KingOfReading said:Why you would ever play the game in 3D mode is beyond me. I tried it and lasted about half a match until I slid the slider back to 2D...and it transitions without a hitch.
Why wouldn't you play the game in 3D mode?
KingOfReading said:Why you would ever play the game in 3D mode is beyond me. I tried it and lasted about half a match until I slid the slider back to 2D...and it transitions without a hitch.
I got a few 60fps online matches via Quick Join. Most often in these matches I got creamed easily (because these players really knew what they were doing/from Shoryuken forums).fionel said:You could get 60fps in online matches? I thought it only applies to local matches.
Fusebox said:Why wouldn't you play the game in 3D mode?
Skilletor said:30fps vs. 60fps seems like an easy decision to me.
branny said:A statement like this would honestly be far more effective with explicit details to support your reasoning.
I love 3D too but love silky smooth gameplay more.Fusebox said:3D vs 2D makes the decision not so easy for me coz I love 3D.
Zerokku said:So for someone whos god awful at fighting games, but loves them, and loved SSFIV-3D because of the lite controls, how would this game be for me?
Skilletor said:There are characters in SC and Tekken that are "mash friendly," but it doesn't mean jack shit when you run into somebody who knows what they're doing.![]()
You of all people on here should know that I'm not. Dimensions' main focus is on the characters and the Chronicle mode, which revisits the storylines from the first four games. Other emphasis is put on the costumes, collectible figures and photo modes. The gameplay? They managed to take the worst game in the series, DOA4, and somehow make it even worse.DR2K said:It's not effective whatsoever, because he's just making (mostly) baseless assumptions.
That can be said for any fighting game as long your opponent is equal in his or her lack of skill.TheSeks said:Outside of the abusive counter system, DOA basically is mash mash mash mash mash mash. There is little execution required to remember. Sure, you can learn the move lists and probably be better for it, but the barrier to entry is very low and the gameplay doesn't really encourage non-mash play.
grap3fruitman said:That can be said for any fighting game as long your opponent is equal in his or her lack of skill.
sfried said:Wrong. SSFIV is 60fps when 3D is deactivated via Option menu. I've had a couple of 60fps matches with a few folks already. Too bad some people don't realize to get 60fps, both systems must have 3D deactivated (once again via options menu).
I'm positive it's not true.wonderfuldays said:Hey, this is stunning if it is true. That means I haven't meet anyone turn off 3D just like me while play online...
Weren't the active/recovery frames for holds during stun state tweaked to give attacking players more advantage in Dimensions?grap3fruitman said:They reduced the number of counter-holds from four to three. Your opponent has even less choices to guess correctly from. The defending player always has the advantage. Even if your opponent doesn't counter your move and just blocks, most moves in the game leave you at a disadvantage and leave you open to get thrown. The defending player always has the advantage so there's no incentive to actually throw out attacks.
A high or mid hold in previous DOA games is 0/22/8, comes out in 0 frames (instantaneously), is active and can catch a move in 22 frames and has 8 frames of recovery time where you can't do anything. For Dimensions they've altered it to 0/20/10 and 0/20/13 if you're stunned per Perfect Legend who had the interview. This is a minimal change that doesn't really do anything. For comparison, Kasumi's punch in DOA3.1 is 9/2/13. It takes 9 seconds to come out before it's active and can hit you for 2 frames and takes 13 to recover. You have a 2 frame window to hit your opponent and do ten points of damage and they have a 20 or 22 window frame to catch your attack and do 40+ points of damage. Who has the advantage? The defending player.branny said:Weren't the active/recovery frames for holds during stun state tweaked to give attacking players more advantage in Dimensions?
This is what I'm getting at. The reason you probably won't be playing is in 3D is because the 2D is so damn smooth by comparison.rockman zx said:Game it's awesome in 3D but damn, in 2D it's so fast and smooth, I don't think I will play in 3D much. Chronicle mode it's fantastic, very well done.
Wow, is that really it? I didn't know specifics but expected something more drastic. Thanks for clarifying. What about their damage then? Is it still as much as in DoA4? I don't know what to think anymore when it comes to DoA. A lot of the problems people have with the series are fundamental aspects of it that probably aren't going to be completely revamped anytime soon. =\grap3fruitman said:A high or mid hold in previous DOA games is 0/22/8, comes out in 0 frames (instantaneously), is active and can catch a move in 22 frames and has 8 frames of recovery time where you can't do anything. For Dimensions they've altered it to 0/20/10 and 0/20/13 if you're stunned per Perfect Legend who had the interview. This is a minimal change that doesn't really do anything. For comparison, Kasumi's punch in DOA3.1 is 9/2/13. It takes 9 seconds to come out before it's active and can hit you for 2 frames and takes 13 to recover. You have a 2 frame window to hit your opponent and do ten points of damage and they have a 20 or 22 window frame to catch your attack and do 40+ points of damage. Who has the advantage? The defending player.
Skilletor said:Is online 60fps?
