beje said:I think that if you're currently playing the game receiving content (even if you left it in sleep mode) the notification light in the hinge won't pop up.
Anyway, I love Nintendo's "it just works" approach to DLC. This is what WiiConnect24 should have been about 5 years ago.
[Nintex] said:Technical wise they did some neat stuff(for a handheld anyway) like real time shadows and some nice texture work but the animations and hair are pretty bad. I guess that's one of those things that the Tegra based 3DS design would've done better.
I truly doubt Tegra would have helped one bit there. Those animations are either skeletal- or morph-based, and as a rule those things are run entirely on the GPU vertex shaders - there PICA200 should be just as good as Tegra.[Nintex] said:Technical wise they did some neat stuff(for a handheld anyway) like real time shadows and some nice texture work but the animations and hair are pretty bad. I guess that's one of those things that the Tegra based 3DS design would've done better.
fionel said:Also, the inability to do rematch with your opponent means you have to do go back to the menu and do an auto-match again every time you finish a fight. (I'm not sure but maybe this would be different if you played with a friend.) Combine that with the inability to set parameters for the automatching (like match with people of your rank) and the frequency of initial connection failure when you find a match, it easily builds frustration and you can't help but think that they could have used a few more months to just polish the game.
Tricky I Shadow said:List you mains people! Its still early days, but at the moment my mains are:
boris feinbrand said:yep absolutely. I even suspect that this spotpass DLC is allready on the card, instead of being a download. Wii connect 24 has made me suspicious and pessimistic about Nintendo actually making an online service working^^
I guess if the Spotpass stuff keeps on coming and more importantly working, it could be exactly what I and probably everyone else imagined back when Iwata first talked about Wii connect 24.
beje said:I think it may be actual DLC. If you go to Data Management in the 3DS configuration the DoA file gets bigger every time and by a rather large margin, so it's not they're just download codes (with a neglible size).
Lyte Edge said:I picked up the Nyko battery extender last night...
...and it's going back to the store today. I could not get the screws out of the 3DS battery cover with the screwdriver they included, and one of the screws ended up getting stripped pretty badly. The rubbery smell that the battery extender had is also really strong and not particularly-pleasant.
I wonder if they went the DLC route to get around the cartridge size limit?
Kasumi, Ayane, and Christie are golden for me.Tricky I Shadow said:List you mains people! Its still early days, but at the moment my mains are:
Chorazin said:Use a regular screwdriver and the smell goes away very very quickly. Plus they gave you extra screws in the package to replace any that get stripped.
I didn't have any problems getting mine installed, but I'm used to dealing with small screws and such. It's really, really worth any hassle I promise! (I totally sound like a shill but I'm not, I just love my 3DS so much more with the extended battery on!)
DOAtalk: turned off 3D last night, holy fuck is this game fluid with it off. I doubt I'll ever go back to using 3D while playing!
i suck, but i main Teletubbie Zack and sailor boy Eliot. i go for a psychological attack basically.Tricky I Shadow said:List you mains people! Its still early days, but at the moment my mains are:
Team Kokoro!!Tricky I Shadow said:List you mains people! Its still early days, but at the moment my mains are:
There's a Gamefaqs thread about this and it does seem that the DLC is locked to the console and can't be shared (for now). I hope we'll be able to transfer our DLC / personal data to future 3DS consoles. Would be a real bitch doing all of the Streetpass Mii Plaza stuff again.radiantdreamer said:about the DLC, since the content is saved to the SD card, does that mean this data can be uploaded and shared? Or is it locked to the system?
Lyte Edge said:What type of screwdriver would you recommend? Phillips 00? And yes, you do sound like a shill, but I'll try it once more before taking it back...if for no other reason than replacing the screw.![]()
Tricky I Shadow said:List you mains people! Its still early days, but at the moment my mains are:
Chorazin said:I have a set of smaller screwdrivers I got a long time ago that I use for computer repair, they'd do the trick nicely. However, IIRC I used the included screwdriver with no problems.
When you put in the pack make sure you're pressing down on the upper left corner to compress the springs in the batter compartment or you're going to have a bitch of a time wondering why the screw's not going in!
