Lan_97 said:Sucks for those of us that preordered and never got a code with the game. Thanks.
Lan_97 said:Sucks for those of us that preordered and never got a code with the game. Thanks.
Apparently case and dashes matter.Sevket-Erhat said:I just couldn't get the code to wotk. I wonder why
Lunchbox said:i really liked that part, but every thing leading up to that was boring as fuck. (like finding those training/combat arenas with specific ways to kill people) does it get better? or is it more of the same dungeons with puzzles in them
darkjedi187 said:While trying to get all the check I came across two that show on the map but I cannot find. One at the very be3ginning of The Crossroads and one in the Drowned Pass. I've searched high and low and tried various things to get them. I'm hopping this isn't going to effect the trophy. Anyone else have this problem. Thanks
TehSw1tch said:Having trouble firing up the game again, I kept getting killed by a Sandworm in the desert area. I was running away from him to get into what looked like a secret outcropping off the beaten path, and I made it onto the rocky part that worms cannot traverse on, and even though I spent a good two seconds on solid ground, the insta-kill cutscene triggered regardless.
So yeah, I turned it off there and haven't restarted since.
Someone tell me what else I have to look forward to, so I can pop the game in again.
dorkimoe said:Product Name Qty Ordered Amount Discount
Red Faction: Guerrilla Offer X360 1 $0.00
Red Faction: Guerrilla Shipping 1 $4.99
Red Faction: Guerrilla Offer PS3 1 $0.00
Red Faction: Guerrilla Shipping 1 $4.99
wonder if its gonna go thru
Minamu said:Haha wow, just reached the Black Throne today & after 3-4 hours, I'm SO done with that place :lol Talk about tedious. Hoow can it be anyone's highlight?![]()
Outtrigger888 said:mine says the same thing, i wish I knew who they were shipping through, and I hope they send an email with the tracking number. I mean technically, the shipments should already be sent out.
BluWacky said:Do you not like portal puzzles? I mean, the puzzles aren't exactly difficult, but they were what made the Black Throne fun for me rather than yet more combat. It's the most puzzley of all the Darksiders dungeons.
Check the dungeons for any missing chests and then run through a guide for all the non-dungeon areas? Kinda makes me wish for a map that shows chests in all areas.TrAcEr_x90 said:When i saw the room with rotating floors and portals, i got kinda worried. didn't look like fun at first, but once you get the hang of the portal weapon, i decided it was actually a really cool section.
Im at the end with 22 hours, and im missin one freakin life shard. how the hell will i figure out which one i missed?
bmf said:Kinda makes me wish for a map that shows chests in all areas.
Wer bisher noch nicht das Vergnügen gehabt bzw. sich nicht getraut hat, gegen hinterlistige Dämonen und gigantische Endgegner anzutreten, bekommt davon in Kürze kostenlos einen Einblick: Ab 25. Februar wird es online im Xbox Live-Netzwerk eine spielbare Demo zu DARKSIDERS zum Download geben. In der rund 90minütigen Demo haben die User die Möglichkeit, die ganze Vielfalt des Spiels kennenzulernen. Schauplatz ist die Zwielichtkathedrale, der erste große Dungeon. Hier gilt es, anspruchsvolle Rätsel zu lösen und essenzielle Ausrüstungsgegenstände zu finden, um am Ende das teuflische Flugmonster Tiamat zu vernichten.
THQ wünscht dabei viel Erfolg.
Hinweis: DARKSIDERS ist ferner für die PS3-Konsole erhältlich. Leider kann die Demo wegen seiner Altersfreigabe ab 18 nicht online im zugehörigen Playstation Network veröffentlicht werden.
ah okey xDKeyser Soze said:Demo news is not old, it just went out in a new PR. News was embargoed until 5PM though![]()
Over 90 minutes of gameplay coming for both Xbox 360® and Playstation®3
AGOURA HILLS, Calif. February 16, 2010 Gamers will be able to get to grips with Darksiders true essence in the upcoming release of a 90-minute game demo for Xbox 360® and PlayStation®3 based on THQ Inc.s critically acclaimed action-adventure game.
The demo contains the entire first dungeon encounter from the game, the sprawling Twilight Cathedral. This engaging and challenging level contains dozens of puzzles for players to solve, new pieces of equipment to discover and epic boss battles against the monstrous demon Jailer and the savage bat-winged Tiamat. Representing a cross section of Darksiders key features, the demo will take approximately 90 minutes to complete for the average player. The demo will become available to download from Xbox LIVE® and PlayStation®Network on 25 February.
David Adams, General Manager of Vigil Games commented:
We are really pumped to be bringing a playable demo for Darksiders to Xbox 360 and PlayStation3. We really wanted to give gamers a true idea of the variety of gameplay that the game offers and so rather than just making a standard 20-minute demo version of the first few levels, we decided to give away this massive level and reveal the true essence of the game.
Darksiders is now available at retail outlets worldwide for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system for a suggested retail price of £49.99.
It really is. I just finished it and it's definitely a good hook to get people interested. On a related note, aout how far am I into the game, having just beaten the first dungeon? I can't imagine too far, but I'm also unsure of how long the game is.nacire said:Holy shit the entire Twilight Cathedral, now that's a worthy demo!![]()
Hugbot said:It really is. I just finished it and it's definitely a good hook to get people interested. On a related note, aout how far am I into the game, having just beaten the first dungeon? I can't imagine too far, but I'm also unsure of how long the game is.
It's scary how fresh the game feels, when the game it cribs the most from hasn't felt fresh to me for several iterations. It's definitely giving me the itch to go back and play through Twilight Princess, though.
KevinCow said:The Crossroads - Destroy all the hydrants in the area
Drowned Pass - Don't worry about it, it's a glitch
Just keep going straight. You can't really explore that part yet. You'll be able to kill the sand worms later.
hdn said:The reason we're giving away the entire Twilight Cathedral is really the reason we originally didn't do a demo at all. It's hard give somebody a 20min demo of Darksiders and do it justice, so, we thought what about an entire dungeon where they can experience; combat, traversal, getting the first gear item etc. that would give players a good feel about the rest of the game.
It's a huge demo, but hopefully, people on the fence will now be able to make their mind up for themselves.
hdn said:The reason we're giving away the entire Twilight Cathedral is really the reason we originally didn't do a demo at all. It's hard give somebody a 20min demo of Darksiders and do it justice, so, we thought what about an entire dungeon where they can experience; combat, traversal, getting the first gear item etc. that would give players a good feel about the rest of the game.
It's a huge demo, but hopefully, people on the fence will now be able to make their mind up for themselves.
TheCardPlayer said:Yeah demo convinced me. I'm out to buy this thing.
Always-honest said:true... it will be the best demo terms of value for the player.
but i think people will think they played enough of the game... In my opinion.. a smaller demo would be better for sales... though it's very true that 20 minutes (a normal gameplay 20 minutes) will not be enough.
Minamu said:Wait, you heard there was a demo coming out, so you went out to buy the full game before it comes out?good purchase either way.
hdn said:This was our problem, either way is problematic but, we feel that the Cathedral gives a nice broad stroke of what Darksiders is. If people don't want to play the whole thing twice, they can always play enough to convince themselves and go and buy the game. If they love it, they may not mind doing it twice...I guess time will tell :|