do you do tag throws?
Your Mr Strong Vs Tina picture is nicknamed child abuse ???
Thanks for noticing.
Thanks.Forward Forward H + P + K
The hot getaway pack is the one where the girls dont wear shoes IIRC.
IMO, they look much worse shoeless, and I regret spending $20 on it.
Check out some youtube vide of the costumes, before deciding to spend the money, is my recommendation.
So uh
have they patched the matchmaking issues?
I've left throwdown on every time i play core, but not a single match
meanwhile, i'm very tempted to throw the $26 I got on the injustice trade-in towards this.
Can someone give me some tips for lesson 18.1 ?
I 'm angry right now .... i can't seems to input forward backward Throw with the right timing...
What am i doing wrong??
is this a long input ? do i have to charge the forward or the backward ? i'm lost ...
Everytime i try to do the move i either do a 360 (wrong )
or she does the regular backward throw ...what am i missing ? i hate throw in this game....
Hrm, yeah the feet to look a little odd. I wonder why they did that. Seems like more work than just giving them shoes.
Still, I like the suits better than in the other pack and it's only $13 now. I just don't know if it'll work with DOA5U since I already did the save conversion. Don't want to delete my progress either, because I've unlocked all of 5U's outfits.
Ultimate sexy costumes (Japanese CE) are available on Xbox.
Down the road will there be an "all DLC costumes" unlock pack for everything?
It's a quick, smooth input if I could best describe the initial part of the throw. The rest of the combo is just piss easy and all you literally have to do is wait until the "COMBO THROW" text show up and enter the next input then.
Only 2 trophies away from the platinum. The "combo challenge" and "complete all lessons" trophies seem impossible for me![]()
Hrm, yeah the feet to look a little odd. I wonder why they did that. Seems like more work than just giving them shoes.
Download any previously bought DOA5 DLC as the DOA5 entry and you'll be fine for DOA5U.
They did a terrible job with the bare feet.
I think they were trying to present more of a "day at the beach" image by going bare foot. The shoes/heels had more of a stripper or runway model implication, IMO (which is one reason why I preferred it).
Also, maybe there was vocal part of the community with a foot fetish in Japan, that TN listened to?
The dlc up on psn?
Yep.The dlc up on psn?
Wait the Ultra sexy costumes are up?
Only 2 trophies away from the platinum. The "combo challenge" and "complete all lessons" trophies seem impossible for me![]()
I haven't unlocked the third outfit yet but if it's the fishnet: That's been standard for ages in the series. is there a place that shows what DLC looks like? I want to see if there is anything worth using some free credit on.
After the match and before victory pose try to press different buttons, each one gives a different victory pose.Soo... I've been trying to unlock more victory poses for the movie player, but it seems the game perhaps detects if you are playing against the computer in the easiest difficulty setting, and thus only gives you the same pose over and over and over and over again for a character you are using... OR MAYBE winning pose is based on the amount of health left, OR MAYBE based on the ones your character you are facing? (Ayane's "I am sorry" victory pose only appear for me .
I hope they can give Ein some good DLC costumes down the line. I like his default outfit well enough (though it's annoying having to remove the sunglasses every time) but the gi is really bland and I have no idea what they were thinking with that third outfit. I can't picture anyone actually using that thing.
How do you remove the damn sunglasses? It's not right with them and I haven't been able to figure out the button for it. :/
EDIT: Oh, and I hope his DOA Dimensions bomber jacket gets in. That was baller.
After the match and before victory pose try to press different buttons, each one gives a different victory pose.
Also, great, greatest, and playing against certain characters (Bayman vs. Leon) gives a different one.
So I just button mash then after winning but before the victory pose scene launch?
So I just button mash then after winning but before the victory pose scene launch?
Why is this out everywhere but Australia? Another two weeks? C'mon. I'll lose interest by then.
Only if there's an alternate (some only have 3 victory poses).
Don't button mash, hold one of the face buttons as soon as you defeat them.
Can you force the below win pose to kick in?
In vanilla DoA5, you could only see this win pose, when you won a perfect final round.
It took them until Ultimate to do that for 5/5+. Don't hold your breath.
Because they wanted to keep it true to VF5? I don't use Pai in DOA. In VF5 though, Pai's reversals leave her with a significant advantage over her opponent despite doing little damage.Can anyone explain to me why Pai's holds deal shit damage? Even in vanilla DOA 5.