Same, well at least in US and Europe. Not sure if it's the same in Japan.blu said:Are the costume DLC schedules world-wide, or some-region-specific?
8BitsAtATime said:Is there any other DoA games i should try to find or play (I dont want to play Dead or Alive Xtreme).
Thanks, EU was what I was looking for anyway.fernoca said:Same, well at least in US and Europe. Not sure if it's the same in Japan.
I did it through Arcade mode.fernoca said:Hmm, is there an alternate way to unlock the missing characters?
I've read online, and all I see is mentions of having to beat Tag Challenges (which sucks because the AI-partner sucks; as it mostly stands there doing nothing). But the thing is that I unlocked Kasumi Alpha a few days ago; yet online it says I have to beat Tag Challenge #16.
Any other "ways"?
I really love DOA3.1 but it is sort of lacking in content. You may want to check out DOA2 Ultimate, also for the original Xbox and BC on the 360. Lots of content and a great game as well.8BitsAtATime said:I"ll check out DOA3. Thanks!
Unfortunately it's not.BocoDragon said:That's so hyperbolic.
No one has pinpointed the exact way to unlock the boss characters, but the Tag Challenges are not a requirement.fernoca said:Hmm, is there an alternate way to unlock the missing characters?
I've read online, and all I see is mentions of having to beat Tag Challenges (which sucks because the AI-partner sucks; as it mostly stands there doing nothing). But the thing is that I unlocked Kasumi Alpha a few days ago; yet online it says I have to beat Tag Challenge #16.
Any other "ways"?
Yeah it was great, though too short. If you like similar story modes in fighters, give a try to Mortal Kombat (on consoles only at the moment).gotee12 said:I cannot believe that I'm actually enjoying "Chronicle" mode. It's story mode in a fighting game. That's not supposed to be enjoyable.
I are confused....
Of course it is cheesy as all heck, enjoyable, but cheesy.
Hmm, I'll try diffeent character combinations around then. Finished Course 6 again (with Kasumi, first time was with Jann Lee) and got nothing.bobbychalkers said:I did it through Arcade mode.
Oh! interesting, nice. Was forcing myself through Tag Challenges, but..damn it! Will try different characters through Arcade, then.Gunloc said:No one has pinpointed the exact way to unlock the boss characters, but the Tag Challenges are not a requirement.
I just finished unlocking all the characters today and I haven't even touched the Tag Challenges Mode yet.
The easiest way I've seen suggested and what I personally did was complete Chronicles Mode and then just keep playing the Arcade Mode and the bosses will unlock eventually. You have to beat the Arcade Mode a bunch of times anyway to unlock all the costumes, so you get to kill two birds with one stone.
Ok you don't like the games. I respect that.grap3fruitman said:Unfortunately it's not.
Not just me; the entirety of hardcore DOA players hate those two games because of how bad they screwed up the gameplay.BocoDragon said:Ok you don't like the games. I respect that.
grap3fruitman said:Not just me; the entirety of hardcore DOA players hate those two games because of how bad they screwed up the gameplay.
Have you beaten Chronicles Mode? I didn't get any bosses until after that, but they all appeared quite soon after I completed it.fernoca said:Oh! interesting, nice. Was forcing myself through Tag Challenges, but..damn it! Will try different characters through Arcade, then.
Grisby said:How many chapters are there in chronicles? They feel long.
grap3fruitman said:Am I lying?
fernoca said:Not to mention that I recommened the games I did, because 8Bits said that Dimensions is/was his first DOA and he was curious in playing the rest.
So I recommended Ultimate, because it has the first game with the original visuals and everything, and the sequel with updated visuals (well, updated to DOA3 visuals at least); and also added DOA4, since it's the "current gen DOA" because of the visuals for the most part.