Lets be honest, Tekken PSP is a fucking beast and also 60fps. I have no idea how that game is so damn amazing!!!f@luS said:3D is so bad frameratewise
it cant be 30fps , its much less smooth than street 4
and 2d is so smooth
decided for doa . 2D all the way
overall game is good but dissapointed about tech...was more impressed with tekken psp
Yeah, 3D mode definitely seems less than 30fps but it's so nice that 2D is a buttery smooth 60fps. It's nice that it's easy to switch between the 3D and 2D for the cut scene / menus and the fights instantaneously, unlike SSF4.f@luS said:3D is so bad frameratewise
it cant be 30fps , its much less smooth than street 4
and 2d is so smooth
decided for doa . 2D all the way
overall game is good but dissapointed about tech...was more impressed with tekken psp
Are you talking about SSF4 or DOA? With DOA, I've had 60fps matches with both regional and worldwide matches which was nice. WW was a bit laggy though. SSF4 is always 30fps for me, even if I turn off 3D in the option menu.nofi said:No. The few matches I've played have been 30fps (or a little lower depending on lag) - even in 2D mode.
khan said:I read somewhere that DoAD looks better than SSFIV 3D Edition (graphically), is that right?
wackojackosnose said:Are you talking about SSF4 or DOA? With DOA, I've had 60fps matches with both regional and worldwide matches which was nice. WW was a bit laggy though. SSF4 is always 30fps for me, even if I turn off 3D in the option menu.
Online is a bit annoying that it boots you back to the menu after a battle though. Haven't seen a re-match option like in SSF4.
khan said:I read somewhere that DoAD looks better than SSFIV 3D Edition (graphically), is that right?
Eesh, hopefully you'll find something better when more people get it in your area. It's still a bit of a graveyard right now in the UK (but understandable cos it's not officially out yet - hooray for internet shopping!!).nofi said:DoAD, haven't had a single match above 30fps yet.
I kinda like the static SSF4 backgrounds. They add a nice, odd charm to a 2D plane beatemup.boris feinbrand said:Technically I would give DOA the edge, simply because it had more time to be polished. It would be a lot closer if Capcom had the time to do animated backgrounds for SSF4.
As for the online, 30fps with little lag is still miles better than the abysmal Doa4 online desaster. That one was terrible.wackojackosnose said:Eesh, hopefully you'll find something better when more people get it in your area. It's still a bit of a graveyard right now in the UK (but understandable cos it's not officially out yet - hooray for internet shopping!!).
I kinda like the static SSF4 backgrounds. They add a nice, odd charm to a 2D plane beatemup.
Gotta say that I like the sideways manual book for DOA. Haven't seen that done before.
khan said:I read somewhere that DoAD looks better than SSFIV 3D Edition (graphically), is that right?
Deathcraze said:Was rather shocked to see there was around 8 characters unlocked at the start, had to spend 2 hours in Chronicle mode just to unlock Hitomi. Was worth it just to seeRyu slapping Kasumi, she is easily one of the most annoying characters in gaming along with Ayane, who also gets slapped. Then she slaps Eliot... game is rather slap happy.
My biggest negative so far is that Team Ninja really fucked up tag mode, whoever decided the CPU should take control of the second character should never work on a game again.
I think DoAD looks better, mostly due to the environments which are static in SF. It does have some rather awful compression on videos and colour banding in cutscenes to bring it down however.
Deathcraze said:Was rather shocked to see there was around 8 characters unlocked at the start, had to spend 2 hours in Chronicle mode just to unlock Hitomi.
Serenade said:Can one of you guys test if you can save snapshots you make to the SD Card? I'm really curious if you can.
Deathcraze said:Was rather shocked to see there was around 8 characters unlocked at the start, had to spend 2 hours in Chronicle mode just to unlock Hitomi.
Manmedaz said:Just checked my SD Card, no photo on it. That being said, I erased my game before sending the game to a coworker to test it, so I don't know if it deleted my photos at the same time...
Just start with the arcade mode. I unlocked 10 or more characters in 2 hours there.
That's just stupid...Mechar said:Hey y'all!
Wanted to share some news: Bergsala, Nintendos distributor in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) has decided that they will not release the game since they've recieved a threat from someone who's decided to file a report on the game for breaking the Swedish child pornography law.
Some random dude from the biggest message board in Sweden called Flashback, started a thread. Basically he goes out saying that three of the girls (Kasumi, Kokoro and Ayane) are violating the swedish child pronography law. The law says that if someone is picturing a girl under the age of eighteen, fictional or not, in a pornographic situation, that accounts for being child pornography. TS goes saying that it is the mode Showcase, which expose the gils by taking pictures and and zooming on their female counterparts, that will be the foundation of his report.
However! The purpose of this was not to stop the game from being sold, but to push the Swedish law regarding child pornography. There was recently a trial where a Swedish manga drawer was being accused for child pornography and charged, that has now resulted in a HUGE debate regarding this topic and the overprotective Swedish law. Nevertheless, the whole ideá backfired or someone else decided to jump the bandwagon and file this report before the game was even released (TS planed on filing the report on the day the game was released). TS had contacted the Swedish police in advance asking for feedback and wheather he should continue pursuing filing the report or not. The evidence was "lacking", since a girl under the age of eighteen in thongs is not porn was the Police's reply.
