
this whole "guess the timing" is really dragging down the experience man
Final boss
Phase two is one hitting me with his combo and I can't find a way to dodge it
this whole "guess the timing" is really dragging down the experience man
If someone is invading you the chances they're honorable are slim to none. Now the people putting down challenge signs on the other hand? Much more likely to not be dicks.
Exactly how I felt. But I managed to get through thanks to the Neogaf.
Aye, I know. I've only tried it twice and I'm 1 and 1. Was surprised when the second guy bowed and just stood there. Was just gunna wait but I thought to myself, you've come for a fight and not being a dick about it so I gave him one. If I can wag my virtual dong for a bit, I owned him too.
But I rarely carry around enough souls to worry about losing, so people can have their cheap wins if it makes them feel better.
Well, unlike those stupid sharks in BB you're not supposed to fight both at once. Plus you can drag them near the bottom of the stairs, so even if you die your souls are still safe to be picked up.Those things are just a dickmove.
Final boss
Phase two is one hitting me with his combo and I can't find a way to dodge it
this whole "guess the timing" is really dragging down the experience man
Go to the right
Yes.Keep going down maze the. you'll start going up. When you see a black knight across a bridge, pass him is the way. There's a switch to disable it.
So what build is everyone currently running? I was going for dex katana build but I'm kind of getting bored of it. Any suggestions?
Well, unlike those stupid sharks in BB you're not supposed to fight both at once. Plus you can drag them near the bottom of the stairs, so even if you die your souls are still safe to be picked up.
You can tell some of the Dark Souls 2 team worked on this game, because there are a few areas where they give out bonfires like candy. Some of them are even a room or two away with no real reason for existing (, for example).Demon Ruins