Not becuase of some technicalities; is not like 8Bits said that he wanted to know which was the best DOA game to get into competitive figthers or something.![]()
Hell yeah. Still disappointed that a Kmart around here put 4 of them brand new on clearance for $5 each, years ago and (for some reason) the only thing in my mind was "I already played it, so I'll be wasting $5"... XDDR2K said:Ultimate is the definition of fanservice, 20 freaking costumes per character and a plethora of content still amazes me today.
You've probably been involved in the DOA community longer than I have but you honestly believe the majority of said community enjoys DOA4 and DOAD? They're horribly frustrating at high level play because they've been so tuned to give the defender the advantage at every opportunity.DR2K said:Either that or you're very dense.
It isn't even passable as a fighter.DR2K said:DOAD is a great fighter for a portable.
Why? She's easily one of the worst characters in the game.BiggNife said:I will say that if you use Alpha-152 online you are terrible. I'm a little surprised/disappointed there's no options in the matchmaking to disable boss characters.
NateDrake said:Ein just got his ass beat. That was one of the easier Throwdowns they have done.
grap3fruitman said:Why? She's easily one of the worst characters in the game.
DOAD is so counter-heavy and her counters do no damage and teleport you into the same spot you're currently in. So not only do you continue to get hit but because you "successfully" countered, your opponent's damage scaling resets.
grap3fruitman said:You've probably been involved in the DOA community longer than I have but you honestly believe the majority of said community enjoys DOA4 and DOAD? They're horribly frustrating at high level play because they've been so tuned to give the defender the advantage at every opportunity.
It isn't even passable as a fighter.
Why? She's easily one of the worst characters in the game.
DOAD is so counter-heavy and her counters do no damage and teleport you into the same spot you're currently in. So not only do you continue to get hit but because you "successfully" countered, your opponent's damage scaling resets.
Except that you can counter every single one of her hits in the middle of a "combo." If you manage to hit and stun her though, she has no defensive options and is more or less fucked. Honestly, I'd probably consider her the worst character in the game for these reasons.DR2K said:Alpha is more of an all or nothing character. One combo = death, but highly predictable. fair trade off.
grap3fruitman said:It isn't even passable as a fighter.
8BitsAtATime said:So would getting a modded xbox be the best choice for playing the other DoA's? DoA Ultimate and DoA 3 are the ones I want to pick up. I have a 360 so I might get the DoA 4 If i can find it for cheap. Is DoA on the dreamcast any good?
PS2 Hardcore was the first to have English voices and should be easily found.fernoca said:The Dreamcast version is nice, but with Ultimate you're buying a remake of that one (DOA2 along with teh port of DOA1); so in that way it wouldn't make sense having both; unless you want to compare changes and technical aspects; or just for collection's sake.
Your grade is by total points you have, not how you ranked on the fight. So keep winning there and online and you'll have a better rank.blu said:So I just beat my first Throwdown Challange and all I got were some measly 220 points and an F grade :/ What did I do wrong?
But I want my 'extra rare figurine'!Boney said:Your grade is by total points you have, not how you ranked on the fight. So keep winning there and online and you'll have a better rank.
PSGames said:Is it just me or does this have the worst 3D effect of any 3DS game? There is hardly any depth and it gives me headaches. Not to mention the horrible aliasing.
Not a single thing.gotee12 said:Have you guys ever unlocked anything (figurines, costumes, etc.) via freeplay mode?
As a Leifang fan, I felt gypped having to go through the entire thing playing the ninjas pretty much exclusively. Chapter one: Kasumi x10. Chapter two: Hayabusa x10, etc.TacticalFox88 said:I feel like every character except for Helena, Ryu, Ayame, Kasumi and Hayate are pretty much irrevelant to the story. Just "extras" along for the ride
catmincer said:I am fucking sick of fighting Ayane, Hayabusa and Hayate once I got past E+ /facepalm.
Pancakes R Us said:Hello. My copy of DOA arrived today. What's the deal with the downloadable content, do I need to switch my machine on each day, or can I just leave the cart in the system on sleep mode with wifi on?
Many thanks.