Drake Sword is pretty good in the beginning of the game.
Lol, i was thinking of getting it, i rushed through the bridge to get it to get the claymore (i think) because i read it here. The fucking dragon is gone now.
Drake Sword is pretty good in the beginning of the game.
Curved weapons like Quelaag's Fury or Iaito scales much better off Dexterity. Your strength is really high - but that does allow the use of something like the Murakumo or the Gravelord Sword (which is really easy to get).
The thing about lightning weapons is that their damage is split, so they have to punch through two resistances for total damage dealt. A +15 physical weapon with 40+ in dex or str, combined with resins and/or magic enchants, is the best option for pure damage.
Lol, i was thinking of getting it, i rushed through the bridge to get it to get the claymore (i think) because i read it here. The fucking dragon is gone now.
You might be able to lure the dragon back if you go all the way to the other end of the bridge. It's happened for me, but I'm not sure if he comes back every time.
I leveled DEX a lot too (in the low 20's). Was that sort of pointless? Or can I jut take advantage of 2 types of scaling now?
This game really is a modern day Symphony of the Night.
Damn gargoyles, ugh.........I've been trying to get rid of them for two hours now. :/
Any tips? I'm using the Halberd.
Have any Gold Pine Resin? It adds lightning damage to your weapon. There's a chest in Undead Burg with 3 of them. Add that to your item equip slots and use it just before the boss fight.
This game really is a modern day Symphony of the Night.
Check out this red phantom Giant Black Knight that decided to show up in my Anor Londo! Has anyone seen this?
Aw shit, he vanished while i was posting this... This game!
This game really is a modern day Symphony of the Night.
Check out this red phantom Giant Black Knight that decided to show up in my Anor Londo! Has anyone seen this?
Aw shit, he vanished while i was posting this... This game!
Someone was Gravelording.
At least SotN is fun from start to finish.Except unlike SotN, it's not piss-easy.
Well hello everyone. I just finished getting my Platinum trophy in Demon's Souls in 11 days and I'm ready to start Dark Souls. Gonna make a Pyromancer.
They really should have went with servers for Dark Souls. I wonder if P2P online was Namco's idea...I beat Demons Souls recently and the online was more active than this game, I was pretty surprised/disappointed that Dark Souls could have been this busy. Although it's much better than it was pre-1.05.
Not just you. I also thought it worked better in Demon's. Although the upgrade system is better in Dark.And is it just me or does weapon stat scaling work better in Demon's as well?
You might be able to lure the dragon back if you go all the way to the other end of the bridge. It's happened for me, but I'm not sure if he comes back every time.
Nah, I did my first run as a wanderer on the initial version, and restarted a pyro from scratch on 1.05: pyro, even nerfed, is still god-tier.Given the patch and how much less Demons Soulsey it makes this game, you'll have a better time as Wanderer or the like.
John Harker, the shortcut is not where you probably think it is. It is *not* the door next to the covenant, but a door up ahead in Demons Ruins.
Drake Sword is pretty good in the beginning of the game.
At least SotN is fun from start to finish.
What parts didn't you find fun?
i saw people complaining about parts too and i really didn't have a section i wasnt too fond of
Having played nearly all of this game, I can honestly say there is no bad designed area in the game.
Even Blight town is good (despite the framerate).
Blighttown is awesome. Intricate, foreboding . . .
Lost Izalith can go fuck itself though. Worst boss in the series.
Woa. Every boss - hell, almost every enemy type - has given me trouble in this game. I usually need to die a few times before I figure out their strategy. Pinwheel? I just walk in, run at him, hit him maybe 6 times, and he dies. Damn that was disappointing! He barely moved. What an easy boss.
Sort of asked this before but I think I worded myself wrong - where is the most common summon spot for Four Kings? Wouldn't mind having a crack at them in someone else's game before I take them on myself so I can get a feel for the fight
Also, I keep hearing that armor with high poise is good for this fight. I only have 15 END right now so I've been using Havel's ring, Dark Wood ring and full Elite Knight +9 which still lets me ninja flip. My build will eventually be taking END to 40 so what would be the best armour to upgrade for this fight that I could also be using in the future?
Crystal Halberd any good? What's the good and bad with crystal weapons? And was causes loss in durability? Uses or deaths?
Holy shit, I just saw a video that said there is another hidden wall int he tree in Blight?