Its the dpad most likely. If you can find a better controller (WWE Brawl Pad works better and only costs $12.99 on gamestop check if they have it in your nearest store or check amazon)
I have a PS3, I played it over a friend with a 360 review copy
Eliot and Lisa, my two mains from 4. Initially I only picked them because they were near the bottom of the most used/popularity ranking stats and I've a habit of low-tier whoring. They both turned out to be good characters in their own rights, though, and I'm really looking forward to see how they play in 5. The few new combos/moves I've seen of Eliot have left me drooling.So, what characters are you guys maining?
I'm thinking of trying Ayane again like I did in Dimensions but for some reason I want to try out Kasumi and Hitomi for some reason.
So, what characters are you guys maining?
So, what characters are you guys maining?
I'm thinking of trying Ayane again like I did in Dimensions but for some reason I want to try out Kasumi and Hitomi for some reason.
So, what characters are you guys maining?
I'm thinking of trying Ayane again like I did in Dimensions but for some reason I want to try out Kasumi and Hitomi for some reason.
Very nice OT guys, good job.
Already preordered my CE for the PS3, just hope Amazon will be quick as usual with shipping.
And I'm gonna try playing with this
just to see if it's as better than the DS3 as in the 2D fighting games.
People who preordered the CE on Amazon are getting it but people who didnt will not get it.How did you get the CE from Amazon?, for me.How did you get the CE from Amazon?
EDIT: Amazon UK. Nvmd.
So, what characters are you guys maining?
I'm thinking of trying Ayane again like I did in Dimensions but for some reason I want to try out Kasumi and Hitomi for some reason.
So just thinking how many costumes we've seen, and unfortunately, for some characters I think we might have seen them all. For example, for Kasumi, we've seen (Spoiler tagged in case anybody cares about these things?)At most she'll probably have one more? Same with Hitomi, we've seenHayabusa style, blue, white and black ninja outfits and her kimono.. I think the only characters who are going to offer any actual surprises are Hayabusa and Hayate.tank top, baseball jacket, clown, safari and karate gi
There are some crazy ones (Street Stage & Circus comes to mind) but the game is mostly staying into more realistic/less crazy stuff it seems.Wow I forgot how good DoA3 looked on the original Xbox, and it was a launch title! It looks like it could be a fighting game on this gens consoles. One thing I do miss is the crazy stages they had. The stages in DoA5 almost look boring in comparison.
And I'm gonna try playing with this
just to see if it's as better than the DS3 as in the 2D fighting games.
I'm also curious about Hayabusa - surely he doesn't use the sword, but does he have any ability here that he's also had in the Ninja Gaiden series? I haven't played those, but I find it interesting when a character's skills carry over between different genre of games.
He did have this glowing effect in a video during that attack that knocks people into the background, maybe that has a NG base to it?
As for outfits, if it's not hidden somewhere in the game for unlocking, I'd pay a modest amount for a DLC brunette look for Tina that give her one of her arcade DoA1 outfits, swimsuits be damned.
Same here - and after reading about the combinations for hard punches (P+K) and hard kicks (K+H), I wonder if it's possible to map the buttons to have a KoF-ish button config on the hit buttons.
I love the fact that this game actually bothers to have a throw button, since the classic fighting game rock-paper-scissors is attack-block-throw, but the throws nearly always involve using the regular attack buttons. something separate makes more sense to me, and among 3D titles only DoA seems to deliver.
Since I haven't played ince DoA1 in the arcades, barely knowing what I was doing, I do hope I get a grip on the holds system soon enough, coming from an SNK fighting game background, the idea of everyone getting "Geese counters" as a system standard with fairly simple commands is interesting.
I'm not too sure about main yet, but Mila's looking nice and flexible, though I expect to try everyone, and hopefully the single player modes encourage that. Hitomi looks interesting too, though I pretty much only found out she existed thanks to the Dead Fantasy vídeos, since I've been away from the series for so long.
I'm also curious about Hayabusa - surely he doesn't use the sword, but does he have any ability here that he's also had in the Ninja Gaiden series? I haven't played those, but I find it interesting when a character's skills carry over between different genre of games.
He did have this glowing effect in a video during that attack that knocks people into the background, maybe that has a NG base to it?
As for outfits, if it's not hidden somewhere in the game for unlocking, I'd pay a modest amount for a DLC brunette look for Tina that give her one of her arcade DoA1 outfits, swimsuits be damned.
So, what characters are you guys maining?
So, what characters are you guys maining?
A lot of Hayabusa's moves are carried over from Ninja Gaiden, but adapted for punches and kicks. It's very cool.
Swimsuits better be available as DLC day-1, or I'm going to be very sad.
Ninja Gaiden on NES sir but I get you about the 3D part translating into 3D Ninja Gaiden XDYou have to remember that Ryu Hayabusa was in Dead or Alive since the beginning, before Ninja Gaiden on Xbox came about. So its really the other way around.
Wow, indeed. First time seeing DOA3 in years. I didn't realize how far ahead its graphics were. 2001? Jeez. I also miss the stages. The ice cavern was amazing. Punching your opponent through giant ice shards never got old. And the endless cliffs? Ugh, nostalgia is killing me. So many awesome stages and amazing costumes that won't make a return.Wow I forgot how good DoA3 looked on the original Xbox, and it was a launch title! It looks like it could be a fighting game on this gens consoles. One thing I do miss is the crazy stages they had. The stages in DoA5 almost look boring in comparison.
Ninja Gaiden on NES sir but I get you about the 3D part translating into 3D Ninja Gaiden XD
And Ninja Gaiden arcade before the NES version, but that doesn't matter. He's talking about the Team Ninja version of Ryu Hayabusa, who "first" appeared in DOA1.
And Ninja Gaiden arcade before the NES version, but that doesn't matter. He's talking about the Team Ninja version of Ryu Hayabusa, who "first" appeared in DOA1.
You have to remember that Ryu Hayabusa was in Dead or Alive since the beginning, before Ninja Gaiden on Xbox came about. So its really the other way around.
grabbing this
Looking forward to this! Hopefully it doesnt disappoint me like Soul Calibur V did.
I totally misread that as "bounces" and thought you were being witty.Tina's loss pose in the GT preview...
This will be the first fighting game I will really dedicate myself to. Even losing has it bonuses.
Tina's loss pose in the GT preview...
This will be the first fighting game I will really dedicate myself to. Even losing has it bonuses.