Ninja Scooter
Freshmaker said:It has a lock on, but then it also features a tedious combo system so you get to hack at enemies forever before they die.
if i love the Dynasty Warriors games will this bother me less?
Freshmaker said:It has a lock on, but then it also features a tedious combo system so you get to hack at enemies forever before they die.
ZealousD said:Oh, you mean you haven't actually got the beam running yet? You're just trying to cross? First, shoot one portal onto the first spinning column. Then shoot one onto the pad on the wall. Then, look through the portal on the wall. Eventually, you'll see the two columns meet and you'll see the other portal pad through the portal on the wall. Shoot a charged portal shot through the portal so that it hits the portal pad on the second moving column. This should clear the portal on the first spinning column. Then you can jump through the portal when the second moving column reaches the other side.
No DLC. They said this was their first game and they're going to take everything they've learned from it and move onto the next project.Dr. Kitty Muffins said:Any word on some DLC?
I would love for Vigil to with Darksiders what team Ninja did with Ninja Gaiden's DLC. I could see myself paying 1200 points for a DLC pack that includes a "lost level", new enemies, another Panzer Dragoon stage and some new weapons/outfits.
whatevermort said:Thanks. That's what I thought, and what I thought I was doing. Must have been aiming dreadfully or something. I'll try again tomorrow...
Wait, there's no way to go back just for that item?! I thought people said there were only 3 missable trophies on one playthrough!? God damn it. I thought I had everything there.ZealousD said::lol
Should have looked at an achievement guide! I got it at the first opportunity!
TheFallen said:Wait, there's no way to go back just for that item?! I thought people said there were only 3 missable trophies on one playthrough!? God damn it. I thought I had everything there.
TheFallen said:No DLC. They said this was their first game and they're going to take everything they've learned from it and move onto the next project.
That of course means getting it ported to PC, which solves all the problems of v sync, aliasing and AF.Truant said:Hey developers,
way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!
Truant said:Hey developers,
way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!
Truant said:Hey developers,
way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!
Hobbun said:It's good to hear that manually aiming is not required for combat. That would be too frustrating. It can be frustrating enough in Zelda at times when manually aiming, which I find is easier than most games.
Now in Zelda, the boomerang does "lock on" (or it can, if you are close enough). So this game doesn't have that option? I hope trying to manually aim isn't as much of a pain as in Zelda. I know I had tried to use my boomerang in Zelda a couple of times when trying to retrieve Gold Skulltula tokens and you had the line that 'rang up EXACTLY to get the token.
How long would you say the game is? Something equivalent to OoT or more (or less)?
Q8D3vil said:maybe someone will notice me now
i need some help
collecting the sword shards now , some places are unexplored , thus i can use the tunnel , how i can reach them ?!
eXistor said:The dungeons are fun to play, but you can't really compare them to a Zelda dungeon I think. It's always very obvious where you have to go. You reach a new room, you instantly are told what to do, you do it and you reach the next room. It just repeats like this. You don't ever have to look on the map. Only the Twilight Cathedral was close to being a proper dungeon (I just came out of the Ashlands).
As much as the game apes Zelda, it never ever gets close to being as good. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I think it's very fun, but the fact that it tries to be so much like Zelda is really hurting the game in some ways.
Ninja Face said:Anyone else strategically opening chests/hitting the finishing move button on dudes for that brief moment of immunity? :lol
If Black Throne stays as good as it is right now (just finished the first part of three I think):eXistor said:The dungeons are fun to play, but you can't really compare them to a Zelda dungeon I think. It's always very obvious where you have to go. You reach a new room, you instantly are told what to do, you do it and you reach the next room. It just repeats like this. You don't ever have to look on the map. Only the Twilight Cathedral was close to being a proper dungeon (I just came out of the Ashlands).
As much as the game apes Zelda, it never ever gets close to being as good. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I think it's very fun, but the fact that it tries to be so much like Zelda is really hurting the game in some ways.
see5harp said:?? I think the textures in this game look fantastic.
