Hmm... Tempted to check this out. Has anyone with vanilla DOA5 picked this up? What does it bring over from an existing DOA5 save?
As a side note, if anyone else picked up DOA5+ for Vita during the Japanese Developer game sale a week or two back, feel free to add me. Playing against randoms is pretty much a crapshoot (as far as matchmaking), I'd be down to battle sometime. My PSN ID is DaveB1980
It brought over my Story progress, unlocked outfits (in-game and DLC) and other unlocks (system voices).
It did not seem to bring over my online records, luckily.
I'm almost disappointed, haha. I already have all the costumes and voices in vanilla, so I'll barely have anything to unlock!
Ended up buying it without preordering and Gamestop still gave me the DLC. Still can't reedeem as Sony it's being Sony.![]()
Any netcode Impressions?
I am really, really liking Momiji. She plays like a much-more-fun-to-use Kasumi. Surprising since I generally prefer the grappler-types in DOA.
Rachel and Momiji makes for a nice tag team, too. The speed/power combination works well.
Is it just me, or does DOA5 Ultimate play a bit faster than vanilla DOA5 did? Maybe I'm imagining things.
Is Alpha unlocked?
I am really, really liking Momiji. She plays like a much-more-fun-to-use Kasumi. Surprising since I generally prefer the grappler-types in DOA.
Rachel and Momiji makes for a nice tag team, too. The speed/power combination works well.
Is it just me, or does DOA5 Ultimate play a bit faster than vanilla DOA5 did? Maybe I'm imagining things.
Oh, and the CPU randomly selects which outfits to wear now. For some reason, I keep getting opponents in the Santa suits.
"There are reports of the Playstation 3 version having slowdown and framerate drops."
Eh...I hope not. Where would this come from? DoA5 ran fine on PS3.
Well 360 version has no manual so you are luckyFor those curious, photo saving is the same as vanilla on PS3. You can't export to jpeg or png.
What's the new tag throw command? I'm just guessing and mashing buttons here but it seems like Forward, Forward, Tag (R1 on PS3). The manual for this game is pathetic.
For those curious, photo saving is the same as vanilla on PS3. You can't export to jpeg or png.
What's the new tag throw command? I'm just guessing and mashing buttons here but it seems like Forward, Forward, Tag (R1 on PS3). The manual for this game is pathetic.
Read a review that addressed the PS3 framerate issue. Said he didn't encounter any of it.
To those who have the PS3 version, did you encounter any framerate drops or issues?
How many costumes does Momiji have? Just four?
Game feels a little faster? Seems like it.
Well 360 version has no manual so you are lucky![]()
Isn't that the original command from doa2? Glad they have changed it back.
Flanders styleNothing at all? Okay, that's just sad.
Oh man, I just saw the outfits that came with the CE in Japan. I want the race queen stuff![]()
Oh man, I just saw the outfits that came with the CE in Japan. I want the race queen stuff![]()
No netcode impressions yet?
Skipped DOA5 and DOA5+...may pick this up and buy story mode, maybe Helena as well.
LOL, if I hadn't already purchased so much content for the U.S. DOA5, I would have imported that CE this week.
Yeah, Lisa and Tina's look so awesome. I'm sure we'll get them as DLC eventually, but I would've offered those instead of the Bad Girls preorder incentive.
Anyone else feel the F2P side of this product is a tad overpriced? Still awesome how good of a demo this is though!
Anyone else feel the F2P side of this product is a tad overpriced? Still awesome how good of a demo this is though!
Netcode is overall better with how it handles lag. And much better when it's good.