On psn?Baconbitz said:I've been playing this. I just want someone to play coop with.
Yay.BeautifulMemory said:On psn?
haadim said:Completed on Normal, trudging on in Morbid difficulty.
This game is demanding but also so frenetic and addicting!
One of best games on psn bar none.
Dr. Acid Avatar said:I'm in love with this game. If anyone ever wants to play some co-op on PSN hit me up please add AcidAvatar
Noisepurge said:ask Baconbitz, just a few posts upBut i must suggest try to get someone to play local coop, so much better when you can do practise runs and communicate properly. Oh, and play atleast on Grim.
Evolved1 said:No voicechat on PSN?
Youll find yourself waking up in a laboratory with only one way out. Outside the door youre presented with a choice youre faced with a crossroads leading to three different roads, each with their own unique environments, challenges and enemies waiting for you.
In the end, if you manage to overcome the challenges, just when you think its over, youll make a startling revelation
slaughterking said:Depends on the price if I care.
As Road of Devastation begins, you (and your partner if co-op) escape from a laboratory and find yourself at a crossroads leading to three different roads. Each road has its own perks and dangers lying in wait with different environments, items and enemies for you to discover. Choose your road, and let the devastation begin
Harri said:We don't know the price yet - it should be affordable. One thing I can reveal is that the DLC got higher ratings in our internal tests (which were done with randomly selected gamers) than the main game. We are learning.
That said Dead Nation scored very well in our tests and in the wide Beta test we did with Sony. I guess that is the reason the main game is *still* selling very well, outselling many of the new releases, even after we gave it away for a month.
Anyway, it is interesting to see how well this DLC does. I love to be able to support our games after the release - we thank Sony for that.
And, yes, the DLC has been in development since we finished the main game.
Decado said:Does the patch/dlc add anything to the original campaign?
Decado said:When you boot up Dead Nation you are asked to install the 1.07 patch, regardless of whether or not you buy the DLC. I'm not referring to the 1.05 patch.
1.07 patch was for the DLC, 365MB.Commanche Raisin Toast said:was it small? probably just a quick patch to enable the DLC. most games without day-one-DLC this gen seem to have one.
dallow_bg said:1.07 patch was for the DLC, 365MB.
Decado said:So it doesn't add anything to the main campaign, by the sounds of it. Really surprising...would have though the new enemies/weapons would have been integrated into it. Pretty obvious, no? Will probably still buy for coop, but this doesn't bode well for future releases.
I only got to round 4 last night, but even that took some time. If there's no save for that mode, that's pretty lame.Melchiah said:Not to mention, that I suspect it doesn't let you save your progress, if you want to continue playing some other day. If so, the team definitely didn't listen to their fans the last time, when people were complaining about the lack of checkpoint saves, which then were added later on.
Dan said:I only got to round 4 last night, but even that took some time. If there's no save for that mode, that's pretty lame.
For $4 it's pretty cool overall. There's some fun twists on the gameplay, and some interesting strategy in picking the order of your routes. I'd love to see a full fledged sequel incorporating the new elements into a real campaign. I'd also just love a New Game+ mode of some kind, they can make it so that it doesn't count towards stats/trophies or whatever, but let me get super powered and then have fun blowing the shit out of zombies.
So I bought this game since it's October and I like to play horror games and watch horror movies to get in the Halloween spirit. You guys wanna run threw this this month?