I'm glad to see you're enjoying Dark Souls.
Did you kick the ladder under the bridge?
Nope, I hadn't. Thanks for the heads up. Doing that earlier could have saved a bit of time!
After spending the souls I was so close to losing, I got the courage to explore again. The boar area was much more simple than I anticipated, and for awhile it was smooth sailing. The enemies in this game are great: diverse and well placed with solid AI. Opened the gate to the boar area (glad I found the lever faster than I did the ladder), and then began killing the enemies inside the church until a dude with a huge shield killed me. Instead of going back, decided to do some backtracking: tried to clear the graveyard at the start of Lordran, but changed my mind when suddenly ~3 normal skeletons and one big one spawned at the same time; got the Ring of Sacrifice, and since I rolled onto the platform from above, for a second I thought the game was going to force me to commit suicide; back in the Undead Burg (I think), I killed that one dude a little before the stairwell leading to the Taurus Demon, and got a nice ring (this was the guy who I ran from earlier; at the time, I wasn't 100% sure how backstabbing worked, and I was horrible with parries); and then I decided to go downstairs at that stairwell to try killing a guy who earlier on surprised me by killing me in one hit, got incredibly close (1-2 backstabs/parries away...) a couple times but gave up.
Then just experimented with different weapons. Started out with a scimitar, but been using a short sword for awhile because the scimitar hit low durability (being able to kick has been really useful, anyway). Bought a bow and tried that out, felt dumb for not doing so earlier. Fell in love with the Winged Spear.
Bought a Repairbox. Feels great to be able to repair weapons now. Weight off my shoulders.
I feel much more settled in. Probably not going to document any more play sessions like this, but I wanted to share my initial experience with everyone.

It was impossible not having certain expectations of the game going in, and its certainly met all of them (both in terms of quality and in terms of difficulty). The world is actually incredibly compelling, in addition to the gameplay being very satisfying. I feel like I've been wandering aimlessly (which was in my class description), but IIRC, the NPC who sits near the first bonfire said one of the beacons I have to light is in the church - if so, I guess I'm closer to figuring out what this "pilgrimage" entails.