You think Twilight Cathedral is the best dungeon? It seemed like it would be a good first dungeon basically, but the best? I thought it had a weird feeling to it-- the scale felt much larger than a typical Zelda dungeon, but I was never stumped or even confused about where I should be going. Black Throne is good though?Firestorm said:If Black Throne stays as good as it is right now (just finished the first part of three I think):
Twilight Cathedral > Black Throne > 4th Dungeon > Ashlands = Hollows
Y2Kev said:You think Twilight Cathedral is the best dungeon? It seemed like it would be a good first dungeon basically, but the best? I thought it had a weird feeling to it-- the scale felt much larger than a typical Zelda dungeon, but I was never stumped or even confused about where I should be going. Black Throne is good though?
Booser said:The Hollows was good but its my least favourite of the dungeons so far. Twilight Cathedral is awesome and the Ashlands is much more combat orientated, esp once you get pastthe drill puzzle and into the gladiator arena where you get Ruin. After that the place is just pure spectacle. The boss fight is very easy but still looks and feels so fucking cool
So far theBlack Throne is fucking evil puzzle wise. Im just after activating the first beam and got it back into the room I got the portal gun. But now I cant get back out. Fucking portals.
Amir0x said:Well, I'd say, the whole Hollows+Ashlands segment altogether was really poor form for a Zelda game. So it doesn't really compare favorably to a Zelda title, imo, because at this point I'm already at theand none of the dungeons save Twilight Cathedral and only a small part of theBlack Thronewere really up to Zelda-calibre.Spider Lair
I also already got through this beam puzzle you mention, and it's pretty neat how it works, but it wasn't very challenging. Still, it's a little better than what the game was before.
It's definitely got all the foundation but in a Darksiders 2, if they really want to be compared to Zelda favorably, they're going to have to make the design of the dungeons more clever. Ashlands wasn't even a dungeon.
Of course, it ISN'T Zelda... it's something else. And that something else is still pretty decent, but people should probably stop pawning this off as a Zelda title. It is not a good Zelda game.
Amir0x said:It clearly takes inspiration, but it is its OWN game.
FrenchMovieTheme said:are we talking zelda OOT or zelda twilight princess? because this game obliterates TP. of course OOT is the 3D adventure game of forever and im not sure any game can ever eclipse it.
will52 said:Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.
Quite the apposite, I hated Bayonetta, that game has ADD.will52 said:Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.
Mejilan said:Wow, everything about the Hollow sucked ass. The dungeon. The boss. The key item. Blah.
Mejilan said:Wow, everything about the Hollow sucked ass. The dungeon. The boss. The key item. Blah.
will52 said:Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.
Amir0x said:I mean it is definitely in the Zelda format, which is why it compares so unfavorably. When you go up against something of such a high quality, there are certain expectations.
This is a first effort for Vigil and so I'm not going to be overly harsh. It has a solid foundation and a Darksiders 2 could, perhaps, become as good as a mid-tier Zelda title. Darksiders 1, however, is not a good Zelda game.
It's still a decent game, just not one that can stand against Zelda. Again, all this is just our own projection, since Vigil never really said it wanted it to be God of War or Zelda or whatever. It clearly takes inspiration, but it is its OWN game. As its OWN game, it is a weird, uneven package, with lots of highs, lots of lows, lots of things Vigil can learn from for the future. A decent game for sure.
It's just no Zelda.
Narcosis said:I seriously hope this sells well enough for a sequel, and hopefully the 3 year drought of a game like this (has there been one since Twilight Princess?) leads people to buy this.
Based off the ending I'd really like to seea 3 way war occurring between the 4 Horsemen, Heaven (led by Uriel) and Hell (Samael takes his new throne?). I really think we only got proper fights against the demonic side in this one, suitably so for the plotline, but if they could have some massively batshit crazy epic fights in a sequel that could potentially be awesome.
canova said:Or maybe Sony or Microsoft took notice of the great reviews and buy it for exclusivity![]()