Heh, just need some footage of a fight with OMG on now...
Off topic but Tecmo/Team Ninja related - I played the demo of NG3 Razor's Edge the other day and you can bounce Ayane and Kasumi's boobs just by shaking the PS3 controller. Was that in the original NG3 too, or something that was added to Razor's Edge?
NG2S had it. I dunno about Ninja Garbage 3.
Anyway, Omega asked: DOA

aradise is basically a port of DOAXBV2 but removes jet-skis and the water-slide of hell (which is the only thing I don't miss) and includes Rio (from some game I'm forgetting) and a tutorial with Lisa from the get-go/first starting of a vacation on starting the game the first time.
Oh, and a guide for the girls which is kinda useful but since Itagaki screwed with the gift giving stuff from XBV1->2 isn't really a sure science.
That said: It's DOA XBV, so if you like XBV it's alright-ish. Major issues is the lack of a second stick so for volleyball they make the left-right triggers "passing" defense/"blocking" attack for the AI and L+R being "go freely"/normal for the AI behavior. A little weird to use but if you get used to it it's basically the same as the other XBV titles in volley ball.
Weirdly though, they don't use the "4-button" hard/soft attack/defense(pass) option that the X-box version had. Since the PSP never had analog buttons (to my knowledge?) they basically made it still 2-buttons for attack/defense. A little weird, but okay...
Oh, yeah and the game has custom soundtracks if you "put the music in the music folder" (so basically ms0:/music/ if I remember PSP file-folder structure) while DOA5+ apparently doesn't have that functionality?
Graphically: It isn't really a looker but that's partially due to the 4x pixel blowup. I'm sure at the PSP's native resolution it looks
alright but not going to be a stunner.
I don't really regret getting it since hey it's DOA XBV and a good "summer" game so I can play it in a few months along with saving $30 on it since Tecmo is insane and wants $40 for it normally off PSN. But Lyte and Leona's right: If you got $10 and want swimsuits, go get the DOA5+ ones.
Also it's kinda funny: Hitomi talks about DOA5 happening in Paradise but IIRC, there's no mention of that in her XBV2 intro. It's more DOA4 wasn't it?