I played the PS3 version, and there's definitely some slowdown - especially later in the game and when you use the horse. But it's not terrible. I've seen worse.
Dries said:So should I wait to buy this game until the screen tearing patch is released or is it just over-exaggerated by everyone? I can't wait to play it though. A mix of Zelda and GoW pretty much seems like heaven.
Dries said:So should I wait to buy this game until the screen tearing patch is released or is it just over-exaggerated by everyone? I can't wait to play it though. A mix of Zelda and GoW pretty much seems like heaven.
If you need something to play right now, I wouldn't wait.Dries said:So should I wait to buy this game until the screen tearing patch is released or is it just over-exaggerated by everyone? I can't wait to play it though. A mix of Zelda and GoW pretty much seems like heaven.
I know opinions are opinions but 2 out of 5 seems pretty mean.Freyjadour said:2/5 from X-Play.
Am I playing some game that isn't Darksiders? Because whatever I am playing is considerably better than whatever they were playing.
Caspel said:For those who have PMed me about the items I am giving away... here's a picture of the game, poster and shirt (2 games, 2 posters and 4 shirts are what I have)
As you can see to the right (looking at the picture) is Joe Mad's signature. We have two of these posters to give away.
Just have to follow me on twitter (http://www.twitter.com/gamezoneonline) and then follow the instructions to win.
Mayor Haggar said:Can anyone tell me roughly in hours how far away I am from completing the game?
I'm in the Ashlands, and I got to a large area where you're in a canyon, and you have to dash along a bunch of wooden structures to get to the other side, and a goddamn asshole ashworm keeps insta-killing you if you even look at it funny.
Mayor Haggar said:Can anyone tell me roughly in hours how far away I am from completing the game?
I'm in the Ashlands, and I got to a large area where you're in a canyon, and you have to dash along a bunch of wooden structures to get to the other side, and a goddamn asshole ashworm keeps insta-killing you if you even look at it funny.
berva said:Darksiders is the best game of 2010 (so farHaving said that I have Mass Effect 2 waiting for me at home so that could change very soon. I had a blast playing through Darksiders with only a few frustrating parts that I can think of.
Neuromancer said:I know opinions are opinions but 2 out of 5 seems pretty mean.
Dries said:So should I wait to buy this game until the screen tearing patch is released or is it just over-exaggerated by everyone? I can't wait to play it though. A mix of Zelda and GoW pretty much seems like heaven.
Dries said:So should I wait to buy this game until the screen tearing patch is released or is it just over-exaggerated by everyone? I can't wait to play it though. A mix of Zelda and GoW pretty much seems like heaven.
sdornan said:Piracy is bad.
Zefah said:The screen tearing is pretty bad in the 360 version that I played. Pretty much any time you spin the camera around you will get some screen tearing. It isn't the worst offender on the 360, but it definitely is annoying. If you are really sensitive to screen tearing that I would advise waiting for the patch.
I am usually mildly bothered by tearing, but the game was just so much damn fun that it didn't get in the way for me this time.
Freyjadour said:2/5 from X-Play.
Am I playing some game that isn't Darksiders? Because whatever I am playing is considerably better than whatever they were playing.
HalcyonTB12 said:3)I guess I don't really understand all the points to the story. How did abbadon become the destroyer? And as the destroyer why wasn't he stronger or more intimidating. I thought samael was much more menacing. Who is the lady that is apparently now god? And what happened to Samael? I don't remember him being mentioned after you give him the last heart.
Mejilan said:Yeah, the game's pretty inconsistent, with the middle hours easily being the worst.
The next dungeon (the Iron Canopy) is a pretty big step up from the Hollows and the Ashlands. The one after the Iron Canopy is pretty magnificent, easily beating out the all others.
Freyjadour said:2/5 from X-Play.
Am I playing some game that isn't Darksiders? Because whatever I am playing is considerably better than whatever they were playing.
zoukka said:I feel a pull because of the whole "it plays like a Zelda" thing.
Then again I'm pushed back the whole bad-art thing.
theMrCravens said:They could've shorten the dungeons by 1/3 and add 1 or 2 more of them.
(which means more variety and more big bosses)
I don't know why they didn't add a final dungeon though.
I hate endgame like these where it jumps straight to the last boss.
theMrCravens said:Quick question about storyline I didn't get:
How'd Abaddon turn into the Destroyer ? Who was the main villain (lady who spoke to Abaddon) ? That vision near the tree of Eden didn't explain much.
What? The Watcher pops up maybe once or twice a dungeon, to point on incredibly unobvious things. When you pester him in game he also spits out absolutely nothing useful. He seems to have been designed to be the anti-navi. Which sucks, because I just played Popo8 and really thought Elrika brought character to the game. Something like that would have been awesome. Double awesome because both War and Watcher's VAs are awesome. And fuck off, he doesn't sound anything like the Joker.Masamuna said:"Hey!ListenHorseman!" Is pretty much the extent of the Watcher at this point.
Caspel said:For those who have PMed me about the items I am giving away... here's a picture of the game, poster and shirt (2 games, 2 posters and 4 shirts are what I have)
As you can see to the right (looking at the picture) is Joe Mad's signature. We have two of these posters to give away.
Just have to follow me on twitter (http://www.twitter.com/gamezoneonline) and then follow the instructions to win.
That's not normal. Either the disc or your blu-ray drive must be defective.Prodigy095 said:I just got a PS3 & picked up Darksiders to enjoy but as soon I load up the game I get a black screen for 5-7 minutes & whenever a new area loads in-game it's another 1-2 minutes of waiting. I turned it off when I got to the cemetery @ the beginning because of all the loading.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there some way to install the whole game& run it from the HD like the 360? I'd love to finish the game but @ this rate I won't ever get close.
Prodigy095 said:I just got a PS3 & picked up Darksiders to enjoy but as soon I load up the game I get a black screen for 5-7 minutes & whenever a new area loads in-game it's another 1-2 minutes of waiting. I turned it off when I got to the cemetery @ the beginning because of all the loading.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there some way to install the whole game& run it from the HD like the 360? I'd love to finish the game but @ this rate I won't ever get close.