Shawn Levy to Direct The Flash
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
February 5, 2007
Night at the Museum helmer Shawn Levy will direct Warner Bros. Pictures' The Flash, the big-screen adaptation of the DC Comics speedster hero, says The Hollywood Reporter. Charles Roven and Alex Gartner are producing and Levy may produce as well.
Created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Harry Lampert, The Flash has the ability to run and move extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes and violate certain laws of physics, like time travel.
David Goyer, who co-wrote Batman Begins for Warners, had been attached to write, direct and produce a screen adaptation. But Goyer quietly left the project several months ago, though it was not until Friday that he announced his departure on his MySpace page.
The trade adds that Levy, who before "Museum" had been known for such comedies as Cheaper by the Dozen and The Pink Panther, has no intention of making "Flash" a comedy but is aiming for a lighter movie than previous Warners comic book adaptations, such as Batman Begins and Superman Returns. Goyer's "Flash" also had been dark-themed.
Levy will oversee the writing of the new draft, and it is believed elements of Goyer's script will be used in the development process.
i can't really picture a movie that is based on The Flash, so we'll see how this turns out. i wonder who will play The Flash... wasn't Ryan Reynolds rumored to do it??
EDIT: here's some more...
David Goyer Talks More Flash
Source:Advanced Dark
February 5, 2007
Former The Flash writer/director David Goyer has posted another note about the project and more on his official Blog. He also mentions that one of his upcoming projects is in the DC Universe:
Attempted to post a bit more about The Flash and it appears to have disappeared. Well, in any event, just wanted to say thanks to all of you who've expressed their regrets, etc.
To be honest, when WB first approached me about doing The Flash, it seemed a little too good to be true. A part of me thought they'd never really make a movie like that. For the record, the script did involve both Barry and Wally as The Flash. I wanted to showcase the legacy aspect of the hero -- as that was something that hadn't been explored yet in film. Like Batman Begins, the script drew on some seminal comicbook runs (Mike Baron, Mark Waid, Geoff Johns).
There have been other super-hero scripts of mine that fell by the wayside. An R-rated Ghost Rider script that Stephen Norrington was going to direct. A horror-centric Doctor Strange script for Sony (which portrayed Mordo and Dormammu in a very Lovecraftian light). Even a pretty crappy Venom/Carnage script that I got roped into writing for New Line!
Andy Walkers script for Batman/Superman was great. And I'm sure Whedon's Wonder Woman is pretty damn cool as well.
The truth is, I've had a remarkably good track record with these kinds of films so far, so I don't have a lot to complain about. My peers and I are well-compensated for what we do. We're essentially living the dream we'd envisioned when we were kids. Now we get to meet and work with people we viewed as roll models and heroes.
Just the other day I had lunch with Wendy & Richard Pini, the creators of Elfquest. (And I can remember buying their very first issue back in 1978 when I was just thirteen). I got to have dinner with Neal Adams before the Batman Begins premiere. Work with the likes of Stan Lee and Mike Mignola.
In the coming weeks I'll post a bit more on the projects I've been working on since the Flash's demise. (One of them takes place in the DC Universe.) Until then...