Is there a penalty for disconnects? So many chumps today...
No one has disconnected from me. Do you net get the points if someone disconnects like in the console version?
Is there a penalty for disconnects? So many chumps today...
Hopefully.Demo coming Tuesday?
What's the consensus good port?
Competent ports of SCV and TTT2 on Vita would round out my life collection.
3DS and WiiU getting all the Tekken love :-(
Demo coming Tuesday?
It's also butt-ugly, but that's neither here nor there. All things considered, I'd rather play Tekken 6 on PSP (and my Vita, once it's made free on PS+ later this year).Eh, the 3DS Tekken is just a weird Tekken 6 port with TTT2 Heihachi and changed-up backgrounds. Online play is extremely basic and not handled very well.
What's online like right now? Is it mostly people good at DoA already?
Is there a penalty for disconnects? So many chumps today...
I'm still traumatized by my experience playing UMvC3 Vita, which didn't register a win or loss for GP until after the match was over instead of immediately when someone actually, y'know, won or lost. Made life very consequence-free for rage quitters and very frustrating for anyone who wanted to see a match to completion.It counts as a loss, as well as losing some points. I experienced this when my vita died during a match.
Not really. I'm bad at this game and I was ranked 15 last night. There are a lot of people who button mash right now(and I kinda do it too). I really need to learn how to block in this game and figure out a way to counter someone who is always on the offense.What's online like right now? Is it mostly people good at DoA already?
I wonder how save file transferring will work, I hope it doesn't overwrite the vita's file, beating training mode was tough (I'm looking at you critical hit stun 3). Anyone got a date on that ps3 patch?
Also I got my first piece of hate mail, Tuesday should be fun.
Hate mail?
When some trash loser can't take a loss and has to make up excuses on why they lost.
Speaking of trash, I am having a hard time dealing with Hayabusa's stupid teleporting moves. I can't believe they costed me some games but it makes me absolutely furious. What is the most effective way of dealing with these people?
I've only run in to 3 different people playing ranked, haha.
DR2K keeps owning me.
Connections have been pretty spotty with a lot of pausing and slowdown, but when it's good it feels good.
I can't wait till tomorrow when I can finally play online. Must play ranked fights to get those swimsuits. Because Survival? On Legend? Hahaha no. I'm decent, but I ain't that good.
I've been waiting for the transfer stuff to go up so I can put a save on the vita. Can't wait to finally start taking it on the road.
Huh, you get costumes for reaching a certain rank or what?
Huh, you get costumes for reaching a certain rank or what?
What is the framerate like for DOA5+?
You're a Tina user, aren't you?I wonder how save file transferring will work, I hope it doesn't overwrite the vita's file, beating training mode was tough (I'm looking at you critical hit stun 3). Anyone got a date on that ps3 patch?
Also I got my first piece of hate mail, Tuesday should be fun.
Thanks, I tried this for a couple of minutes it and it kinda helped with the diagonal upward directions but for downwards, i keep side stepping. I'll try this later. Hopefully I can get it down.Yeah, I do. I found if you put your thumb in the middle of the D-pad where the "creases" of the D-pad meets it seems easier to do diagonal commands.
As for countering offensives, it's a matter of timing and then Free (er-"Hold")ing to "parry"/reversal.
Solid. I was surprised after the ninja gaiden ports.What is the framerate like for DOA+?
Matches played. You get Tina/Lisa/Christie's legendary bikini's at 150 matches played. Alpha/Jelly-Kasumi unlocks at 350 matches played.
Matches played. You get Tina/Lisa/Christie's legendary bikini's at 150 matches played. Alpha/Jelly-Kasumi unlocks at 350 matches played.
60FPS. Team DOA > Team Ninja Dog when it comes to optimization or removing things for the sake of that goal it seems.
From what I heard, to get Lisa's swimsuit you can either play Legend mode, or play (not win, but play) 200 ranked matches.
Matches played. You get Tina/Lisa/Christie's legendary bikini's at 150 matches played. Alpha/Jelly-Kasumi unlocks at 350 matches played.
You're a Tina user, aren't you?
Oooh, only 150? Is that for all three, or each?
And isn't Alpha already unlocked...?
Matches played. You get Tina/Lisa/Christie's legendary bikini's at 150 matches played. Alpha/Jelly-Kasumi unlocks at 350 matches played.
Email them and explain your situation. If you have the pre-order receipt before you picked up the game, use that as proof. They'll email you another code.I can't seem to find my Gamestop receipt with the cheerleader costume pack code.
Will Gamestop give me another or am I SOL?
I see, thanks. I'll keep that in mind when I play online again.Timing counters is an annoying thing with online versus lag-free. Honestly, you're always going to have issues timing it, but you kinda want to time "before" an attack online. Like, if they hit you and you know the characters striking speed, you want to be a second or two ahead.
All of the characters are unlocked from the start in DOA5+.![]()
They should discount it in general. $100+ for all the outfits, WTF are you doing Tecmo?
The costumes in DOAwere free. Come on, Tecmo. Do Vita-only people a solid and only charge half price for the costumes. As it is, I'm strapped for cash (the only reason I got the game is because I had it paid in advance), and the money in my account is only enough for one whole pack (at $12.99).
Yes, I know this won't happen, but I can dream.
The only one I've bought so far is the Fighter Pack because the guys felt weird without "swimsuits", too. The costume packs with Leifang's panda outfit and Kasumi in her school uniform are next on my list.Yeah, I definitely can't afford them all. So, in the interest of 'SCIENCE' and the fact I am horrid at decision making... If you could only buy one DLC pack, which one would it be?
Which characters do you like? I think that should help narrow your decisions a bit.Yeah, I definitely can't afford them all. So, in the interest of 'SCIENCE' and the fact I am horrid at decision making... If you could only buy one DLC pack, which one would it be?
From what I heard, to get Lisa's swimsuit you can either play Legend mode, or play (not win, but play) 200 ranked matches.
Looks like I've got work to do.
Picked the game up on Sunday when I went to preorder, but was told I could buy the game since the street date was kicked to the curb. Didn't realize until after I left I screwed up and missed out on the free Cheerleader costumes (Gamestop preorder bonus). I was told I could just call tomorrow, and they'll give me a code.
I also hopped on PS3 and downloaded whatever free DLC they had for DOA5 so it can transfer over to +.
Edit: Oh, and I couldn't believe all the DLC costume packs for this game! Talk about going overboard!!
Which characters do you like? I think that should help narrow your decisions a bit.
If the 3DS had the eshop when DOAreleased, Temco would have charged for them.
Anyone else having issues getting to online matches via Vita? I try to connect, and it says I'm not logged in. But I am, because I can get to the PS Store just fine. Help would be appreciated.
Just had this happen. It then let me connect but has been sitting on the search screen. Maybe they're about to push out an update?