DEAD OR ALIVE Dimensions (3DS) SpotPass Schedule [1st Batch]
by TECMO on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 6:24am
"DEAD OR ALIVE Dimensions" can download exciting new content via SpotPass such as new Throwdown Challenges from Team NINJA and additional costumes. This schedule is based on EU release. For more info, please visit:
20/5 (Fri.) Kasumi
21/5 (Sat.) Ayane
22/5 (Sun.) Kokoro
23/5 (Mon.) Leifang
24/5 (Tue.) Tina
25/5 (Wed.) La Mariposa
26/5 (Thu.) Hitomi
27/5 (Fri.) Kokoro
28/5 (Sat.) Ayane
29/5 (Sun.) Leifang
30/5 (Mon.) Tina
31/5 (Tue.) La Mariposa
1/6 (Wed.) Jann Lee
2/6 (Thu.) Zack
3/6 (Fri.) Helena
4/6 (Sat.) Bayman
5/6 (Sun.) Bass
6/6 (Mon.) Leon
7/6 (Tue.) Hitomi
8/6 (Wed.) Eliot
9/6 (Thu.) Brad
10/6 (Fri.) Christie
11/6 (Sat.) Helena
12/6 (Sun.) Gen Fu
13/6 (Mon.) Ein
14/6 (Tue.) Leifang
15/6 (Wed.) Hayabusa
16/6 (Thu.) Hayate
17/6 (Fri.) Christie
18/6 (Sat.) Kasumi
19/6 (Sun.) Ayane
20/6 (Mon.) Kokoro
21/6 (Tue.) Hitomi
22/6 (Wed.) Kasumi
New costumes are scheduled to be made available each day, so keep on the lookout for even more outfits to change the appearance of your favourite characters!
*After downloading the costume, you can check to make sure it was saved properly by going to the MODE SELECT screen.
NOTE: An SD Memory Card is required in order to save the downloaded data.
20/5 (Fri.) to 26/5 (Thu.)
Challenger: Kasumi
- About Kasumi -
A master in the art of Mugen Tenshin ninjutsu, she has a variety of lighting-quick strikes, making her an expert at close quarters combat.
27/5 (Fri.) to 2/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Tina
- About Tina -
An accomplished striker as well as master grappler, this women's pro wrestling star is as deadly as she is beautiful.
3/6 (Fri.) to 9/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Mr. Hayashi
This week features a special Challenge from the game's producer himself, Mr. Hayashi! Do you think you have what it takes to beat him?
3/6 (Fri.) to 9/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Hayabusa
- About Hayabusa -
This silent warrior possesses superhuman ability in the art of ninjutsu. He knows a variety of long-reaching strikes. His finisher, the "Izuna Drop", is incredibly powerful!
10/6 (Fri.) to 16/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Zack
- About Zack -
This wild and funky DJ is also a formidable Muay Thai fighter. His rapid strikes form the basis of his powerful combos.
17/6 (Fri.) to 23/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Jann Lee
- About Jann Lee -
With his dynamic striking ability, this hot-blooded Jeet Kune Do master can flatten his opponents with the greatest of ease.
*In Throwdown Challenges, you can test your skills against oopponents hand-picked by Team NINJA in Throwdown mode. (You will see the letters "SP" displayed next to "CHALLENGER".)
Following the match, you will receive a rare figurine regardless of the outcome! And if you can somehow manage to win the match, perhaps you'll learn something even better... There are even more updates planned, so be sure to check back here on a regular basis!
I believe this is true as well. I was browsing my save files for DOAD on the SD card and the biggest item was 140kb, which is far too small for any sort of outfit.boris feinbrand said:I even suspect that this spotpass DLC is allready on the card, instead of being a download.
FlashbladeGAF said:Played mine all day yesterday, checked it this morning, didnt receive the kasumi dlc costume until 2 hours later after I got to work.
its hard but be patient.
metsallica said:Was anyone able to beat that S-ranked Kasumi? What did it unlock?
Also: how does it determine your throwdown skill when sending STDs?
Streetpass Transmission Data
Dr. Zoidberg said:So I literally had no idea thatmade an appearance in this game or that he had a special stage. It's not been mentioned elsewhere in the thread AFAIK and I haven't followed coverage of the game anywhere else.Ridley (from Metroid: Other M)
Needless to say it was a nice surprise. BTW, I "main" Tina but I like playing Hitomi sometimes as well.
Way harder to rank up then rank down. :SSkilletor said:Hmm...running in to the same few players, but they keep rejecting my request.
The d-pad is getting on my nerves. Keep missing diagonals. le sigh.
Made to D rank but just lost a match so now I'm F again.
Kulock said:Is there a way to retry the Throwdown, or do you only get one shot at it?
Kulock said:Is there a way to retry the Throwdown, or do you only get one shot at it?
DR2K said:It boosts your online rank if you win, pretty neat touch.
I'm kicking myself for missing ayane and kasumi's DLC, hopefully TN gives us a second chance.
<Costume Release Schedule>
◆Release Schedule
1st Round: May 24th (Tue) to June 26th (Sun), 2011
2nd Round (repeat): June 28th (Tue) )to July 31st (Sun), 2011
Awesome. Nice to know I don't need to rush and get it right now to still get the DLC costumes.lazybones18 said:All costumes will be repeated in late June
Assuming an outfit could fit into a single 512x512 texture, that is 512x512x3 / 6 (6:1 DXT1-class compression for non-alpha textures), resulting in 130KB.grap3fruitman said:I believe this is true as well. I was browsing my save files for DOAD on the SD card and the biggest item was 140kb, which is far too small for any sort of outfit.