Keyser Soze
Skilletor said:Why can't this horse jump?![]()
Link = Cannot Jump
War = Can Jump
Ruin = Cannot Jump
Epona = Can Jump
It all evens out in the end
Skilletor said:Why can't this horse jump?![]()
Keyser Soze said:Link = Cannot Jump
War = Can Jump
Ruin = Cannot Jump
Epona = Can Jump
It all evens out in the end
Skilletor said:It's stupid that this horse can't step up a ledge that is as high as War's ankle. I have to get off, WALK up the ledge with War, because he can just walk up, and summon Ruin again.
It's silly.
Son of Godzilla said:How accurate was the 15 hour estimate?
I have been fooling around a lot, grinding for nonsense souls and such, currently collected the Mask of Shadows and game time shows a solid 20h.ZealousD said:Pretty accurate. Completionists will hit around 20 hours.
Amir0x said:Also, in every dungeon, there is aHordeseeker treasure and a Map which shows you the locations of every treasure chest on a map.
Skilletor said:Why can't this horse jump?![]()
Callibretto said:Ruin's jump is context sensitive (I thought it's the same with Epona), he just need sizable gap first before he can jump.
the part you mention is likely just overlooked by the developer.
Opus Angelorum said:I've missed that.
Amir0x said:Also, in every dungeon, there is awhich shows you...Hordeseeker treasure and a Map
Fimbulvetr said:Ruin can jump across gaps but not over things or on top of ledges.
Firestorm said:For those who want to see how the other three Horsemen look, they're all in the artbook + comic that people who pre-ordered got. EB Canada finally got it in a few days ago (after I finished the game) so I picked it up.
glaurung said:I have been fooling around a lot, grinding for nonsense souls and such, currently collected the Mask of Shadows and game time shows a solid 20h.
I wager that getting all the weapons to maximum level will take me up to the 30h point.
What's the first chance to collect the whole Abyssal Armor set? I have six pieces so far, I know I should have more. Right now Uriel is wiping the floor with me, though I was tired already when I reached that encounter. Does the Armor actually absorb some damage or is it purely ornamental?
Loved the Straga fight, but hated getting teleported back to the tower middle when dying at the fight. Took me circa 6 retries to whoop his ass.
MisterTHQ said:There's an amusing article from Destructoid that is worth reading...comparing Darksiders to Zelda with Darksiders coming out on top!
What do you guys think? Agree or disagree?![]()
Let's get one thing straight before we even begin: Darksiders is the manliest game ever made, for real manly men who are manly with their man things. The Legend of Zelda, in contrast, is for children and girls who have not yet known a lover's touch. You only have to look at the main characters to see this is true. One is the physical embodiment of conflict incarnate, a dauntless badass who will crack the skulls of angels of demons alike. The other is Legolas. Ladies and gentlemen, War wins.
Seriously, who would you rather have on your side in battle? A man with a fiery steed and a penchant for bloodlust who can turn into a giant molten demon at will, or a pussy little elf in a green skirt? War routinely hangs off the bellies of giant Hell bats and then stabs them in the guts. What has Link ever done, comparatively? Held a little shield in front of his girlish face so that seeds don't hit him. Seeds! Link is afraid of SEEDS. While War is fighting the entire armies of Hell, Link's shitting in his pants because somebody's thrown a packet of grow-your-own at him.
NinjaFusion said:In the crossroads there's a blue grapple thingie really high up... and a wrath shard.... how do you get the hell up there?
canova said:The last piece of the armor is in Eden. If you have the mask, you should be able to find all the pieces.
The armor absorbs damage and also gives you health if you kill enemies
You need a story-related item.NinjaFusion said:In the crossroads there's a blue grapple thingie really high up... and a wrath shard.... how do you get the hell up there?
canova said:from the article :lol :lol
you wont be able to get up there till you get the mask of shadows
It is a scientifically proven fact that if you play Darksiders, your penis will become comparable in size to a chimpanzee's leg and gain enough ejaculative power to stop a charging African elephant.
Every time you fight him you get a whole lot of souls. You can fight him a total of four different times, I believe.glaurung said:Something else, weird within the game. Spoiler-tagged since this happens ~80% through the game.
