Man I cant wait till Tuesday! Me and my bestfriend are going to play the hell out of this.cleveridea said:wow this game looks sweet
Someone posted the Qore preview on youtube
During another interview, Kummer also mentioned the team's original idea of creating a more player-driven story, with more choices like in Fallout. Ultimately, the developers cut out some of the more story-based decisions in favor of a more linear experience in order to accommodate co-op.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:So am I wrong in thinking this is Borderlands, but on an Earth Island with Zombies?
If so, I think my expectations have dipped a bit (I like Borderlands), but I was hoping for story and character development and not just gameplay and a smattering of story and character development. Does anyone get what I'm saying?
It's still in the game but downgradedabracadaver said:When the game was announced they said they would have very detailed gore. With different layers of skin, flesh bones and whatnot. Is that still in the game ? From the videos Ive seen the gore looks pretty bad for a zombie game.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:So am I wrong in thinking this is Borderlands, but on an Earth Island with Zombies?
If so, I think my expectations have dipped a bit (I like Borderlands), but I was hoping for story and character development and not just gameplay and a smattering of story and character development. Does anyone get what I'm saying?
Artadius said:I get a huge Borderlands vibe from this. But unlike you, I think this is great. While it's sad we have not really gotten a good zombie game with an excellent narrative yet, this game sets itself apart enough from other zombie games and introduces features that the genre hasn't really had much of either, so I'm ok with that.
Yamibito said:I listened to the podtoid last night and they seemed to really enjoy it at the very least.
The combat is more realistic. Ammo is rare and you're forced to use random stuff you pick up. And the open world + fairly deep RPG elements (skill trees, customization, and so on).Manos: The Hans of Fate said:I mean don't get me wrong, I love the gameplay of Borderlands, a ton actually, and it's been fun playing it. I just wish it had more story, but the gameplay could easily win me over. I just don't know, and I'm afraid of buying it, even with the GMG price, without knowing some more.
What does the game add as opposed to other Zombie games? I'm not saying that to be accusatory, I just haven't been following the game that much.
Cutting it close, oh well.Drewfonse will have their review up at 12am Monday morning, and I'll bet that we will see a lot of reviews posted at that time.
It doesn't have to be like Fallout, I just want some story, or at least some descent immersion in the game (hell it could be finding peoples passports, laptops, phones, etc for info or just flavor).chubigans said:I don't mind Borderlands at all. And I was never really that interested in Fallout story stuff, so the fact that they took out some of that is OK too.
Now that does interest me (well as long as the Ammo isn't like in Invisible War lol).Heavy said:From what I've read and seen of the game I think it's going to be a bit deeper than Borderlands in terms of RPG elements. Also, you supposedly don't get much ammo and are almost like a scavenger so it's more realistic in that regard.
BattleMonkey said:Sounds fine, though gameplay looks more open than Borderlands. As for story, well can't really remember a single good zombie related game story ever. I never went into this game expecting much story at all other than kill zombies and survive
Chiggs said:The lack of firearms in this gameconcernsexcites me.
Absolutely agree. Worked for Dead Rising, I'm sure it'll work for this game too.gutterboy44 said:My take on that. I have laid waste to zombies with an armorment of firearms ad nauseum. I want strategy and for each encounter to feel high risk.
If I was in the US with the early release, that would mean no buy.Drewfonse will have their review up at 12am Monday morning, and I'll bet that we will see a lot of reviews posted at that time.
Yeah. Tell me Condemned style melee fighting in an open world filled with zombies, and I'm wondering what could possibly go wrong (I guess I'll find out, or not, next week.)gutterboy44 said:My take on that. I have laid waste to zombies with an armorment of firearms ad nauseum. I want strategy and for each encounter to feel high risk.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Meh, this sort of bugs me.
I feel like that's setting things up for a Borderlands type story.
LastWindow said:I don't get a Borderlands vibe from it though. I keep thinking of it as Left 4 Dead with RPG elements thrown in.
Doesn't bother me, story just gets in the way. =Pgraywolf323 said:that disappoints me, I like a strong story
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:Not sure what to do yet, just got home from work. Going to watch some media. Any particluar videos that swayed people in my position?
gutterboy44 said:Thought I could hold off on buying games for another month or two but just caved and pre ordered (PS3) on Amazon. This game is looking great. Will only cancel order if reviews reveal some unforeseen major issue. Otherwise, this game looks to be a lot of fun. Most importantly co-op! Having recently played Borderlands, the joys of co-op are really starting to become apparent to me.
I hope this gets solid 84-87 reviews.
Edit: Oh shit, just saw that it has drop in/drop out and single player content on the co-op. sounds just like Borderlands. Fuck yeah! Also new game + This game could be brilliant.
so a 8.5/10.Poker360 said:This just in from IGN:
Dead Island review will be up 9AM PST on Sunday.
Hint: It doesn't suck.
Twinduct said:Well I was semi-interested and was gonna wait until a decent sale. But the qore video posted earlier kinda pushed me over to get it on release day.
Granted I got it from GMG for 33 usd![]()
Poker360 said:This just in from IGN:
Dead Island review will be up 9AM PST on Sunday.
Hint: It doesn't suck.
DMPrince said:so a 8.5/10.
which fallout?Poker360 said:Greg called it "Fallout with zombies"
he's played 25 hours of it.
DMPrince said:which fallout?
Poker360 said:Greg called it "Fallout with zombies"
he's played 25 hours of it.
doesn't matter. i hate the fallout series. lol.Poker360 said:I would assume three haha
So fallout with nothing but ghouls?cleveridea said:fallout already has zombies. it just calls them ghouls.
Painraze said:i tried to redeem dead island from GMG on my steam account and it says "game not available in your country" (im in the U.S.)
Do i need to email them?
cleveridea said:wow this game looks sweet
Someone posted the Qore preview on youtube
Poker360 said:This just in from IGN:
Dead Island review will be up 9AM PST on Sunday.
Hint: It doesn't suck.