But appareantly that was enough to make the distributor stop the game from being sold not only in Sweden but also in Norway and Denmark. Retailers like GAME and GameStop are now one by removing the game from their websites and giving returns to customers that pree-ordered this.
I want to find this person and slap the shit outta him :|Mechar said:Hey y'all!
Wanted to share some news: Bergsala, Nintendos distributor in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) has decided that they will not release the game since they've recieved a threat from someone who's decided to file a report on the game for breaking the Swedish child pornography law.
Some random dude from the biggest message board in Sweden called Flashback, started a thread. Basically he goes out saying that three of the girls (Kasumi, Kokoro and Ayane) are violating the swedish child pronography law. The law says that if someone is picturing a girl under the age of eighteen, fictional or not, in a pornographic situation, that accounts for being child pornography. TS goes saying that it is the mode Showcase, which expose the gils by taking pictures and and zooming on their female counterparts, that will be the foundation of his report.
However! The purpose of this was not to stop the game from being sold, but to push the Swedish law regarding child pornography. There was recently a trial where a Swedish manga drawer was being accused for child pornography and charged, that has now resulted in a HUGE debate regarding this topic and the overprotective Swedish law. Nevertheless, the whole ideá backfired or someone else decided to jump the bandwagon and file this report before the game was even released (TS planed on filing the report on the day the game was released). TS had contacted the Swedish police in advance asking for feedback and wheather he should continue pursuing filing the report or not. The evidence was "lacking", since a girl under the age of eighteen in thongs is not porn was the Police's reply.
But appareantly that was enough to make the distributor stop the game from being sold not only in Sweden but also in Norway and Denmark. Retailers like GAME and GameStop are now one by removing the game from their websites and giving returns to customers that pree-ordered this.
Lyte Edge said:You have to unlock all those characters? :/ That's ridiculous. I don't want to have to go through the stupid Chronicle mode; I want to get the game and jump online. Keep the outfits and other extra crap as unlockables; hell let the boss characters be unlockable, but leave the normal characters alone.
boris feinbrand said:As for the online, 30fps with little lag is still miles better than the abysmal Doa4 online desaster. That one was terrible.
Mechar said:Hey y'all!
Wanted to share some news: Bergsala, Nintendos distributor in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) has decided that they will not release the game since they've recieved a threat from someone who's decided to file a report on the game for breaking the Swedish child pornography law.
Some random dude from the biggest message board in Sweden called Flashback, started a thread. Basically he goes out saying that three of the girls (Kasumi, Kokoro and Ayane) are violating the swedish child pronography law. The law says that if someone is picturing a girl under the age of eighteen, fictional or not, in a pornographic situation, that accounts for being child pornography. TS goes saying that it is the mode Showcase, which expose the gils by taking pictures and and zooming on their female counterparts, that will be the foundation of his report.
However! The purpose of this was not to stop the game from being sold, but to push the Swedish law regarding child pornography. There was recently a trial where a Swedish manga drawer was being accused for child pornography and charged, that has now resulted in a HUGE debate regarding this topic and the overprotective Swedish law. Nevertheless, the whole ideá backfired or someone else decided to jump the bandwagon and file this report before the game was even released (TS planed on filing the report on the day the game was released). TS had contacted the Swedish police in advance asking for feedback and wheather he should continue pursuing filing the report or not. The evidence was "lacking", since a girl under the age of eighteen in thongs is not porn was the Police's reply.
But appareantly that was enough to make the distributor stop the game from being sold not only in Sweden but also in Norway and Denmark. Retailers like GAME and GameStop are now one by removing the game from their websites and giving returns to customers that pree-ordered this.
Skilletor said:Yeah, this is stupid. It's almost enough to make me cancel my preorder. I hate unlocking characters. It's such a stupid practice, especially since there are outfits to unlock.
RpgN said:I actually like that you unlock characters and don't have them all in one go, it makes it more worthwile than just getting a costume or a picture etc.
The tagmode sounds bad, what a shame.
Skilletor said:Your worthwhile is my waste of time.
grap3fruitman said:Any similarly skilled people just trying a fighting game together can mash and have a good time. DOA has a lot of issues but mashing is not one of them.
TheSeks said:You're ignoring my point:
DOA: P/K buttons that can be stringed together. If there is a move that is P->P and you mash P-P-P-K, you easily string into two character "moves" on the move list.
As opposed to Street Fighter/GG/BB/anything else where if you screw up a character move, you screw up the combo.
DOA is extremely easy to throw "execution" moves around in, because it's mash friendly. That's my point. The game is low-barrier of entry for a reason. It doesn't require hours of practice mode. Sure, the "pro" players that spend time will get moves down and make it look less "mash"-y, but that doesn't mean you can't simply button mash to win against others.
Also it doesn't help the fact that even if players don't mash, the game looks "button mash"-y in terms of animations.