After getting my ass kicked by Straga a couple of times, I went on the missed stuff hunt since I now had the Voidwalker, Chain and glove to shatter the barriers. Within the shorter sewer line in Drowned Pass (I think that's the place), I met a couple of standard demons and a surprisingly tough standard undead with two exceptions: a top hat with a red brim and a walking stick. It took some effort to beat him, upon which he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
I then ventured forth to look for missed collectibles and got to the area where Ulthane challenges you to 'pluck the pigeons'. There is a grappling hook location there that holds some chest, but before I could jump there, the same guy with the same top hat appeared again and started to beat the living snot out of me. I beat him again, though he took a pretty good chunk out of my health bar and disappeared again.
Who is that and what's the point? Do I need to fight him again at some other location to get some large soul reward or smth?
glaurung said:Something else, weird within the game. Spoiler-tagged since this happens ~80% through the game.
After getting my ass kicked by Straga a couple of times, I went on the missed stuff hunt since I now had the Voidwalker, Chain and glove to shatter the barriers. Within the shorter sewer line in Drowned Pass (I think that's the place), I met a couple of standard demons and a surprisingly tough standard undead with two exceptions: a top hat with a red brim and a walking stick. It took some effort to beat him, upon which he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
I then ventured forth to look for missed collectibles and got to the area where Ulthane challenges you to 'pluck the pigeons'. There is a grappling hook location there that holds some chest, but before I could jump there, the same guy with the same top hat appeared again and started to beat the living snot out of me. I beat him again, though he took a pretty good chunk out of my health bar and disappeared again.
Who is that and what's the point? Do I need to fight him again at some other location to get some large soul reward or smth?
glaurung said:You need a story-related item.
It is the Mask of Shadows, which you will get automatically after beating Straga at the end of the Black Throne. Using the Mask of Shadows will reveal two Shadowflight geysers near the grappling point in the area. The first one will boost you onto the ledge of the building. The second will give you plenty of lift to lock onto the grappling point and land on the building with below it, opposite the Vulgrim portal.
MisterTHQ said:There's an amusing article from Destructoid that is worth reading...comparing Darksiders to Zelda with Darksiders coming out on top!
What do you guys think? Agree or disagree?![]()
grumble said:I'm taking it very seriously.
There's an amusing article from Destructoid that is worth reading...comparing Darksiders to Zelda with Darksiders coming out on top!
What do you guys think? Agree or disagree?
TrAcEr_x90 said:maybe its because im older now but i couldn't get into twilight princess what so ever. I loved every minute of ocarina of time but I just couldnt get into TP. I felt like i had already played the game before minus the wolf thing going on. Plus zelda games are just so loooooong and I get lost so easily. Darksiders is my perfect zelda game. Its pretty focused on where i need to go, i dont get lost at all!! i feel 15-18 hours is perfect for me too.
Yoritomo said:I'm really loving the game. I also really appreciate the little decisions to avoid annoying crap that is in other games. (Quick Time events, not falling off stuff while attacking.)
The_Dude said:I'm nearing the end, just looking for the chests I've missed. I'm in the Twilight Cathedral, in the area whereAm I missing something? Luckily, I've been keeping regular manual saves, but I'd be pretty annoyed right now if I was only relying on the have to place the swords on three statues, which raise a pedestal up to just near where the boss is. I appear to be stuck, as the pedestal seems to be permanently in the up position and the way I came in is inaccessible.
Ether_Snake said:So Darksiders sold around 400,000 copies in one week? Pretty damn impressive.
EXGN said:Where's that coming from? Awesome if true.
Thanks! I did remember that other hole, but I didn't remember it looping around. Back to it, I guess!KevinCow said:There's a way back up. Just look around for a bit. It should be right by the room where you fought a few waves of enemies to get one of the swords.
I'm not sure why so many people seem to be getting stuck here. It's one of the first things you do in the dungeon. You knock a big hole in the floor and follow it down, only to find a chest with a key and two doors you can't open. So you make your way back up to find another giant thing to drop to make another hole, which leads to the rest of the lower area of the dungeon and eventually loops back to the room where you got that key.
What's their source in the country that doesn't release weekly numbers?Ether_Snake said:VG-Chartz, which unlike GAF likes to pretend, is usually accurate enough.
I'll sign up for this. Outgrown is putting it nicely though, I sure as fuck don't think the issue is on my end.canova said:Darksiders is perfect for gamers who've used to play Zelda but now have outgrown the franchise. there's also a bit more combat than Zelda