So far I've only gotten into one match successfully. Lots and lots of "searching for opponents". Think something's up with the netcode?
Other than that this is a very, very good port. I think it looks great in motion and the native resolution non fight scenes look very good indeed. I'm having a little trouble getting diagonals consistently but I think that will get better with practice.
No tag, not even offline for whatever reason.
No tag outside of one story match. For performance reasons. Frankly, with how decent the port is (downgraded graphics can be felt after playing the PS3 version but they aren't awful as some people make them out to be) and hitting 60FPS I'm willing to take that trade off.
I'm not really feeling the default controls. Probably because of the tiny buttons on the system making P+K hard to hit unless I left trigger which is awkward.
Can you fully customize the controls?
lol, I did that a while ago and took me a while to do it. Those diagonal directions! Don't input 3kp right after 9p, input it with a slight delay, but not too much to let the combo escape. The timing is important.I can't critical burst into a powerblow with Hitomi at all. That 9P 3KP is doing my head in.
Yes.Can you fully customize the controls?
Crazy port.
Probably, but they're not actual gameplay screenshots (not that DoA5+ looks bad in-game).Holy shit, are those full Vita resolution screen shots?!
Yep. But as I mentioned earlier, it's only native outside of combat (pausing, win/loss posing, menus). I might take a comparison shot when my Vita recharges.Holy shit, are those full Vita resolution screen shots?!
Can you fully customize the controls?
Holy shit, are those full Vita resolution screen shots?!
Luckily yes. I was able to repair the default scheme and make it the superior SQU for punch, TRI for kick, CIRC for throw and X for free/block/counter
Join us, you won't regret it.Just finished my first online battle in the demo. Somehow I won two of two fights. I must have been fighting another scrub like myself!
Really impressed with this game. I might even purchase it. I haven't been keeping track of the Vita scene since P4G released last fall.
Eh, the default matches DOA3-4. Though apparently yours matches DOA2. Dunno why they changed the scheme between 2->3.
hmmm... i feel like either my reflexes are dull... or countering with holds is a lot harder now vs whatever DoA game i played like a decade ago.
Now wait a second, at least give it until PSO2 comes to the States.I love this port so much that I'm okay if the Vita dies now.
There has to be some shenanigans going on with the servers for the PS3/Vita versions. No way is it actually this deserted.Online in this is not leaving me with a positive impression.
I've even run into some oddities offline. Once or twice voice clips didn't play, music didn't change (unless it sometimes plays your character's theme instead of the opponent's?), and even the floor disappeared (this occurred while I was testing touch mode, so make of that what you will). Also, some audio clipping, but that happens with almost every Vita game it seems.Online is a mess, yeah. During one match the other guy dropped out and the HUD vanished and I was stuck on whooping on their character until I restarted the game.
Its not I was finding games quicker prior to the patch.There has to be some shenanigans going on with the servers for the PS3/Vita versions. No way is it actually this deserted.
Anyone find a way on how to unlock the?OMG breast setting
Anyways, the dude at Gamestop gave me another pre-order code for the cheerleader costumes. First post to guess my favorite Persona 4 girl gets the code! (Hint, it's not as easy as my avatar)
I can't seem to find anything about those codes here![]()
Anyways, the dude at Gamestop gave me another pre-order code for the cheerleader costumes. First post to guess my favorite Persona 4 girl gets the code! (Hint, it's not as easy as my avatar)
Rise ?Boooooooooo
Anyways, the dude at Gamestop gave me another pre-order code for the cheerleader costumes. First post to guess my favorite Persona 4 girl gets the code! (Hint, it's not as easy as my avatar)
First post gets it! Check your PMs.