Varth said:I think everybody does, at the beginning.
Papercuts said:Almost to the first dungeon, yay. I'm playing on Apocalypse and got my ass handed to me at the start of the game, though I'm atleast getting into a groove now. Doing the 30 instant kill challenge room thing was a relief to get done on my first try, I nearly died at the end but played keep away and managed to scrape by.
MMaRsu said:Yes! Ps3 has no screentearing if I am correct. 360 version should be fixed with a patch soon though. It doesn't bother me that much, however I don't have an HDTV so it's not that bad. But I do notice it, and normally I do not.
Sidzed2 said:The Tiamat fight is pretty awful, albeit visually spectacular. The mechanics are janky as all heck - I hope things improve.
Anyway, this game is pretty engaging overall. In terms of gameplay, this is the game I thought I would be getting with Brutal Legend (I wasn't aware of how much emphasis that title would place on its RTS-lite sequences). Seems to be a solid mix of exploration and combat.
I must say, I hate War's jumping mechanics. He feels so slow and unresponsive. In fact, I would say that the controls are the principal thing about Darksiders which make it feel a little unpolished in places.
berva said:Yeah I think the game is a lot of fun, however I think the controls need a bit of work. I have fallen off rocks and ledges when I'm pretty damn sure I have pressed A to jump and War hasn't responded. Regarding the first boss Tiamat, the fight is terrible, hopefully they improve on the boss fights as the game goes on.
check out this link:
dralla said:I just died on 29 :\
is the 'weapon master' item a timed thing or something you equip
TrAcEr_x90 said:Seems most reviews complaing of Wars voice actor, but mr.bishop liked him. I've put in about 2 hours and all I gather is War is badass. I like the fact he sort of gives one liners alot. If he doesn't like something, he just kills it with his sword. whats to say?
You can dash continually actually, just don't do the same direction twice in a row.Linkzg said:So far (3 hours in) the first dungeon was awesome, but the combat is really dull. I wish this was a lot less of an action game, or a lot better of an action game. The boss battle at the end of the dungeon was half cool and half crap because it changed between a Zelda style boss to a crummy "slash until it's dead" boss. Only other complaint is the movement speed of War is really slow, and since you can't dash nonstop, it can get annoying.
Tokubetsu said:MMaRsu stop arguing. This is Darksiders and it rocks.
SamBishop said:there are very few -- if any -- cheap falling deaths.
MMaRsu said:Kevin, any tips for the fourth boss? This fucking bitch keeps on killing me. I think I'm doing it right, but perhaps not lol.
KevinCow said:When she's teleporting around the room, let go of your lock-on and basically just run around in a big circle. When you hear her teleport in, dash out of the way. Her shadow on the ground is a good (albeit not perfect) reference for where not to be. If you don't see her shadow, just dash in the direction you're running. You'll probably still get hit a few times, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Other than that, just grapple her when she's actually standing still to pull yourself in and get a few hits in. You'll only get two or three hits each time, but it'll whittle her down after a bit.
Speaking of bosses, I really wish they hadn't taken out the boss health bars that they had in some of the demos. I hate not knowing if my attacks are actually doing anything to a boss.
Skilletor said:Some help in the Twilight Cathedral, please:
I just got to an area with a long bridge, and some bombs that are "ignited by fire" or some such. It feels like I've missed something, or I'm really stupid, because I don't know what I'm supposed to do here...
MentalNoiz said:Dear Vigil,
Great game, though please fix the blocking . It is not responsive enough, especially after a dash .
For example, I hit dash, then immediately hit the button again so that when I come out of the dash i will be blocking, but War just stands there .
Some anti-aliasing would be great too .
John said:The spinning bridge? What I did (not sure if it's what you're supposed to do) is make a chain of six or so on the wall leading to the red blow-up-able-wall, then ignite the one closest to me.
Vigil Games creative boss Joe Madureira has told Eurogamer readers there will be no downloadable content for Darksiders.
Speaking in a live interview ending just moments ago, Madureira apologised and said DLC wasn't part of the plan.
Skilletor said:How do you ignite the bombs?
cjelly said:I thought HDN (or whatever the devs GAF name is, sorry), said they were going to start work on DLC?
John said:You're at the little ledge where there's a red wall, a benign bomb dispenser, and an active bomb dispenser on the wall, right? Throw benign bombs in a chain between the red wall and the active bomb dispenser, then use your boomerang to blow up the active bomb.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:...the block button is worthless..... Block and dodge should not be on the same button.
Oneself said:If you guys have any trouble at Tiamat (the first boss) I guess it's because you don't use the L2/RT lock-on enough. Once you get it, it's easy as fuck, seriously.
Oneself said:If you guys have any trouble at Tiamat (the first boss) I guess it's because you don't use the L2/RT lock-on enough. Once you get it, it's easy as fuck, seriously.
ZealousD said:Okay, so I played a couple hours and quit right after the Panzer Dragoon segment. I know that you guys are saying this is the "weak" part of the game but I'll give some early impressions anyway.
Combat system is suitably different to not really refer to it as God of War ripoff. It's not really the kind of system like a GoW or DMC where you can essentially mix between light and strong attacks. It lacks that kind of flexibility. However, you still have a lot of tools at your disposal, so it's still varied enough that it doesn't feel liike Dynasty Warriors or something. Evading is a bit hit-or-miss. Evading backwards usually doesn't bear fruit because enemies tend to move forward a lot, so you'll often get hit right after evading. Evading to the side does work better, but sometimes you can get hit then too. My best method seems to hit the evade button multiple times if I see an attack coming. The finishers are perfect. They're not too long, not too short, look awesome, and you can pull one off fluidly off of a normal combo. They feel much more natural than they do in God of War. Overall, the combat system isn't Ninja Gaiden or DMC level awesome, but still very satisfying and yes, very "visceral". I know that's a cliche, but I think it works.
Presentation is pretty good. Lots of color in the environments and I've already seen multiple landscapes in just the first couple hours. Playing on 360 and yeah, tearing is kinda bad. Luckily for me, tearing is more of an annoyance and not a dealbreaker. As said before in this thread, animations are also fantastic, especially the finishers.
Definitely diggin' it so far, which bodes well for the rest of the game.
My complaint about that fight (or any fight really, but that's the only boss I've fought so far) is that there isn't a life bar for the boss so you have no idea how much longer it's going to last. Especially on Apocalyptic where I hear the only changes are more hp for your enemies and more damage to you. I must have went through 4-5 "B" cycles with him before he died.Papercuts said:My problem was being too aggressive(On Apocalyptic). The first part is insanely easy, but it all went to hell after she landed. Instead of going in for a quick 3 hits I kept overstaying my welcome and that jumping smash always got me, or even worse the swipe which kills you in around two hits. Once I slowed it down I ended up beating the fight without getting hit, which was pretty awesome.
dralla said:I will say that War definitely has the best 'overdrive' mode of all the action games. turning into that fire dragon is awesome
xir said:anyone fight alooking demon fellow in the overworld?pimpturned on chaos form and he disappeared, haven't found him sincehas a top hat and cain?