Ninja Gaiden games had a story?
And good ones!?
Where have I been all these years?
Ninja Gaiden were the first videogames to have cutscenes.
Ninja Gaiden games had a story?
And good ones!?
Where have I been all these years?
Ninja Gaiden were the first videogames to have cutscenes.
Thanks, Skilletor, you just reminded me how much I miss the CG cutscenes. Uuugn, that was one of my favorites.I always thought it was hatred that Kasumi is the full-blooded female offspring that Ayane wishes she could be, and Hayate is the leader to which Ayane devotes herself. She tries to overcome her blood with loyalty to the clan. That's why she gets so mad when Kasumi betrays her duties to the clan and runs off after Hayate. Kasumi just throws away everything Ayane would kill to have.
Ayane never seemed, to me anyway, to hate Kasumi just because of jealousy. Ayane is constantly calling Kasumi a traitor. You can see in DoA2U intro that the two got along when they were young. The divide came, in my mind, as they grew older and Kasumi was treated better than Ayane because of the way Ayane was conceived.
Pretty typical manga stuff, imo.
Thanks, Skilletor, you just reminded me how much I miss the CG cutscenes. Uuugn, that was one of my favorites.
All costumes for the 2nd pack from FSD, nothing for Ayane T_T
That's paid dlc for the costumes, correct?
Assume that it is, based on the fact that when the last pack was free, they said so beforehand. They've said nothing about this one.
It would be nice if they went the dimensions route and everything was free
Itagaki kind of phoned in his last few games though (NG2, DOAX2, DOA4): Hayashi was only guilty of trying and failing to make NG3 appeal to western audiences like most misguided Japanese devs this gen: by all accounts the Wii U version is a much better game. I think DOA5 shows he's learned from his mistakes.
Skill said:The divide came, in my mind, as they grew older and Kasumi was treated better than Ayane because of the way Ayane was conceived.
I made a Mila combo earlier today that only works on Heavyweights (Bass, Bayman).
I made a little clip of it if you guys are interested.
Are you all ready for a mind breaker? There's a 4th underwear color. Press A+ X + Y (Triangle, X, Square) at the same time.
Only applied to some characters (i.e. Leifang) Read it online somewhere. I only knew about the single button presses.
I thought u only needed to press Triangle + X
These all look amazing. Couldnt have hoped for better outfits really. Cant wait to see them from the back
Even Helena, who usually dresses pretty conservatively, has a sexy outfit to complement her beautiful face. Her fighting style still looks pretty boring but I'll be tempted to use her, at least a little bit, with her looking that good.
I always loved that black Lei Fang dress but not the look of Lei Fang. Now I get the best of both worlds with Lisa wearing it.
Looking forward to that patch, not that many Aussies are playing DoA5 but Im hoping it will make international connections noticeably better too.
Could be. I won't be surprised. My mind is still reeling that they implemented 4 different sets of underwear for many characters. Only Team Ninja...
Say, in an effort to more fully understand DOA's system evolution I'm wondering:
What are some of the fundamental changes between DoA 4, DoA Dimensions, and DoA 5? I've been poking around but can't find a lot of hard info on DoA Dimensions (heh) especially.
Say, in an effort to more fully understand DOA's system evolution I'm wondering:
What are some of the fundamental changes between DoA 4, DoA Dimensions, and DoA 5? I've been poking around but can't find a lot of hard info on DoA Dimensions (heh) especially.
DoA4 and Dimensions are basically DoA4.1 (X-box patch)->4.2
DoA5 removes the guessing game that DoA4 had for instance in a major change.
I do have the DoA5 guide (*waves to the Dogg*), but if I might ask, what exactly interrupts the DoA4 guessing game? The existence of safe string enders as said above?
I do have the DoA5 guide (*waves to the Dogg*), but if I might ask, what exactly interrupts the DoA4 guessing game? The existence of safe string enders as said above?
DLC is up in JP store
4 costumes per set, each cost 500 yen
the whole set is 1300yen
I do have the DoA5 guide (*waves to the Dogg*), but if I might ask, what exactly interrupts the DoA4 guessing game? The existence of safe string enders as said above?
the shot I just took in JP store.
1st pack is cat costumes for helena, christie, tina, lisa
2nd pack is hitomi, mila, rig, lisa
3rd pack is kasumi, leifang, hayabusa, lisa
the 4th pack is 1-3 combined
Oh, wow. It's definitely going to be interesting to see how many more of these packs they release and how often. To be only two weeks past launch, there's a LOT of DLC out there added all together.
I can skip the cat suits and I might, depending on what those prices are in USD.
I do have the DoA5 guide (*waves to the Dogg*), but if I might ask, what exactly interrupts the DoA4 guessing game? The existence of safe string enders as said above?
My guess is $3.99 per pack, $9.99 for full set.
So, let me get this straight: are there more costumes that we haven't seen in these pack? Or just the ones posted earlier from FSD? The panty talk has me confused, haha.
Her fighting style still looks pretty boring but I'll be tempted to use her, at least a little bit, with her looking that good.
DOA5 is Team DOA, not Team Ninja Dog. Hayashit has nothing to do with DOA5. Please don't insult the DOA5 team like that.
Also what the hell is going on in this thre--*sees bitchiness and shitting on Hayate*--Oh, you gurls. So easy to manipulate but I love it. <3
Kinda, yes. The divide came after Ayane learned about her birth and being linked to Hayate/Kasumi. But because she wasn't from the same father as Kasumi/Hayate the village basically gave her to the Hajin Mon sect.
That rift is mostly the village (and well, DOATEC's obviously) fault.
The bonus missions are the reason I did the story. They're pretty much the best way to figure out how the system in DOA5 actually works outside of tons of practice mode monstering and playing online (which I haven't tried in a while, did the patch make it better?)
i went as far as throwing matches when it was clear i would miss some bonus missions.
Why are Lisa and Mila wearing Lei Fang and Hitomi's outfits? That's so lazy.
Everything else looks pretty good, though I'm surprised that some people are already getting a second and third DLC outfit while some characters haven't gotten any yet. And they are charging for these one before everyone gets a free outfit? :/
And that's what makes DOA5 great, guaranteed situations.Unholdable stuns, frame advanatge, guaranteed options after parries/sabakis, bt throws allow for guaranteed options, etc. . . Being able to hold out of any situation isn't possible anymore.