Thanks. I was out of breath after the giant troll battle that's for sure.
I've learned to accept the respawning enemies and just constantly grind because I really have no idea what my goal is. I've been walking around the same territory over and over now wondering what it'll take to defeat that giant wart-hog looking thing I see just passed the area with the red dragon. And that knight up in that tower nearby wants me dead too haha.
I want to see more of the game though. I just don't want to backtrack. I always want to move forward.
I spent a long time in Undead Burg / Undead Parish repeating the area over and over, slowly getting better at the combat, learning the enemies patterns. It took me a while but I could get to the boss at the Parish with full health still. You won't be backtracking as such, but you'll be repeating areas over and over again, that's what the game is about. It's really like nothing else I've eve played.
The important thing to remember about Dark Souls is that progression in the game isn't just moving from area to area seeing the whole game, but becoming better as a player and becoming god-like in the process, learning how to play better. I've probably spent way over the average DS finish time now but I really don't care, I am just playing it and I absolutely love it.
Today I went to a new area (the Catacombs, available right from the beginning of the game). I am probably way too over powered for it but since the enemies were all new there and had different move sets and speed then it was a great experience and felt nice and fresh. AND, they can just as easily fuck you up if you aren't careful!
I've now got a new ability (after killing Pinwheel) so I am going to go and do some co-op again. Will tackle the next area whenever

Also want to upgrade my Pyro Glove some more, convert some boss souls into weapons and get those pesky Titanite Demons in Sens Fortress, the basts.
BTW: It sounds like you need to head towards the Parish yourself. Where the Knight is in the tower, keeping heading up there. The parish gate will be locked so you have to go around. There is a Bonfire not far from there and you'll meet a Blacksmith who can upgrade your weaponry and armour. Just take your time, I died lots getting to him the first time. Also, in the Parish you'll meet three new enemy types, they will be hard at first but you'll soon see how to make them beg