So I'm still playing this game and put more hours in it than in most other games this year (which might not be such an impressing feat since I don't have too much gaming time anyway).
Now I unlocked most things apart from Lisa's legendary suit and Alpha (but Alpha is only 20 titles or so away now). For the first time in my personal DoA-history, which began with DoA2 on Dreamcast, I actually prefer some of the male characters
Maybe because I'm not 18 anymore as when DoA2 arrived and mostly playing for the bounce

(though I still kinda enjoy the sexy aspects

). But the smooth coolness of Brad Wong, the powerful and violent attacks of Bayman, the dial-a-combo-possibilities of Eliot and the fast and slick moves of Jann Lee are really fun to explore. For the females, I enjoy Leifang, Hitomi and Tina the most. Somehow, I don't care too much about the ninjas anymore even though I often played as Ayane and Ein in the past games and still think Ryu is cool.
Tried to play the Virtua Fighter characters; after finishing their command training, I knew they weren't much for me even though their moves are really cool - I'm just not good enough to really unlock their potential (yet?)
Currently, I mostly play Versus against the A.I. 6 stars I guess and the occassional Throwdown challenge inbetween for fun and unlocking more titles. Really happy how the game turned out and I hope it will stay a bit more relevant for a while. Also, crossing my fingers for a Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate with more stages, Leon, more costumes and stuff, story mode for Christie and Lisa in one or two years